Archived 4all Ideas That Have A Better Chance Of Working

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May 2, 2015
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Alright so we need to come up with an idea that needs to replace armor and weapon 4alls. The thing is... its hard to find a solution. We need one that is both something people actually want to donate for and also has to be something that wont ruin the economy. All ideas are welcome. Both for 4all and server event donations.

Now a one idea off the top of my head that wont screw with the EULA

-Now that voting rewards are gone, take the old voting items and give everybody a random one when donated like say $5 or $7 for the item. And by RANDOM i mean the same item to everybody, but what that is, is random. To be complaint it must be the same thing for everybody

Tags (if i forgot anybody im sorry, my memory sucks)
@65jes89 @FireFan96 @Alj23 @pokyug @Tokugawryuu @Traxex20 @Sevak @Kaezir @DomiHoes @METAKNIGHT2X9 @Mightor @Legoclub22 @TheOverseer__ @Teriiyakii @CrazeCow @Kushiban
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
A few ideas I had in mind kinda were the brother and sister to the eclipse.
Eclipse basically just makes endless night. great for mob farms, vampires, and night owls. yay.

Two other idea would be, drought, and monsoon.

Drought is essentially the exact opposite of eclipse. Permanent daytime. But to make it not seem like a simple /settime for the server, droughts also increase yields of any crops. Sort of like having harvester active for everyone (and it would add on the trait for people who want it.)

Monsoon is endless rain. During the monsoon, crops would grow faster.

So now, a few extra things that each of these can trump the other with.

Drought and Eclipse cancel each other out. So, if someone decides to do an eclipse event, and then someone else throws in the drought event, drought would take over as the event.

Drought cancels out monsoon, and vice versa. Same idea as above.

Monsoon and Eclipse can happen simultaneously. So if vampires want to prevent the lovely PvPers from raiding them by throwing up rain to activate harmwater, they can do that. But since drought can cancel both out, all someone has to do is throw up drought and kill two birds with one stone.

Yes, this makes drought slightly more powerful in terms of countering two events, but there wouldn't be a point to donate if it just did /time set day. At least with clear weather and the crop yields, it makes it a good use of money in a way.

A possible negative from this is that people just fill the pot and do a daylight and weather war for hours on end, similar to how the endless darkness eclipses happened months ago. In the end, the donation wars would just die out like the eclipse fad, but before then it should rack in the money, so win-win.
I think the economy is more balanced since the item for alls came. 300-400r for a weapon was to much. Think about how much 300r is compared to something like Diamonds- A MC block is 3x3x3 feet and market price for diamond block tends to be around 8r. That means a decent weapon was worth the same over 1000 cubic feet of solid diamond.....

Now with 4alls it has balanced to around 100r. I mean, I sell swords and I have no problem making money. Of course, I sell all sorts of other things as well so the economy is naturally less apt to feel ruined since I am not a PVPer whose only commodity is God Weapons.

I think more server events like Droughts and Monsoons are interesting, though. I am no EULA expert, but I thought the point of the EULA was that spending money cannot give you a advantage vs another player and the very idea of them cancelling one another seems predicated on how buying these events on top of one another could swap battles to give advantage to one type of player vs. another encouraging players to spend money to gain advantage over one another. Plus this sounds like a recipe for some extra salty interactions. I know I wouldn't like if I spent money on a server just to have somebody else buy another thing to undo it. Imagine if there was an item4all and a purchasable thing that removes that item from everybody's inventory. The person who bought the item 4all could get pretty justifiably salty that their money is still gone, but the thing they really bought is no longer there.

I honestly think this is more acceptable if they did not cancel one another out.
but I thought the point of the EULA was that spending money cannot give you a advantage vs another player and the very idea of them cancelling one another seems predicated on how buying these events on top of one another could swap battles to give advantage to one type of player vs. another encouraging players to spend money to gain advantage over one another.
The main reason i thought was that children would spend upwards of hundreds of dollars on Pay2Win servers and parents couldnt get refunds (although a court ruling forced Facebook to give refunds because legally you cant hold minors to contracts)

But the server event weather stuff honestly doesnt give any benefit to ONE player or a group of players. Its all preference. I dont want it to be dark for an hour. I dont want it to rain for an hour. That isnt game changing... just preference
Fair point. But in the same way, I predict that to end up just like the eclipse. Lots of use for two weeks, then trickles to one in a blue moon.
I do understand that the canceling out of events can become a salt mine, and the idea is always open to changes.

