⚖ The Regalian Law Society ⚖


Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
Kinwrey, Gallovia
Roleplay Guilds
House Howlester, The Vigilant Shield.





The Regalian Law Society is an organisation established by Rodderick Howlester to discuss and better educate the denizens in Regalia of matters relating to Regalian Law, its enforcement and its applicability in Regalian Court Trials and Judicial proceedings. With the reintroduction of a new and functioning judiciary, the importance of properly understanding court procedure and cross-examination skills are crucial for any member of the citizenry from High Born to Low and as such, membership is open to anyone with an interest in legal issues, debate or have qualifications or desires to become fully fledged and recognised Trial Makers.As such, the Regalian Law Society will focus upon creating a platform for healthy and competitive legal debate on topics relating to current affairs and will hold judicial reviews on certain laws to propose to the Noble Assembly for consideration. Mock trials will be frequently held to allow for individuals to practice proper court etiquette, cross-examination techniques while also familiarising the society's members with judicial procedure in general The Law Society also functions as a 'go to' organisation for those seeking to employ a Trial Maker to speak on their behalf .

The Regalian Law Society is divided into two branches. The Lesser Regalian Court and The Vigilant Shield. The Lesser Court deals with civil and criminal judicial matters concerning commoner actions and sometimes, noble actions deferred by the Imperial Judiciary. The Vigilant Shield acts as one of the Crown Isle's law enforcement charters. It's duty is to patrol the city and enforce state law where applicable and detain those with first class citizenship for trial (in some cases).



The Regalian Law Society is open to all Regalian Citizens High-Born to Low. Nobility have the right to only have to engage other nobility in debate and will not be forced to engage with Non-Human members. All genders are permitted. Outsiders are not permitted entry into the Law Society due to not having valid citizenship rights. This group has Charter rights and are linked below.

The Society has also been granted the 'General's Hall' building



Applications can be made to Rodderick Howlester via a letter here on this thread, accompanied with the following OOC template. I will try and get through applications post haste.
IGN: BillyTheScroofy
Character Name: Rodderick Howlester
Character Race: Gallovian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Trial Maker, Soldier.
IC Letter:


➤ The right to enforce Regalian State Law.
➤ The right to arrest and detain criminals who break Regalian State Law.
➤ The right to utilise and open carry non-military grade weapons.
➤ The right to wear armour while on duty.
➤ The right to trial non-nobility for breaking state law and deal with other civil matters petitioned by commoners against commoners in a lesser court.
➤ The right investigate and gather evidence on behalf of the judiciary in relation to ongoing trials.

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Rodderick Howlester

To be reannounced


Next Meeting
19th January 2018
Topics relating to the Petty Court, the Legality of recent assembly decisions and Martial Law

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IGN: StarkFromAway
Character Name: Nathaniel Bigge
Character Race: Gallovian-Ceardian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: No clue, If I am honest.
IC Letter:


Greetings, as always. Your Society of Law certainly sounds interesting. I am always one for a debate, so for that reason I wish to request membership within the Guild. That is all, really.

- Nathan
IGN: Wumpatron
Character Name: Harald Viktor von Drachenburg
Character Race: Alt-Regalian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Viridian Paladin, Viridian Instructor
IC Letter:
Baron Howlester,
My name is Harald Viktor von Drachenburg, brother to the Baron von Drachenburg. It is my understanding that your father and my brother were acquainted with each other, though I know not the present relationship. My interest in your organization stems from my growing interest in politics, albeit only for a personal hobby. Spirit's Guidance Baron.

Harald Viktor von Drachenburg
IGN: AtticCat
Character Name: Juliette Wodenstaff
Character Race: Alt-Anglian/Ithanian Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character Occupation: Soldier, Volunteer, Shopowner
IC Letter:

To Rodderick,

I believe you personally invited me to join this? I'll be informing my husband of the group the moment I can as it seems to fit his likes. I can't wait till the first meeting.

Spirit Guide,
Juliette Eleanor Wodenstaff neé Vauclain
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Character Name: Olivia Ombre
Character Race: Ithanian Champagnard - Dressolini Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character Occupation: Socialite, Baroness, Diplomat, Alchemist, Merchant, General.
IC Letter:

A simple envelope bearing a silver seal with an oak tree embedded into the beeswax would arrive to the headquarters of the new formed Regalian Law Society, addressed to a "Rodderick Howlester". It read:

Monsieur Rodderick,

It would be a pleasure to offer my diplomatic and legal skills to the Regalian Law Society if you would allow it. If not, given the grievances your house and my own bare towards one another, I understand. I do hope we can work as professionals though.


