2nd Imperial Marshal Army Officer Corps


A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
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The Drachenburg Officer Corps
The Drachenburg State Officer Corps is the leadership hierarchy of the Imperial State Army led by Field Marshal Dietrich von Drachenburg. From supporting tacticians in the command tent to the front line field officers leading the regular troops, each member of the retinue serves a key purpose to the Field Marshal, ensuring success in the battlefield and glories to be granted afterwards.

Members of the corps are privy to confidential information regarding planning stages and tactics and have the ability to determine the course of action for the army. Some more experienced officer may even serve as an advisor during meetings of the Marshal Cabinet, where they may whisper advice to the Field Marshal to use in discussing the overall military campaign. Finally, retinue members may even outshine their superior officers in the battlefield, earning glory and prestige as they do so.

Registration form:
  • IGN
  • Character App
  • Position Applying For
  • Optional Letter
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Clarified the purpose of this thread and added a few links for flavor and additional information.
IGN: Krauze
Character Name: Takashi 'Asahi' Homura
Character application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/takashi-asahi-homura.72255/#post-894420

Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? N/A
Discord: Krauze#0200
Letter to General Von Drachenburg's:

Dear General Von Drachenburg's,

I am Takashi Homura, however I prefer to be called Asahi Homura. I am considering in joining your Retinue. So I am taking the liberty of writing a personal letter directly to you. I was hoping you would take consideration of having me to work for along your side. It would give me great honor to me in a personal level.

In battle experience, I always worked as a Mercenary as a group in the Farah'deen. I eas given jobs as working for soldiers or being bodyguards. My tatics for fighting are lethal when it comes to defending someone at all cost. It would usually end a fight with a bloody bath. The main reason is that I always carried a Khopesh with double edge dagger. Many doesn't expect me to carry such a small blade when it comes to a long edge sword. In regalia, I used to work as a noble house guard for Lord Viduggla. I then join their Warden for a short time. Until I quit unexpectedly to leave to Farah'deen for a funeral. I stayed in Farah'deen for a while until I decided to travel to Shi-Yao-Lan, hoping that someone my race could teach me soemthing that my races traditionally learned.

The weapons I own currently are a Dao. It's a safer sword to use if I don't want to inflict many damage on people. It's the perfect sword for the public since it won't create much damage on a body. It's a downgrade from a kopesh that i once owned. However, I also own a Katana for any lethal reason. I took all my savings to travel to Far East and own a katana. The sword wasn't easy to acquire for me, since this sword can jab through armor and it was also expensive. But the only time I used it, is when I fought a Songaskian General and a rogue Soldier. I carry the sword still, but I'm unsure if it is wise for me to carry it along the Retinue. Finally, I carry several double edge dagger made from the Far East. These daggers were taught through me during my trip Yang-Tzu Isles. Working with a shoilin, as a student for some years.

Takashi 'Asahi' Hamura

た 朝 ほ
か 日 む
し ら
Takashi 'Asahi' Hamura

た 朝 ほ
か 日 む
し ら
Mr. Hamura,

While I commend your desire to serve in my staff corps, I regret to inform you that such an action is impossible. While skilled warriors such as yourself will always find a suitable place with the rest of the state troops, my staff retinue is intended to be filled with men who have previous experience commanding a large number of troops under their banner, or those who have a specific skill set that the tacticians can make use of.

I would welcome your assistance in the volunteer corps when the Imperial Marshal announces such, and believe your combat prowess would serve the state best there. Though if you desire more, I suggest contacting Field General Viduggla given your service to his house. He may be able to provide what I am unable to.

Whichever decision you make, may the Imperial Spirit guide and support you in it.

Field General von Drachenburg
Baron of Drachenwald and Alexanderburg and all titles thereunder
Field General of the Regalian Army
giving a formal bump to this as members have been added and to give it some forum presence
Ansgar Blackjaw added as well as thread update to reflect a recent promotion
Bumping this for Fire. SUPPORT THIS CORPS!
Erwald Ravenstad added in as Knight Liason Officer.
IGN: Testl
Character Name: Thaddues Martin Jude
Character application: plop
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? N/A
Discord: yeehaw#8312
Letter to General Von Drachenburg's:
General Dietrich Von Drachenburg,

Your finest Field Commander, Audric Kraus, has noticed my loyalty to the Empire. He has offered me a position as a Field Officer, and I am not only physically prepared for this position in your ranks, but mentally too. I've served in my younger days as a foot solider, though as the days pasted by, my love for our Great and Holy Empire only grew as well as my skill with a horse.
I will keep this short as I know you are a very busy man. Please take me into your ranks, and let me fight and lead men into battle once again.