I could see monsoon having no event to cancel it out, but it would be kinda hard to have a drought with an eclipse. Since, there really isn't a time when day and night can happen together. (strobe light event maybe, but RIP tps on that one)

There could also be a nerf to times as well. Maybe have them last only 30 mins or 45 mins, just to make them still have a lasting effect on times.

I still like my original design, but feel free to debate and suggest changes. Or plop down your own.
Why dont we get rid of diamond gear and have iron as the go to
Its actually super fun, and makes it easy to start
think the economy is more balanced since the item for alls came. 300-400r for a weapon was to much. Think about how much 300r is compared to something like Diamonds- A MC block is 3x3x3 feet and market price for diamond block tends to be around 8r. That means a decent weapon was worth the same over 1000 cubic feet of solid diamond.....
That's a joke right...
I think the economy is more balanced since the item for alls came. 300-400r for a weapon was to much. Think about how much 300r is compared to something like Diamonds- A MC block is 3x3x3 feet and market price for diamond block tends to be around 8r. That means a decent weapon was worth the same over 1000 cubic feet of solid diamond...
Also this part... These numbers make sense... if diamonds were the only ingredient in making god weapons/armor. The enchanting and necessary darkrooming accounts for the price too
And iron is a lot more plentiful than diamonds. But i digress. this should be more for solutions instead of picking apart one post.

any other ideas?
I have a suggestion; how about a section in the massive shop where people can buy lore items while choosing only the quality, and everyone online gets something of a lower quality. Say if someone pays for an uncommon item, they get a random uncommon and everyone else gets a random common item, etc. Or maybe everyone gets the same quality item? Or random quality? Idk, just an idea. Also this might be a bit off topic but perhaps a system where only people who haven't been punished or warned in a set amount of time (say, a week) get the 4alls? Meh.
I have a suggestion; how about a section in the massive shop where people can buy lore items while choosing only the quality, and everyone online gets something of a lower quality. Say if someone pays for an uncommon item, they get a random uncommon and everyone else gets a random common item, etc. Or maybe everyone gets the same quality item? Or random quality? Idk, just an idea. Also this might be a bit off topic but perhaps a system where only people who haven't been punished or warned in a set amount of time (say, a week) get the 4alls? Meh.
The EULA makes it clear that everybody has to get the same item. I believe that even items of same value u cant do unless its the exact same item.
I have a suggestion; how about a section in the massive shop where people can buy lore items while choosing only the quality, and everyone online gets something of a lower quality. Say if someone pays for an uncommon item, they get a random uncommon and everyone else gets a random common item, etc. Or maybe everyone gets the same quality item? Or random quality? Idk, just an idea. Also this might be a bit off topic but perhaps a system where only people who haven't been punished or warned in a set amount of time (say, a week) get the 4alls? Meh.
The drop in rarity would break the eula. Other than that, I support this. Might screw up the lore market a bit I guess, but with the lack of voting items, I think it would be relatively even.
It would lower the value of lore items from how they are currently... but they are only more valuable recently due to the vote rewards removed. So it would just be back to normal
That's what I meant.
The amount of lag that would cause.....
That is a possibility, though at the same time, Minecraft has ways to reduce those particles. And then Optifine can simply remove rain all together. I don't have the best computer (actually I use a laptop) so I considered possible issues for low end computers.
That is a possibility, though at the same time, Minecraft has ways to reduce those particles. And then Optifine can simply remove rain all together. I don't have the best computer (actually I use a laptop) so I considered possible issues for low end computers.
I already have the void particles disabled via optifine for when eclipse happens
That's a joke right...
No... The economy is fine. In the past 3 days I've sold about 5 swords for 100r each. I've sold a few dubs of glass, a few dubs of wool, about a single chest of quartz, some woooood, and some other random misc. All told I've made 500r on weapons and about 1500r on blocks. I'm good with that.
How about more resource harvesting events?
Much like that apple tree event where trees would drop more apples if you broke the leaves...

