⌘ The Nenyarina ⌘


Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Uluhojxydw jxqj oek adem yi q byu.


⌘ The Nenyarina ⌘

The Nenyarina are an established group aiming to mimic the doomsday cult of Elven Empire days, the Nenyarina Order. They believe that the recent misfortunes to befall Aloria are a sign of great imminent danger, and seek to uncover the world's secrets in an attempt to rescue it from calamity. The Nenyarina hold that the only forces with enough knowledge to save Aloria are the Elven Pantheon. Through heeding to the values of the eight Virtues, protecting the treasured Regalian Empire and uncovering ancient historical knowledge, the Nenyarina hope to one day recontact the Great Forces and save Aloria from magical destruction.

Goals of the Nenyarina
  • To revive the ancient values and knowledge of the Nenyarina Order.
  • To act as emissaries of the eight Virtues, live in their name, and find a way to bring about their return.
  • To research the ancient and magical histories of Aloria in search of an answer to the world's safety.
  • To spread the knowledge of Nenyarina magics, combat, and Aloria's truths to those worthy of learning.
  • To stop the spread of Demons, corruption and Void Worship, and to assist in defeating foreign entities where necessary.
  • To provide safe places for the innocent and untainted, assist the weary, and protect the natural world.
  • Ultimately, to prevent the manifestation of Estel and Beheasal's wrath by any means necessary; and return an era of peace to Aloria.
. To revive the old Nenyarina Order cult in new lore
. To create a tight-knit group of friends and an active roleplay group.
. To bring more interest to magical-based story arcs and religious-based characters.
. To go on magical and demonology focused adventure quests to unlock hidden lore.
. To leave our mark on world progressions and have an influence on surface and political conflicts.

By reviving an old Order from the lore, remaining diverse in areas we affect and revolving our IC antics around current progressions, we have already managed to achieve this! Through interesting adventure quests, a high profile and lots of IC intrigue, we aim to continue to affect the lore.​
We are both active and recruiting! The Nenyarina will not sit and fizzle out. The leaders are incredibly dedicated to making this cult fun and interesting, and there will always be some kind of drama or task to participate in, whether plotted or in the sewer base.

A community of friendly, likeminded players! The Nenyarina currently have an extremely active skype chat and organized google docs available for all of our endeavors. When accepted into our gang, you are sure to find yourself new friends and somebody to roleplay with at all times! Nastiness and OOC salt is not tolerated, but you'll find plenty of friendly banter among us plantfolk whilst resting assured that no tensions will occur between other gang members.

We are a unique group with a magical and quasi-religious focus! As a result you will be a part of something fresh and interesting with the Nenyarina; all the intrigue of demonology, with 90% less of the evil! Our pursuits are focused on revealing the reasons for Aloria's magical outbreaks, and finding ways to overcome them. Climb the ranks, and you may find yourself with scandalous information on your hands...

We operate on both the surface, and in the sewers! While the Nenyarina could not be considered fully legal, our gang is not one of thieves, murderers or hooligans. In fact, misdeeds such as those without proper reason are highly reprimanded. The Nenyarina roam on both topside and underside without trouble, and as such it is completely possible to have your character from either without coming into trouble with the guards.

We plan to influence world progressions! Already the Nenyarina is an infamous name among both the gang scene and law enforcement; we have assisted in loyalist schemes of the Freya Lo arc, and had nefarious deals with nobility and high-ranking officials behind closed doors. We aim to continue to leave our mark on the lore wherever progressions will take us!

Free armor skins for all members! Our talented skin-maker @Caelamus provides the group with armor and robe skins for usage by all in the sewers! Our uniforms are never mandatory, but always available to use.

Free access to the Nenya Grove! Our expansive sewer base provides a place of refuge for all who are weary, and as a Nenyarina you have exclusive access to all areas— as well as permission to defend the Grove from evil! This is especially good for Evergrowth mages looking to use all 10 defenses in our giant garden.

NEW! We are exempt from OOC guard character rules! Due to our strong moral structure and efforts to pledge loyalty to the Empire, the Nenyarina is not considered by law enforcement to be a criminal organization. As a result, you can have a Nenyarina character and still apply for the guards!