Spirit's Blessing,
Thaddeus Jude.


Thaddues Martin Jude
Mr. Jude,

Report to the Navy Recruitment Office at your earliest for enlistment. The secretaries will handle the rest.

-Office of the Field Marshal von Drachenburg
updated the thread with a roster listing
To The General Dietrich Von Drachenburg,
I am writing you to apply for a position as a scout under your banner in your Officer Corps. I have combat training and use my claws as a Varran, hunting experience that I've been in practice for for the better part of the last two decades, and stealth training along with it, as well as much experience in the wilderness and how to be aware of my environment. I had worked under you for a mission once before some months ago, and I hope you consider my application today.
IGN: Goldifish
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/elyon-aredeth.74253/
Position Applying For: Tactician
Dear General von Drachenburg,
I wish to put my experience on the battlefields to good use under your name. If you deem me fit, please come seek me out in person to speak more. Enclosed is a list of my experience and my years of tutelage.
Warm regards,
Elyon Aredeth
Secretary of House du Brierust
Position: Siege Engineer & Field Commander
Appointed as Field Commander, with Siege Engineer taking priority when it is required.

Position Applying For: Scout

The Field Marshal
(this rank seemed to be emphasized in the letter) recalls your service in a previous mission that brought the Marshal Cabinet invaluable information pertaining to our operations. As the scouts are an auxiliary unit and will not see direct combat with the main army, he has permitted you to enter the Officer Corps in regards to planning scouting operations.

-The Office of the Field Marshals, Imperial Military
PS: The Field Marshal also insists that Imperial or other Regalian fashions be adhered to during military meetings for the sake of uniformity.
Position Applying For: Tactician
Elyon Aredeth
Secretary of House du Brierust
Elyon Aredeth,

The Field Marshal (with the rank emphasized in the writing) acknowledges the Truce with the Altalar Principalities and their additional support against the Dread Empire. However, he has instructed me to inform you that he will never allow a woman to hold a leadership position in any army of his, and would only consider such an action if she had a husband to shadow behind. He recalls roughly two years ago when an Imperial Army besieging Fort Bas in the Elven Heartlands mutinied against their female leadership, and refuses to make similar mistakes.

-The Office of the Field Marshals, Imperial Military
  • IGN: bahmjam
  • Character App: Einherjar
  • Position Applying For: Scout
  • Optional Letter:
General Dietrich Von Drachenburg,
I write to thee, f'r position as a scout under thy banner. This one is a Vigilant's shield memb'r; I offer mine hunting experience of forty years in the North Belt. This one knows his way 'round the wilderness, and am aware of his surround'ngs. Vener'ble one perchance has not heard of me, but this one hopes you consid'r me.
Einherjar Bovëen
Position Applying For: Scout
Einherjar Bovëen
Mr. Einherjar Bovëen,

The Field Marshal (it appeared that Einherjar received extra emphasis on the rank, as if the scribe had lost it by now) recalls the competency of one General Baldur Norrvakt on the Cabinet, and therefore sees no reason to deny the Horned Stipulation. Consider yourself registered with the Scouts.

-Office of the Field Marshals, Regalian Military

Also as a general note to everyone who reads this thread, Dietrich is a Field Marshal, and has been one for several months now. After this post, any application that uses the wrong rank will be denied. The current ranks are posted on the roster chart on the OP.
To the Field Marshal von Drachenburg

Your Lordship,

I write to you requesting to join your retinue as a Field Commander beneath you. You understand that I am well versed in my formal conduct and that the treaty between our Houses further explains our mutual belief in military unity. I am a twenty year veteran of the Empire's wars, beginning my career in the Chrysant War as a common foot soldier. Over the years my experience has grown and I have been able to advance in my standing to become a capable leader in my own right. At present I am appointed as the Mercenary Commander of the Empire, further proving my ability to lead the men of the Empire. Allow me to privilege to serve in the army once more.