Madame la Ombre
Baroness de Imperial Court

Swan de Ithanian Court
Protecteur de Avull Island
Dame de Oakclyff
IGN: MantaRey.
Character Name: Katriane Howlester.
Character Race: Partially Leutz-Vixe, partially Velheim Ailor.
Character Gender: Female.
Character Occupation: Unemployed.
IC Letter:


Though I am with our first child, and even though I'm uneducated in the formal terms of law, I will happily lend my aid towards your society without question. You have my word that I will give what I can to be of help.

I'll see you at dinner.

- Kat.
IGN: ScaledSupremacy
Char name: Edmure Howlester
Char race: Gallovia/ithanian ailor.
Char gender: Male
Occupation: Off-commission cavalry officer.
IC letter

Rodderick, it appears that you posses your father's ability to establish truly intriguing groups such as this one. I have always been eager to discuss the laws of our state in depth and perhaps the philosophy of them aswell, eversince my first days in the Vigilant shields.
Therefore I hope to join in on your group so that I may share my insight and expand my horizons with the insight of others.

Edmure Howlester.
Spirit guide.
IGN: _JayP_
Character Name: Serihilde Heinrich
Character Race: Alt-Regalian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: A small-scale politician..?
IC Letter:

Dear Lord Howlester,
It seems our time has come to meet, and Law is exactly the thing for it to be. I wish to support this movement fully, and will be a very useful vassal. Trust in me, and I trust you.

For longer prosperity,
Serihilde Heinrich
IGN: JennaLikesCoffee.
Character Name: Rosalina Howlester.
Character Race: Ailor, Ceardian.
Character Gender: Female.
Character Occupation: Member of the Crown City Sawbones | Member of the Regalian Safeguard Society.
IC Letter:

Dearest brother,

I wish to lend my support to the Regalian Law Society. You know as well as anyone that I am interested in law and all that falls under it. I wish to further my knowledge and step out of my comfort zone, and I am hoping that your society can do that for me. You know that I will be with you every step of the way.

IGN: Deadfoe51
Character Name: Valentius Decimar
Character Race: Humanum Drowdar
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: House Guard Captain, Bloodcast Knight and mentor, former long-time city guard.
IC Letter:

"My Lord, Rodderick Howlester,

I write to you to ask to be accepted into the new Regalian Law Society, as I'm always interested in upholding the law and what is right. I shall also always stand by you as I do your father and the rest of your family, to provide my knowledge and experience as well as leadership should it be needed. As always, I am glad to be of service.

with friendly tidings and blessings,
Valentius Decimar."​
IGN: Ghirko
Character Name: Eric Liolen
Character Race: Slizzar (Promoted first class)
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Noble steward/butler, apothecary lab assistant/shop clerk, Howlester house guard, Bluesteel guard.
IC Letter:

"Lord Howlester,
I wish to be accepted as a member into the Regalian Law Society as I'm sure it will be a fantastic breath of fresh air from the current charters tasked with upholding the law. My loyalties remain here of course and would be honoured to stand by the society in its work.

Yours sincerely,
Eric Liolen."
IGN: Jouster.
Character Name: Valbrand Haagenvig
Character Race: Ailor.
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Wulfsrudel Guard and the owner of a Golden Willow bar.
IC Letter:

To Rodderick Howlester,
Evening, Howlester. I've always been fond of helping the law enforcement of the city, and tuning into events such as trials. Assuming this group provides such, I'll request a spot in the organization.​
Spirit Bless,
Imperial Knight of Kopvagr,
Valbrand Haagenvig​
Character Name: Lautaro Wodenstaff
Character Race: Daendroc Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Head Translator (CEO) of Tangled Worlds Translations
IC Letter:
To Baron Howlester,
It's truly a pleasure to get this letter to you. My name is Lautaro Alvar of House Wodenstaff, and I wish to have a spot in your organization known as the Regalian Law Society. It may be notable that I read all the time, so I myself am quite familiar with the Regalian laws. It's also notable that I believe myself to be quite good at making a point. My sincerest thanks to you for your consideration.
Spirit Bless,
Lautaro Alvar Wodenstaff

IGN: Spoopmelon
Character Name: Kimmie Bigge
Character Race: Ceardian Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character Occupation: haha no she makes stuffed animals though
IC Letter:

"To ser Rodderick Howlester

It has come to my attention that you have a law society, and although I'm uneducated in this matter, I'd love to learn. Also I can bring cookies on occasion if anyone wants some.

