Well, I guess it's time for me to explain my name.
At first I was going to do PaintedMonarch because art has a big impact on my life, and as a child my grandmother died and they told me the story of her changing into a Monarch butterfly, and ever since I've favored them.
But as it turns out, I got an Xbox Live account, and my sister's one previously was DistinctPandora and when we got mine we clicked the Randomize button and sure enough we got ConfinedPandora As in Pandora being confined to her box.
After that I got a Minecraft account and knew that I would be going on Massive, and that I wanted a 'cutesy' kind of name. So I went with Miss_Confined. And the nickname 'Confy' is derived from 'Confined'. Call me 'Missy' or 'Miss' and I'll tickle you to death. >×<