Application Form
All applications are assumed to be via IC letter unless you state otherwise. Initiations will be done in-game upon acceptance, either by a leader or other appointed member. If your application is set to Pending, this means we haven't seen much of you yet! Come seek out the group so we can get a better feel for your character and roleplay ability. Bare in mind that while we are willing to teach newer players the ropes, but you should show good roleplay etiquette and a good feel for the lore first.

The existence and location of the Nenyarina is public knowledge.
Character name:
Character race: (Shendar and Saivalthar are not allowed.)
Character gender:
Character age:
Character skills: (Magic, combat, scholar, etc.)
Character application: (Highly preferred but not wholly necessary.)
Do you have Skype?: (Necessary for acceptance. Sorry if this inconveniences anyone!)
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: (If so, which?)
Have you received any IG punishments?: (Be honest! We consider your current appearance first.)
Roleplay references: (Anybody who can vouch for your skill and trustworthiness. Make sure to ask them first!)

@Eccetra @Caelamus

[20/03/17] - After a recent break to readjust the Nenyarina's internal system, we are recruiting once more!
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Members & Roles
In need of rewriting

Maië'lluría - Masters of the Lore.
. Zaan Haaven (@Caelamus) - Active Leader.
. Nadina Haaven (@Eccetra) - Elder Leader.
. Selwynn Crassian (@Shayin) - Elder Leader.

Decui'lluría - Guides of the Lore.
. Hal'cyona Haaven (@Caelamus)
. Mylo V. Dionaea (@Inferno_Breaker)
. Vlu'xilkik (@Drahydra)

Caië'llinante. - Walkers of the Green Leaf.
. Agari Sylfina (@Bellarmina)
. Alak'aer Iethos (@Spearminty)
. Bram Naevellant'e (@BrammekeH)
. Katheous Goquis (@Biggums9001)
. Ke'wince Gavenmore (@MysticFenyck)
. Valentijn Haaven (@_The_Unknown)
. Zelindae Agele'fiyneji (@SpamanoRelic)

. Aidan Eliris (@SidereumDragon)
. Ceiwen Haaven (@HobblingHobbit)
. Elwarin Iaurchanar (@lilshep101)
. Joppa Engeram (@Parz1vol)
. Lotte Haaven (@Seaaaaa)
. Rennyn Ravaris (@Aespair)
. Sinaht Haaven (@MolagBallin)

. Blume Faelwen (@seoulmate)
. Cesmina Fellmirr (@Nesstro)
. Dahlia Greenvine (@EmpressEvie)
. Estyne Eikos (@Enkiduu)
. Salle Haaven (@WildRoze)
. Ssilister Zzaderkand (@Tracenator1)

Allië-ajo. - Allies of the Green Leaf.
. Veridan Daevaar (@deadfoe51)
. Vaeri Daevaar (@Vegemiite)
. Alikim Yunji (@Grotlenator)

. The Laveer Trading Company (@TheOverseer__) - Business Alliance.
. Haaven Apothecary (@Eccetra) - Business Alliance.


IC Knowledge:
  • The existence and location of the Nenyarina is common knowledge.
  • The Nenyarina's goals as described above are also common knowledge.
  • Oddly enough, guards have been taking a blind eye to the group recently.
  • There has been confusion in recent months over the group's stance on the Regalian Empire. Recent public shows of Regalian loyalism have left people questioning which side they truly play for...
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IGN: Eternal_Wrath
Character name: Faervel Daedrogon; Goes by "Nhobo'Dae"
Character race: Avanthar Cielothar Hybrid
Character gender: Male
Character age: 35 years old
Character skills: Spirit Aid and Archery
Character application: Tah-dah
Do you have skype?: Yes
Are you part of any other gangs?: Ebonheart Brotherhood
Any IG punishments?: Nope
@Eccetra @sssomeone
IGN: Nesstro
Character name: Cesmina Fellmirr
Character race: Yanar
Character gender: Identifies as Female
Character age: 42
Character skills: Has a wide knowledge of herbs and different plants, as well as evergrowth magic. Nenya Speach Caster and Nature Growth Mage
Character application: Here we go.
Do you have skype?: Yes I do, its Nesstro.Mc
Are you part of any other gangs?: Nope~
Any IG punishments?: Nope~
@Eccetra @sssomeone
UPDATE: With your updated character and after witnessing you in roleplay, Approved!

