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IGN: SpoopMelon
Character name: Pascalle Gimenez
Character app: Only just starting to work on it, so nope.
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 6/10 And I always have a wiki page open
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 3/10 But I'll work on that
Do you have Skype?: Oui oui mon ami
A short IC letter to the Alchemia Directors:
My name is Pascalle Gimenez, a Slizzar born in Daendroc, but raised for the most part here in the holy city. I pen this letter as I'm interested in being a custodian at the Alchemia. I'm only fourteen, but I'm mature for my age and I've been doing odd jobs for the past nine years. I have knowledge of botany from my former tutor, Aesmal Haaven, who tutored me for the past seven years.

Side note: If you have worries about me getting on with my fellow Slizzar, Rhett, I can assure you that we do get along much better than the average Slizzar.

Spirit protect,
Pascalle Gimenez
IGN: MippyMoo
Character name: Llozzi'sil Al-Yaotl
Character app: WIP: Llozzi'sil Ssryel'l Al-Yaotl (WIP)
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 4/10, though the wiki is always at my fingertips
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 10/10 (+30 Points)
Do you have Skype?: Yeah!
A short IC letter to the Alchemia Directors:

To the leaders of the Alchemia Order,

I, Llozzi'sil Ssryel'l Al-Yaotl, would like to be an Alchemist in your Order. I'd like to help out around Regalia while keeping my Digmaan as my highest priority. I will aid in research as well as the creation of aiding alchemical concoctions as well as receiving help from my apprentice of sorts, Miko. I am 84 years of age and have attended the School of Alchemy in Hadar as well, and I see myself fit for the job.

Best regards,
Ssryel'l Al-Yaotl, Aiding in Representation of Digmaan Yaotl
IGN: PresidentePeron
Character name: Zzalangua Seris'tras
Character app:
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 5/10, (6/10 IC +20 Medicine and +15 Surgery)
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 8/10, (10/10 IC +40 Alchemy)
Do you have Skype?: I've got Discord which is better for me, but if need be I do have a skype.
A short IC letter to the Alchemia Directors:

Dear Alchemia Directors,

I hope this letter reaches you well, my name is Zzalangua Seris'tras and in the simplest terms, I am an Allar looking to do what he does best, alchemy. I have around 40 years practicing alchemy, and I pretty much know every single small thing regarding it. Of course I have also attended the School of Alchemy located in Hadar, but after that I continued to research and learn by my own account. I have also quite the ability as a medic, having had performed surgery and administered medicine countless of times in my life. Your clinic seems just like the reputable establishment for where I can practice my craft and help out those in need! My dream job in your clinic would be the role of Alchemist, but if in case you have that position already filled up to the brim, then I can server as a physician as well.

Thank you for your time, and Spirit's Bless!
Professor Zzalangua Seris'tras

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IGN: 3a_29
Character name: Zzickar
Character app: Here
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 6/10
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 8/10
Do you have Skype?: Yes, it will be sent in a PM.
A short IC letter to the Alchemia Directors:

To the noble Nadina Haaven,

My name is Zzickar, I am a graduate of the School of Alchemy in Hal Pormonth. I have had three years of experience as a freelance alchemist, working for whoever hires me. Your organization has recently been recommended to me by quite a few people, and I am now interested. I am an Al-Allar who is now forty-nine and I'd like to make myself useful and offer my alchemical creations to more people, working at your organization. I have also performed medical procedures on many people using my knowledge. I believe that working in this organization will spread my help outwards. Therefore I'd like to apply as an alchemist, but could also work as a physician giving people medical attention. I feel with my skills I could be an important asset to the organization.
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