Dwarven appitite: Doubles Mining yield
Shendar Killing spree: Doubles woodcutting yield
Farmers dream: Doubles Farm yield (although I highly doubt if anyone will ever make use if this one)
Thelonesheperds paradice: Doubles Mob drops from passive mobs (More meat from cows, wool from sheep)
Zoo outbreak: Spawns tons of passive mobs similar too eclipse spawning agressive ones (can combine with the one above)
etc etc etc... (you get the idea)

A fun roleplay donation would be Firework4all. Where everyone gets a bunch of fireworks.
Just imagine all the people in regalia firing those at once. (not sure if you can there though (I do hope so :P ))

As for an alternative to aquiring vote/lore items...
Any form of donation would be a bad idea in my opinion. These items are worth allot simply because not everyone can have them that easy. any form of donating for them would immediatly endup having nearly all players getting one. If you plan to sell them... Goodluck finding anyone who doesn't have one then. Perhaps use massivemobs in a creative way to create mini quests? Have a random event spawn across the world. (in proximity to players so we dont have an npc spawn in chunks that aren't even loaded) A nearby player will get a notification of its appearance. And by completing several tasks for that npc you will get a random reward. Can be even based on who the npc is. For example: If its an elf npc you most likely get an elven related lore item. If its an orc, you get orc related item. And so on.

I realy don't want to see the value of lore items go down. So why not offer a possible solution to that :D
I'd love it if we stripped alot of resources from the worlds for 69,000$ and make everyone stockpile goods and not sell any of it.Then resource wars start.

Wouldn't that be interesting?

Either way the server staff taking every thing we know and love and plunging the server into chaos would be pretty fun xD
I'd love it if we stripped alot of resources from the worlds for 69,000$ and make everyone stockpile goods and not sell any of it.Then resource wars start.

Wouldn't that be interesting?

Either way the server staff taking every thing we know and love and plunging the server into chaos would be pretty fun xD
Lets keep this thread relatively serious please
Why create a random 4All? Lore items are not quite so simple to obtain now that voting removed it, and there are constant conflicts with the current God4All. 25% chance of a random tool for all, 25% chance of a random armour for all, 50% chance of a random lore item for all, or something of the sort. The worst thing it does is drop the value on a lore item that already usually tends to be nothing more worthful than 20r. This is one of the few cases I can say the roleplay community has very little need in, and thus, probably could take a shot or two if there is no way around it. As cool as those weather choices are, I think it would be better to have them happen progressively one after the other rather than just overtake the one running. I'm not too knowledgeable in coding nor about the economy, but anything helps, I suppose? Just keep in mind that the more specific a donation item becomes, the less someone might use it. (Pls dun kill)
I have an idea. People love PvE events. You could have people buy events that spawns in pre-made mobs in a world capital. This then can allow lore items to be circulated into the market but also you have fun killing some mobs. An example could be a wither boss and some minions.

Another idea could be a pre-determined start of a quest. I remember there was something like El Creeperado that used to be in Daendroc. Perhaps bring back mini dungeons.
I have an idea. People love PvE events. You could have people buy events that spawns in pre-made mobs in a world capital. This then can allow lore items to be circulated into the market but also you have fun killing some mobs. An example could be a wither boss and some minions.
on this note if you gys remember death and that army maybe you pay a fee and as you said have a special world where mobs spawn in certain area's depending on waht you buy Orc Clan, Zombie Apocolpse, MAybe even the Harbinger Army if either minimized or more money Then also Dungeons might be cool you pay for a dungeon to be opened and then quests are in it and mobs that drop some lore items. Even maybe some dungeons you buy a key for to get in so then you can sell said keys for regals @Zacatero
Drought and Eclipse cancel each other out. So, if someone decides to do an eclipse event, and then someone else throws in the drought event, drought would take over as the event.

Drought cancels out monsoon, and vice versa. Same idea as above.

This isnt allowed. If we were to do this we would have to make one follow the other. If we cancel out someones donation they didnt get what they "paid for" and that could potentially cause alot of harm.
Some of these ideas are great the only problem is how much time they would take to code. Items like Gift4All are relatively easy to make but when we are faced with making it a random pick it needs a whole new additional plugin to randomise items.