Oooh, Spirit aid! ICly our characters would definitely love to have you. However, similar to above, I have yet to see you in roleplay, so I would like to do so first just to make sure everything's up to snuff. For now, Pending!

*The sound of a raspberry* YOU'RE ASTERION'S DAUGHTER. YOU COULD HAVE JUST ASKED! Approved!
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Character name: Blume Faelwen
Character race: Yanar
Character gender: Identifies as female.
Character age: 20, 21 in 7 days.
Character skills: She does not know magic, though she would like. Very nimble, forager, multi-tasker.
Character application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/blume-faelwen.45237/#post-539934
Do you have skype?: Yes
Are you part of any other gangs?: No
Any IG punishments?: Nah.
Not sure if y'all wanted to be tagged, but I will tag anyways @Eccetra @sssomeone
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Just a few things from me here!

Character race: (Elves and Yanar are most easily accepted.)
Just a clarification. Altalar and Cielothar will have the easiest time. Isldar and Drowdar are welcome. Sadly Shendar will have a rough time earning trust, as Aster is a racist old man(Plus they kind of destroyed the actual Nenyarina Order). Also Saivalthar will likely face the same problem (They are still a thing right? Don't think I have seen one.)

Character skills: (Magic, combat, strong faith etc. Nenyarina magics near guarantee entry.)
As seen above Nenyarina magics are an almost guaranteed acceptance (Evergrowth, Spirit, Ethereal and Beast). Following this other Exist based magics are welcome (Light and Wind I believe are the only other two, correct me if I missed one). A void based magic is not out of the question, however it might present some problems (Most other magics). Finally it is highly unlikely that Hex, Shadow, Soul or the new and awesome Corruption Magic will be trusted.

Edit: Oh right. Of course acceptance primarily depends upon roleplay ability, simply these are the IC factors.
Another edit: Beast is a Nenyarina magic. Apologies!

Someone finally made "The Knights Who Say Ni!". Sorry.... Can't get over the first syllable of Niantha's name..
Indeed! And there shall be many shrubberies!
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To appease our enraged Goddess and return peace to Aloria.
Some of the Elven mages which had come from Ellador and Ithania with the circles approached and instantly recognized what they believed to be Estel, promptly dropping to their knees as closely to her as they could. They were the first to die, but arguably the ones spared what was to come next.
Yeah good luck with that...

But in all seriousness this looks pretty cool, might try to join In character with a new character that I've been working on sense three hours ago.
IGN: cuddlyseaweed
Character name: Katthe Auregala.
Character race: Ailor- although very heavily leans towards wanting to somehow become an Elf someday. Totally realistic.
Character gender: Female.
Character age: 16.
Character skills: Her oh-so beloved Spirit magic.
Character application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/katthe-auregala.45519/
Do you have skype?: Yes.
Are you part of any other gangs?: Not at all.
Any IG punishments?: I don't have any.
@Eccetra @sssomeone
All looks sound to me! Though I don't think I've roleplayed with you much, considering your character isn't combat-oriented I can't imagine that we'll have any issues with power-gaming or anything. @sssomeone , your thoughts? Pending!

We'd love to have you aboard! Don't worry about the collaring, some gentle encouragement via EVERGROWTH MIND MANIPULATION will do the trick just fine. Approved!

