How Did You Come Up With Your Rp Name?

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This is what I think of whenever I see Aron Santorski. Not gonna lie.

I kinda see Aron Santorski as this dude .-.
I got mine from Avenged Sevenfold. My full RP name is Exitias Tabhtaed-Glenwood. The Glenwood part is my RP family. Exitias is from the lyrics to the A7X song "Requiem" where part of it goes "Regnet exitium". To my knowledge that is "reign destruction" in Latin. Anyways, I took Exitium and made it Exitias cause that sounds better.
Tabhtaed is "deathbat" (their logo as well as my profile pic) spelled backwards.
My main rp character's name is a bit of an anomaly among my character names. Usually, I come up with all my character names on my own, I am very good at fabricating names. However my main rp character's name is a modification of my MC account/forum name, which I got from the Runescape name generator.
I think there was a thread about this a while back but never mind. I use names that come to mind, coupled with a google translate of a trait or skill the character has, and when all else fails, random name generator.
Catherine Anne Belledin . I wanted something that sounded sophisticated so I chose Catherine Anne then just Took Belle for beautiful and used Din for the power goddess from Zelda

Ravar Silvaryan : Was given to me cause its a friends son character.

Logan Almaide: wanted a name with an L.

Adanion Tinudh: I used a random name generator.
Welllll, you see.

Alea Ash - My sister was helping me find out a name for my first roleplay character, the name Alea was found by her searching up female elf names, and the last name Ash.. I randomly made up when thinking of Ash Ketchum.

Melissa Ash - Simply, because I was lazy. That is all.

Lavon Lerioy - Uhhh, I messed around with the letter L, and I just came up with the name Lavon Lerioy out of messing with random letters til a name came out.

The explanation above, is literally how all my names are made. I put random letters together and poof, a name.

Examples? Clara Ulderti, Tavani Avaloniel.. And another character had a weird one, but I don't remember what it was.
Morty Faye-
Morty is the nickname of a friend of mine; he joined and began roleplaying the twin brother of a character of mine. He could not ingrain himself in the community, however, and left. With his permission I took up the character after his sister (Aria Faye Tezari) passed away.

Selena Sictor-
I took up the character, the name was already chosen.

N'omiel M'triche-
@Feyona wrote some joke lore about a "Nommian Matriarch". The moment kleinfolk came out, I knew I had to make my own little Nommian xD The members of her family are all named after types of cookies as well.
Nolan D'Aramith - Always liked the name Nolan IRL, and it means "champion, noble, famous, etc." Aramith is just a fantasy name I came up with.

I like studying the meanings behind names as well as their cultures of origin. I've written two MassiveCraft books, a masculine name and a feminine name book that study different names and their meanings - everything from European names to Middle Eastern names to Asian names. Both books are 44 pages long and I sell them for only 7r a book. PM me if you are interested.
Mazza Greenleaf is made up of 'Mazza' which is my nickname irl, the name 'Greenleaf' I made up at first, but then realized it was also used in Lord of the Rings as Legolas' last name. I decided to keep the name and the Greenleaf family has now become of a larger number.

Rifyr Greenleaf is made up of 'Rifyr' which I got from a Elven name Gen and the last name 'Greenleaf' which I explained above.

Welllllll strap in dears, the story behind Cayd Abbaas Raakin Maadai De'Itos is rather long.

First his name was Oora, but that was changed to Tyfran Cayd before he left concept stage. After the Kades didn't like the last name sounding like theirs I changed it to Tyfran Monveto and many more. Then I saw someone with Tytos as a last name, likening the sound due to it reminding me of Guardians of Ga'Hoole. So for a bit I had Tyfran De'Itos, the De made it sound Spanish due to the family being Daendroquin. By Tyfran didn't seem to fit the character so I then changed it to Cayd Abbaas Raakin Maadai De'Itos. Abbaas Raakin Maadai are Spanish names that I used to give Cayd a long name.

Vesta Wynter: Wynter came from Ausfury. Vesta is the name of the Roman god of the Hearth. I named her after a god to match Freya and Athena due to them also being names of gods.

Aeden Elykon: Just put letters together.

Willhelm Rasen: Wanted Billy Rage, but made it German. Rasen means rage in German and Willhelm sounds like a German version of William. Also it is the name of the last Kaiser of Germany.
Aendir As an elder man(wikipedia)told me means Wise Young Man in elvish :)
And you know whiteflame sounds cool
Usually, for character names, I look up Medieval names and surnames, or common names from the culture my character is based off of. I got Oldor's first name from a dwarven name list. It was the one that stood out to me. It seemed to scream dwarven, and it wasn't too long or short. It sounded manly. And for his last name, Proudhammer, in an old faction I was a part of, the blacksmith's forge was called the Proudhammer Foundry. I really wanted to be the blacksmith, and loved the name. I adopted the name, and a few weeks later, became the blacksmith. So none of the names were of my invention.
Laach was my first completely original name, it's short, easy to remember, and it's rarely taken on sites that require a username.

Dilloh Wavern was a name that I came up with out of the top of my head. I didn't even now Wavern looked like wave until a few months after creating it. I always thought it looked more like wyvern than wave.
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Jeff Mordecai Zyn: I basically asked my sister for a name and she said Jeff. I like the name Mordecai. And Zyn was just spamming my keyboard for some reason and saw Zyn.

Tytos Condellas II. Tytos was this character's father's name that he took up when he died. And Condellas was the family he was in. I didn't choose the last name.

Maxwell Michael Krae Jr (Keith Brosh). Maxwell was my friend from preschool, and he was British like Michael is. Or was. And Michael was the first name of my teacher a few years ago. And Krae was just a misspell of Krane. Keith Brosh is his crazy lunatic side and Keith sounds like a creepy murderer name (No offence to anyone named Keith) and Brosh was just a random nae that popped into my head.