Spirit bless,
Kimmie Harmonie Bigge"
IGN: Xref74
Character Name: Wulf Heinrich
Character Race: Alt-Regalian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Helerian Guard, Soldier, Wulfsrudel.
IC Letter:
To Baron Howlester

As always, I would like to offer my services to you and your organisation in whatever way you feel necessary. I am familiar with the law, especially Canon law due to my position as a Helerian Guard.

Spirits Blessings

Wulf Heinrich
Helerian Guard
IGN: Landarbeiter
Character Name: Luthe Thaler
Character Race: Regalian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Advocate, aspiring legislator
IC Letter:
To the Heir of Gallovia

Your reputation precedes you Lord Howlester, I am eager to join your newly established society if you would permit it. I am quite unacquainted with the statesmen of the crown jewel and I could not think of a better opportunity than to join your cause, perhaps my ideals will be well suited to yours. That being said, let it be known that I will pretend to be a wonderful addition to the association.

Yours truly,
Luthe Thaler
Devil's advocate​
IGN: Tenmaku
Character Name: Brydon Howlester
Character Race: Gallovian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Captain
IC Letter:

I applaud you for your newfound leadership over this family. I see a lot of your father in you, and I know you will help lead this new group forward with you commanding. Although I am not known in law discussion, I will support and join in every way I can.

Captain Brydon Howlester​
IGN: Snurfle
Character Name: Edward Talbot
Character Race: Regalian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Doctor, Natural Philosopher, and aspiring barrister
IC Letter:

"To Lord Howlester,

I write to you to express my interest in this charter. I have studied the law myself, and believe I will be a good fit here. I maintain relations as the Lord Commander's legal adviser, and welcome any chance to involve myself further in these areas. Thank you for your consideration.

Best wishes, Edward Talbot"
IGN: GodRoleplayer
Character Name: Natasha Celyreos
Character Race: Ithanian Ailor because the French never surrender
Character Gender: Female
Character Occupation: Wolfrudel and something undecided
IC Letter:

Baron Howlester,
You've got my attention with the idea of law enforcement, it'd be a pleasure if I was allowed to join.

Spirit Bless, Natasha Celyreos​
Update: The Regalian Law Society has been officially chartered by Proconsul Ulric Typhonus. A full list of charter rights will be added above in the original post.

Update: The Regalian Law Society will now house two branches of law. A lesser court for presiding over civil and criminal matters ligated by commoners only, and the return of the Vigilant Shield, which will act as its own Regalian Law Enforcement Order
IGN: Eronoc
Character Name: Augustin Villeneuve Reinard
Character Race: Ailor, Alt-Regalian/Ithanian
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Patriarch of Reinard, Philosopher, and Alchemist.
IC Letter:

To the Baron Howlester,

In light of recent events, I have decided to turn my attention to the study of law. As a result, I believe the Regalian Law Society suits me quite well. The theoretical study of law and the practical study of rhetoric are not new pursuits for me, I merely wish to get back into practice. I was told I could expect a recommendation from my friend Edward Talbot (@Snurfle), who is already a member. I understand that this charter is not necessarily tailored to noble pursuits, but that suits me just fine.

My regards,
Augustin Reinard
IGN: Moribundity
Character Name: Katrina C'Aelrith
Character Race: Isldar-- Imperialised.
Character Gender: Female
Character Occupation: Head of the C'Aelrith family, house guard, and owner of C'Aelrith's maps and travelling goods..
IC Letter:

To the Baron Howlester,

Upon discovering the Regalian Law Society, I found myself taking an almost immediate interest. I would like to further my knowledge of the laws, and the meaning behind them, and as such, I would be honoured if you allowed me to join. Rather than dragging this letter on, I would like to keep this short and sweet, and therefore will say once again that I would love to join if permitted.

Spirit's blessings,

Katrina E. C'Aelrith
IGN: Eronoc
Character Name: Augustin Villeneuve Reinard
Character Race: Ailor, Alt-Regalian/Ithanian
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Patriarch of Reinard, Philosopher, and Alchemist.
IC Letter:

To the Baron Howlester,

In light of recent events, I have decided to turn my attention to the study of law. As a result, I believe the Regalian Law Society suits me quite well. The theoretical study of law and the practical study of rhetoric are not new pursuits for me, I merely wish to get back into practice. I was told I could expect a recommendation from my friend Edward Talbot (@Snurfle), who is already a member. I understand that this charter is not necessarily tailored to noble pursuits, but that suits me just fine.