Ser Guy Delmotte
Mercenary Commander of the Bulwark
  • IGN: Jupiter6700
  • Character App: The Undercro
  • Position Applying For: Field Commander
  • Optional Letter
To the Esteemed Field Marshal von Dietrich
Divine Greetings Field Marshal, I know you may not know me but let me assure you right now that I am one of the most prestige Front-line commander the Allar have to offer. I am Undercro Szeulla and I write to you a letter of application to join your Contingent of advisors. Like most Cro-Allar, I am skilled in the art of tactics, and I specialize in those of the front lines, something which I find unique to myself. I am also part of the Qar-Digmaan and am his top-general and I hope I can serve you with those skills to the best of my devices. Though do be warned, my ultimate loyalty is to the Qar-Digmaan and there is nothing to change my mind, this should be common among any allar recruit you work with or will work with in the future.
-Undercro Szeulla
Beast of Ossitissa

Field Marshal von Dietrich
I would like to request position as Field Commander, I have experience in the field, in command and with a blade. I look foward to receiving your reply and hopefully serving in the military.
Position Applying For | Field Commander
Ser Guy Delmotte
Mercenary Commander of the Bulwark
Palatine Ser,

So long as your duties as Mercenary Commander will not interfere with your command, I see no reason to deny your request. Send in your paperwork to the Recruitment Office posthaste.

His Lordship,
Dietrich Gunthard Siegfried Henriche I
Field Marshal of the 2nd Imperial Army Group
Margrave of Drachenwald
Baron of Drachenburg
Baron of Alexanderburg
And all other titles, styles, and honors
Position Applying For: Field Commander
Undercro Szeulla
Beast of Ossitissa
Undercro Szeulla,

The Field Marshal acknowledges that the feudal oaths are not to be taken lightly, though sees your use of the term "ultimate loyalty" to be a liability of the Imperial Military. When enlisted, our loyalty is to His Imperial Holiness, and to his appointed military hierarchy. Any change to that hierarchy breeds disunity, which spells defeat. He as such cannot accept your request, though expects to hear of Qar-Digmaan Yaotl's services in the battles to come. May you serve him well.

-Office of the Field Marshals, Regalian Military

Position Applying For Field Commander

Damon Slumberwood,

The Field Marshal sees nothing out of the ordinary with your application, and asks you go to the Enlistment Office posthaste to register.

-Office of the Field Marshals, Regalian Military

(As an OOC note, I am aware that the Alais Bloodline is undetectable, so I am running the assumption there would be nothing out of the ordinary the recruitment office would find. Should this information become common knowledge through the guard or otherwise, I expect I'll be contacted on it and we go from there.)
partially a bump, partially a psa: with the proficiency changes the ranking will also be changing to fit the new lore. So if you want to utilize some of the new skills, consider joining when things get updated.
roster updated. I removed the field officer rank as the proficiency change makes it obsolete.
  • IGN: AlysaPotato
  • Character App: link
  • Position Applying For: Field Commander
  • Optional Letter:
Field Marshal von Drachenburg (<3),

I'm writing to you because of my interest in being a Field Commander, I have proficient skill in Command tactics as well as skills with a Halberd. I look forward to your reply.

Signed, Fudail Bashshar
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Field Marshal von Dietrich,
Fudail Bashshar
Mr. Bashshar,

The Field Marshal von Drachenburg did not take kindly to be mistaken for a weak minded fool who let his barons oust him for his own complacency. Though given your status as an aristocrat of the realm, he has decided to forgive this personal slight, with the hope that your command skill is better than your Honneurs. See the recruitment office posthaste and put in your paperwork.

-Office of the Field Marshals, Regalian Military
updated roster
IGN: TheRedSentinel
Character App: Here (In the process of being Re-Approved)
Position Applying For: Field Commander
Optional Letter:
"To the Honorable Marshal Drache,
Having dedicated my life the expansion of our glorious Empire and the proliferation of the Great Way, I wish to offer my services to you as a Field Commander in the 2nd Marshal Officers Corps. You may recognize my most recent service in our armed forces as chief cavalry commander in the now defunct D'vaud unit known as "Cadar's Wing" during the Second Elven War. Additionally, I have served in multiple conflicts before and have references from many houses for whom I have faithfully served. I thus submit myself for your review in hopes of joining your glorious pursuits in the future.