Cloud Blaze or Grayson Krae. Cloud was my favorite character in FF and my favorite mob in MC is a Blaze. And Grayson is a name I found on a youtube vid. Not really creative names but still.
Ethys Sirovar - Idea one of the RP mods had

Matteo Beauveret - The Beauveret noble family of course, plus the name Matteo which SexyRose and MonMarty approved

Elessar Seregon - ...Elven name generator...
Celine/Alejandro Anahera -
Celine's name was actually spawned from a joke between myself and a friend when I was trying to decide a name. The two of us just had a discussion about cute dramatic love songs, one of which was Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On". I'll also say I took part inspiration from "Céline", the fashion brand.

Alejandro just has this really nice, easy to identify Spanish zing to it, which I really enjoyed. As for Anahera, the name initially came from a simple random name generation engine. The word 'Anahera' is actually the word angel in Maori.
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I came across a graveyard which I spotted the last name "Kanter". I really liked it and stuck with me in my head for four years.
Lance Valium~
I took up the character and the name was already chosen

I decided to just write me name backwards for my Dakkar character.
I wanted something that started with the same letter as my username, but it had to be short and fun to say.
I really just made Dio up.
I did decide to see if its an actual name though, since sometimes I make up names and it turns out its a real name. Dio is, in fact, a real name (italian too). But the name's meaning doesn't really match my character. I just ignore it.
Well, my main RP character is Fiora Witherson, though her real name is actually Felix Laedir (lay-deer).
I find Fiora to be a fairly strong feminine name C: Which is why I chose it for the name she uses most of the time. As for her real name, Felix is just a favorite name of mine, and Laedir was an old character's last name I used, sadly though the amount of Aarons Ereins Erens and such made me not want to use the characters first name, as I felt it was over used a little bit :I

As for the other two, Hibiki Murakami, and Maurielle Vanya, they were just names I were fond of. Maurielle is sort of a play of my IRL name, and Hibiki means echo in Japanese C: So, ye, that's why I've used these names.
Mr. Moray (alliterative eels ftw) was the name I used when I first created this character, as the stage name for an otherwise nameless Maiar member of the freak show. When I made Moray more of an official character, I changed the the spelling to "Morei" and kept the "Mister", because he's a fancy fish.
Awright, here we go:

Glenn Valium was my first character that I actually 'played' on MassiveCraft (once the /nick plugin was introduced) and he was plucked out of a story of my own that I had been writing since my sophomore year in high school. He was based off of Glen from Fire Emblem: the Sacred Stones, practically having the same appearance. I was painfully unoriginal x3

Runi LaCosta's name is actually directly reflective of me-- my childhood nickname was Kelsaroonie; my uncle and grandpa always called me that, occasionally calling me Roonie to this day x3 Her last name is a street name in my grandpa's retirement park (also a popular pirate name). Needless to say, she was heavily influenced by my grandfather <3 Shame she's... Loose.

Vynce Matthews was actually one of my frequent RP characters I played on other sites. He was originally a zombie-killing shovel-toter that eventually sacrificed himself for his girlfriend, but he eventually evolved into a cowboy (partly where Matthews comes from-- sounded western enough), then a crossbowman here in MassiveCraft. I love the letter v-- it's... Not often you see names beginning with it, so I chose a fairly normal name and added a y (my second favorite letter) :P Lame, I know, but there you go.
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Elitha was a mix if Elizabeth, I think.
Brenna was found on a name list, it meant 'Little Crow' or something.
Astrid was suggested by my pals.

And omgosh Murlo aaaa. First thing I thought of, really.
1: Name is Billy
2:Famous characters with the name Billy.
3: Thought for a while, remember Billy Coen from Resident Evil.
4:Turned it medieval, Got William Coen.
Marayla Yashin:
I mashed together book character names.
Elasia Asteri (yet to be created):
Asteri is star in Greek, and I don't know how I came up with Elasia.
I was watching my brother play Pocket God, one of his Pygmies names was Vallien. I thought it was a pretty neat name.

I was going to make his last name 'Dietrich' but there were other Dietrich's in Regalia, so I made his last name 'La Dietrich'
Tabitha Ariu: I was a bit of a noob when I made this character and wanted a cat-sounding name. Also, since she was a bit of a stalker, I wanted something that rhymed with "watching you."

Lila Whilmarr: Lila sounds pretty. But her beauty will be marred.

Neither of those are even a little creative...
Well, for Ryu, it actually came from my friend @Mycin_Alchemist who decided on the name, I later added in two middle names for extra swag, so then I got Ryu Starite Aram Nanso, or more commonly known as just Ryu Nanso. I think Mycin said he got the name from a Anime series, but I forget which one… I think it was Fairytale? Something like that, don't murder me if I'm wrong. Kaden Walks, which is a character I made for a light RP but I may actually recycle him and change him up a bit for Massives is a sort of pun/joke of my two best friends, who I won't name here because they'll probably shank me. Also the other character that I named in massives but is kinda dead (Unless you get a really, really good way to revive him and is actually somewhat lore compliant, I guess) dubbed "Sylan Nanso" is most certainly not actually my name, but with a slightly different spelling… Totes not...
Tabitha Ariu: I was a bit of a noob when I made this character and wanted a cat-sounding name. Also, since she was a bit of a stalker, I wanted something that rhymed with "watching you."
Holy crap it does rhyme. I didn't even notice that until now. XD
Smashed my keyboard made it into a arabisch name and than googled a back name on a arabic name generator... (also this was about I had first RAARZEAFARREAEAfeznh - Farreaen - Fareen(Don't ask me why a I saved the first thing...)