My regards,
Augustin Reinard
IGN: Moribundity
Character Name: Katrina C'Aelrith
Character Race: Isldar-- Imperialised.
Character Gender: Female
Character Occupation: Head of the C'Aelrith family, house guard, and owner of C'Aelrith's maps and travelling goods..
IC Letter:

To the Baron Howlester,

Upon discovering the Regalian Law Society, I found myself taking an almost immediate interest. I would like to further my knowledge of the laws, and the meaning behind them, and as such, I would be honoured if you allowed me to join. Rather than dragging this letter on, I would like to keep this short and sweet, and therefore will say once again that I would love to join if permitted.

Spirit's blessings,

Katrina E. C'Aelrith
Accepted, if you open a forums pm to me and send me your skype usernames, I'll add you to the relevant chat.
IGN: Sparrow26
Character Name: Guruk Gol'Kosh
Character Race: Orc
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Unemployed, Trained warrior
IC Letter:

<The letter would be in perfect Common, though obviously written by someone who has little education in handwriting>

To Rodderick Howlester

My name is Guruk Gol'Kosh. I have recently arrived in Regalia after being forced out of my tribe in Daendroc and heard of your order soon after arriving. The job your order is tasked with is very similar to that of my previous job in Daendroc and I would like to join.

Currently I do not have a permanent bed and am renting a room at the Fong Inn
IGN: Sparrow26
Character Name: Guruk Gol'Kosh
Character Race: Orc
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Unemployed, Trained warrior
IC Letter:

<The letter would be in perfect Common, though obviously written by someone who has little education in handwriting>

To Rodderick Howlester

My name is Guruk Gol'Kosh. I have recently arrived in Regalia after being forced out of my tribe in Daendroc and heard of your order soon after arriving. The job your order is tasked with is very similar to that of my previous job in Daendroc and I would like to join.

Currently I do not have a permanent bed and am renting a room at the Fong Inn
Accepted, shoot me your skype details over forum pm and I'll get you set up
IGN: Halsi
Character Name: Celianna Howlester
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character Occupation: Grand Effleur
IC Letter:

I need something fruitful to fill my time with these days. Spending entire afternoons in Howlester palace can get dreadfully dull sometimes - And buying new gowns is not an option anymore. Let me join this quaint organization so I can contribute and learn a thing or two, for I'd be so eternally thankful if you did.

Most warmest regards of your dear sister,
IGN: Nudibronch
Character Name: Jamie Rosendahl
Character Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Graduate general and pub-owner
IC Letter:

Baron Howlester,

Although I've had significant exposure to the law through my work in various guard orders, I'm always interested in learning more about Regalian legal doctrine and the intricacies of court; thus, I'd like to request a spot within your charter. Regardless of the verdict, I appreciate your consideration.

Jamie T. Rosendahl
IGN: Halsi
Character Name: Celianna Howlester
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character Occupation: Grand Effleur
IC Letter:

I need something fruitful to fill my time with these days. Spending entire afternoons in Howlester palace can get dreadfully dull sometimes - And buying new gowns is not an option anymore. Let me join this quaint organization so I can contribute and learn a thing or two, for I'd be so eternally thankful if you did.

Most warmest regards of your dear sister,
IGN: Nudibronch
Character Name: Jamie Rosendahl
Character Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Graduate general and pub-owner
IC Letter:

Baron Howlester,

Although I've had significant exposure to the law through my work in various guard orders, I'm always interested in learning more about Regalian legal doctrine and the intricacies of court; thus, I'd like to request a spot within your charter. Regardless of the verdict, I appreciate your consideration.

Jamie T. Rosendahl
Both Accepted. I'll see you both added to the relevant chats!
IGN: Brycea111
Char name: Warren Howlester
Char race: Gallovia/ithanian ailor.
Char gender: Male
Occupation: Currently Unknown, will get back into it.
IC letter

You take after your father quite well Rodderick, not too surprising if I might add, a law organization duoed with a Charter interesting, quite interesting. I can not say I am the best when it comes to Law and Court sessions, but the Vigilant Shield part does draw my attention, and maybe in due time I will find enjoyment in both. Lets have drinks at one point, catch up.

Spirit Bless
Warren Howlester
IGN: NathanMC14
Character Name: Bastien Celyreos
Character Race: Ithanian/Luetz-Vixe Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Captain of the Stormborn (Celyreos House Guard) Former Nordmark Member. Trained warrior and guardsman.
IC Letter:

"Salutations! I am aware that my family has good relations with the Howlesters and a few of them are joining the Vigilant Shield. I would like to join the Shield if possible. After the fall of the Nordmark I've been needing a new city guard force to call home. The Bluesteels which are now the Violet Order still don't impress me entirely. The Shield seems like the best fit for me.