I Have the Honor to Be, etc.,
Gideon Hackett"

Gideon Hackett,

The Field Marshal sees nothing out of the ordinary with your application, and asks you go to the Enlistment Office posthaste to register.

-Office of the Field Marshals, Regalian Military
IGN : onearmsquid
Character App : Roland Heinrich
Position Applying For : Tactician
Optional Letter :

Field Marshal von Drachenburg,

Having served Regalia as a general in past wars, namely leading the Eastern Mark years ago. I offer you my skills and knowledge to be used at your disposal. If you so choose to accept my offer, I would gladly meet with you to discuss the details in more depth as I am assure you wish to be thorough in your recruitment.

May the Spirit guide you,
Lewis Roland Heinrich
Mr. Heinrich,

The Field Marshal remembers your actions in previous theaters, and welcomes your tactical support in the battles to come. See that your papers get to the Enlistment Office posthaste.

-Office of the Field Marshals, Regalian Military
IGN: Surrealizm
Character App: Lleyv Kettrakh
Position Appyling For: Field Commander
Optional Letter:
Field Marshall von Drachenburg,

I am writing to you to apply for a position as a Field Commander under you in your Officer Corps. After having spoken with a few people who sent me your way, I penned a letter. I have experience as a commander, having served in both Songaskian Wars, albeit not on the Regalians side. This hopefully is not an issue as my loyalty now lies within the Empire and the Holy Spirit. I am trained using a spear as well as my fists need be. I hope you consider my application and allow me to serve under you.

Mr. Kettrakh,

The Field Marshal after much deliberation has chosen to accept this application. He expressed hesitation in regards to your services against the Empire in the Far East, though permits entrance so long as your loyalties remain with the one true ruler of Aloria, Alexander I. Do this, and your services will be welcomed. Enlist at the nearest recruitment office posthaste.

-Office of the Field Marshals, Regalian Military
IGN: _Grimmy_
Character App: Lorthel Marcela Anthrol
Position Appyling For: Field Commander
Optional Letter:
The Most Honorable Field Marshall von Drachenburg,

I am writing to inform of my wish to apply for the position of Field Commander. I am experienced in leading Szabadok style cavalry and light infantry as well as keeping morale of troops, while I am aware of some realities of my existence and the issues they may pose on the battlefield and en route, I do hope they can be managed and tolerated during my service. I can assure you of my loyalty to The Spirit and The Empire.

May we stand united under The Spirit,
Lorthel Marcela Anthrol.
IGN: Last_Link
Character App: Edward Carwell
Position Applying For: Field Commander
Optional Letter:
To Secretary of War Von Drachenburg,

I am a man of the Angle Veer who has trained in the State School in the art of war, primarily in the command of regiments. In fact, I already command a regiment of mercenaries who would be more then willing to convert to soldier work if given the chance. In many ways I would consider myself a traditionalist, but not unwilling to adapt when the need arises. I've heard many great things about you and it would be an honor to serve alongside you.

Spirit Protect,
Edward Carwell
Mr. Carwell,

See that you formally enlist in the Regalian Army pending this acceptance by the Field Marshal. He hopes that your command skill is better than your addresses, and that through service you will better your house's name.

-Office of the Field Marshals, Regalian Military

Lorthel Marcela Anthrol
Lorthel Marcela Anthrol,

This application has failed to pass preliminary inspection due to a lack of citizenship within the Empire. As such it is rejected.

-Office of the War Ministry
IGN: KytilSeren
Character App: [x]
Position Applying For: Field Commander
Optional Letter:

[!] The following is given to the Imperial Marshal's office, sealed with a Dragon breathing fire emblem.
To the Field General within the Imperial Marshal Army,

I have been speaking around with those in the Allar District and I had heard of the Imperial Marshal's army, so I wish to seek you out for a meeting to discuss potentially adding not only myself, but my Regiment that I currently lead. I am skilled with a blade as well as leading my Regiment with not only strict rules, but to adopt strategy and plan for battles. There is not much I can say on my letter, but I do hope you are able to make room to speak with me.

With best wishes,
Leader of the Dragon's Fire Regiment