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1st Decree Of The Surgeon General | Medical Licensing


Technologic Witch Doctor
Staff member
Jul 20, 2014
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✠ 1st Decree of the Surgeon General ✠
Medical Licensing

13th June 308AC.


To the Doctors, Alchemists, and Healers of the Great Regalian City,

With the powers invested in me as Surgeon General of Regalia, I humbly call upon you to submit yourselves for registration and licensing, in order to work lawfully within this city's clinics and practice upon the flesh of her fine people.

As I do recall from my previous tenure, the concept of regulation is unpopular with the medical populace. However, tending to your fellow man is a profession that is a privilege, and one that bears heavy responsibility no less. Those who blunder or harm those who have been entrusted with the very body of life must be held to the highest of liability.

The following regulations will ensure that the citizenry are able to make better informed decisions around who should be responsible for their medical care. Nobody should feel fear or uncertainty over the procedures that they may be subjected to when one finds themselves injured and reliant on another. Through the licensing and regulation of the city's healing practitioners and alchemists, one can feel safe in the knowledge that when they visit any one of Regalia's state-funded clinics, they will be tended to only by those with the highest qualifications, a sound mind, and good morals.


Class A License - Surgeon's License
The Class A License marks the most dedicated and trustworthy doctors within the Crown Isle. This badge is issued solely to oath-holding medical practitioners; those whom have taken the Oath of No Harming, and possess adequate years in the field of Medical Knowledge to be considered competent. Bearers of this license are granted the following perks over their non-licensed counterparts:​
✠ The right to practice medicine in any of Regalia's State-funded Clinics.
✠ The right to utilize all tools, facilities, and medicines kept therein the Clinics free of charge.
✠ The right to run a private practice or clinic, under the stipulation that the misconduct of any nurses working under them will reflect upon the license-holder themselves.

Class B License - Nursing License
The Class B license is intended for medical practitioners who are towards the beginning of their careers; those who are in training; or those who do not seek the greater privileges afforded to Class A surgeons. All that is required for this license is a minimum investment in Medical Knowledge, a clean criminal record, and a clean bill of physical and emotional health. Bearers of this license are granted the following rights:​
✠ The right to practice medicine in any of Regalia's State-funded Clinics, providing they use their own tools.

Class C License - Alchemist's License
The Class C license covers the regulation of all non-medical healing and healthcare establishments; primarily alchemists, but also body care practitioners and similar specialists. The license allows the use of specialized equipment and more regulated substances in the use of holistic treatment. Bearers of this license are granted the following rights:​
✠ The right to run an establishment for the purposes of medical-related sales or holistic treatment, provided it does not brand itself as a clinic.
✠ The right to possess industrial-grade alchemical equipment for the creation of legal alchemy.

Class D License - Arcane License
The Class D license is dedicated solely to the regulation of Sorcerers, such as Lightness Sorcerers, and Mages with healing abilities. Unlike the previous licenses, which are semi-optional and provide greater rights over unlicensed individuals, the Arcane License is mandatory for all sorcerers who intend to use their abilities upon any other individual in the context of medicine or healing. Bearers of this license are granted the following rights:​
✠ The right to utilize healing magical abilities in Regalia's State-funded Clinics where traditional medicine is insufficient, or where there are no surgeons present.
✠ The right to utilize other beneficial magical abilities in aid of a Class A licensed surgeon where requested.


The Oath of No-Harming
Also known as 'The Doctor's Oath', this pledge is to be made by all Class A surgeons hoping to become fully licensed and considered highly competent in the eyes of the law. To break the following oath is to immediately have one's medical licensing and rights revoked.​
  • I shall complete my duty of medicine to the best of my ability and knowledge.
  • I shall respect the teachings and discoveries of those before me.
  • I shall not cause harm to those who have trusted me under my knife.
  • I shall not bring harm to those who need my aid through neglect.
  • I shall not use the misery of others for my own benefit.


In order to receive proper licensing, all one must do is organize a meeting with Surgeon General Ser von Duerr, either naturally through chance encounter or via letter, at first mutual convenience. More than one license can be applied for at a time where applicable. Some licensing may be granted in the absence of a meeting to those who have already proved themselves competent to the Surgeon General prior.

To assist in the transition to this new licensing system, all medical practitioners, holistic business holders, and arcane healers will be granted 1 week from the publishing of this decree to make their request for licensing known. After this transition period, those found to be practicing medicine illegally will be fined 50 regals upon first offense, and punished by the rightful hand of the law upon any subsequent offenses.

Scribed on behalf of Ser Jocelyn von Duerr,
Surgeon General of Regalia.
Ser Avalorn ponders, "So this indeed would be attempt number three. Is that right?" he consults a reading Vivana seated near him.
Greetings Surgeon General,
Ser Jocelyn von Duerr

I am writing to arrange a meeting for licensing of Class D and Class C. I am trained in Alchemy and Lightness Sorcery. Please get back to me as soon as possible.

With best regards,

Darian Ralokan

[Discord: Noctem#6453]