- Spirit's blessings, Bastien Celyreos"
IGN: NathanMC14
Character Name: Bastien Celyreos
Character Race:
Ithanian/Luetz-Vixe Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Captain of the Stormborn (Celyreos House Guard) Former Nordmark Member. Trained warrior and guardsman.
IC Letter:

"Salutations! I am aware that my family has good relations with the Howlesters and a few of them are joining the Vigilant Shield. I would like to join the Shield if possible. After the fall of the Nordmark I've been needing a new city guard force to call home. The Bluesteels which are now the Violet Order still don't impress me entirely. The Shield seems like the best fit for me.

- Spirit's blessings, Bastien Celyreos"
This isn't the Vigilant Shield page, to apply please fill out the application on this page.
IGN: xJomax
Character Name: Aaron de Girard
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Philosopher, writer.
IC Letter:

'To Baron Howlester,
I am thoroughly pleased you have created this so I can finally express my knowledge in the correct place. If possible, I would like to join The Regalian Law Society. I would like to express myself, my opinions on current affairs, while also learning other things from very intelligent people.

Signed, Aaron de Girard.'
IGN: Brycea111
Char name: Warren Howlester
Char race: Gallovia/ithanian ailor.
Char gender: Male
Occupation: Currently Unknown, will get back into it.
IC letter

You take after your father quite well Rodderick, not too surprising if I might add, a law organization duoed with a Charter interesting, quite interesting. I can not say I am the best when it comes to Law and Court sessions, but the Vigilant Shield part does draw my attention, and maybe in due time I will find enjoyment in both. Lets have drinks at one point, catch up.

Spirit Bless
Warren Howlester
IGN: xJomax
Character Name: Aaron de Girard
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Philosopher, writer.
IC Letter:

'To Baron Howlester,
I am thoroughly pleased you have created this so I can finally express my knowledge in the correct place. If possible, I would like to join The Regalian Law Society. I would like to express myself, my opinions on current affairs, while also learning other things from very intelligent people.

Signed, Aaron de Girard.'
Accepted, please pm me your skype info if I do not already have it and ill add you to the relevant chats
GN: UberToMyPlace
Character Name: Wolfgang Drache (https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/wolfgang-drache.49861/)
Character Race: Alt-Regalian Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Former Drache Bartender, Former Violet Guard, Former Ivory Warden, Current Drache Retainer and Viridian
IC Letter:
To Baron Galloway,

Hello Baron Galloway, my name is Wolfgang Drache. I believe we have met at least once in our life but even if we haven't I am sure the Spirit will make us see each other one way or another. I have some experience regards law matters and though I am far from being an expert, it is my duty to help protect Regalia and her citizens and I see this as a perfect place to. Granted, I am not most consistent man, I'm sure you can find yourself using a Viridian somehow. This is also regarding the Regalian Law Society as well, and pardon my poor penmanship, my eyes have been failing recently.

May the light guide your path wherever that lies,
Wolfgang Drache of the Barony Drachenburg.
GN: UberToMyPlace
Character Name: Wolfgang Drache (https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/wolfgang-drache.49861/)
Character Race: Alt-Regalian Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Former Drache Bartender, Former Violet Guard, Former Ivory Warden, Current Drache Retainer and Viridian
IC Letter:
To Baron Galloway,

Hello Baron Galloway, my name is Wolfgang Drache. I believe we have met at least once in our life but even if we haven't I am sure the Spirit will make us see each other one way or another. I have some experience regards law matters and though I am far from being an expert, it is my duty to help protect Regalia and her citizens and I see this as a perfect place to. Granted, I am not most consistent man, I'm sure you can find yourself using a Viridian somehow. This is also regarding the Regalian Law Society as well, and pardon my poor penmanship, my eyes have been failing recently.

May the light guide your path wherever that lies,
Wolfgang Drache of the Barony Drachenburg.
IGN: jarebear24
Character Name: Roland Servatius
Character Race: Alt-Regalian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character Occupation: Merchant, freelance researcher, scholar.
IC Letter:

To one Rodderick Howlester:

I hope this reaches you well. After just returning for a lengthy voyage, I am settling back into my life in Regalia. I came across your society and found myself quite interested. Law and debate are strong interests of mine, so I hope that you might consider my acceptance into the society. If you should need any more information, you need only write.

Roland Servatius
Accepted, pm me your skype details and i'll add you to the relevant chats