UPDATE: After seeing you in roleplay and initating in-character,
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IGN: WildRoze
Character name: Sienna Edelweiss
Character race: Alatar-Yanar
Character gender: Female
Character age: 21
Character skills: She makes clothes and wants to learn more about Estel
Character application: In my signature~
Do you have skype?: Yes
Are you part of any other gangs?: Nope
Any IG punishments?: Nope
IGN: silvminer101101
Character name: Holli Thaol
Character race: Yanar
Character gender: Female
Character age: 21
Character skills: Primal magic and is currently being trained in evergrowth by ru'deas
Character application: not yet made
Do you have skype?:yes i have one
Are you part of any other gangs?: (If so, who?) nope
Any IG punishments?: (Be honest! We consider your current appearance first.) One ban, it was long time ago.
@Eccetra @sssomeone
IGN: Eternal_Wrath
Character name: Faervel Daedrogon; Goes by "Nhobo'Dae"
Character race: Avanthar Cielothar Hybrid
Character gender: Male
Character age: 35 years old
Character skills: Spirit Aid and Archery
Character application: Tah-dah
Do you have skype?: Yes
Are you part of any other gangs?: Ebonheart Brotherhood
Any IG punishments?: Nope
@Eccetra @sssomeone
oh god Pen and Nhobo are gonna have problems
IGN: EdgyLlama
Character name: Eredhel Thorne
Character race: Cielothar seedling
Character gender: Agender, identifies as female.
Character age: 43
Character skills: Air magic, mage level.
Character application: Not yet.
Do you have skype?: No.
Are you part of any other gangs?: None with this char. Pen is in like a thousand gangs tho
Any IG punishments?: Nope.
@Eccetra @sssomeone
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I feel like this cult might be a bit edgier and more brutal than Sienna is expecting, but... I have no qualms with having you Approved!

Aaah, you've been helping out a lot IG, and I really appreciate it! But unfortunately under the guise of not having a character app, I'm going to have to sadly deny full membership for now. The reason for this is because primal magic is very complex, and not only that but Evergrowth is a special permission. Until then however, you will be accepted a Caladir, so you can still participate and be aware of our goings-on. Approved!

I've seen you many times in roleplay, so I definitely trust your skill!
Before we accept though, I would just like to meet your Yanar character IC first. Pending!
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IGN: Inferno_Breaker
Character name: Mylo V. Dionaea
Character race: Talar Seedling Yanar
Character gender: Male
Character age: 29
Character skills: Strong Faith, Good with written word.
Character application: (Currently a work in progress,will be posted as soon as it's available)
Do you have skype?: Yes
Are you part of any other gangs?: No
Any IG punishments?: Nope!
@Eccetra @sssomeone
Suppose I wanted to get a character involved, but OOC I'm notoriously bad at puzzles.

I'll leave this here, but we can chat on Skype if need be.

IGN: Ryciera
Character name: Edward Peacefavor
Character race: Half-elf (Drow)
Character gender: Male
Character age: 20
Character skills:
  • Well-versed in the Faith of Estel, and well-read.
  • Beginner alchemy knowledge. Trying to develop an understanding of medicine and poison.
  • Noble connections. ...Well, with Astrid Kade, at least.
Character application: I don't have an updated application for him.
Do you have skype?: Yes :P
Are you part of any other gangs?: No. Though I'm also considering getting my Sorenvik involved in the Order of Bep.
Any IG punishments?: Just an autoban from that one NoCheat.
@Eccetra @sssomeone
IGN: EdgyLlama
Character name: Eredhel Thorne
Character race: Cielothar seedling
Character gender: Agender, identifies as female.
Character age: 43
Character skills: Air magic, mage level.
Character application: Not yet.
Do you have skype?: No.
Are you part of any other gangs?: None with this char. Pen is in like a thousand gangs tho
Any IG punishments?: Nope.
@Eccetra @sssomeone
Glad you have a username that makes more sense. i'm still using a name i made up with a twelve at the end
I'm very surprised we haven't interacted much before now, because I see your character around a lot. Regardless, I'm sure we can remedy that fast. As a fellow Yanar, we'd love to have you aboard! Accepted!

Aaah I'm flattered! Of course, I trust your RP ability is great and there are no issues with the character joining.
Before I accept though, I would like to meet Edward IC at least once. Until then, Pending! (For meeting purposes, is he a surface dweller or a sewer dweller, mainly?)

Just a kind request to please keep this thread free of off-topic chatter!
It's much easier for me to respond if the post remains only applications and responses to applications. Thankyou kindly.
IGN: Gabauchi
Character name: Alethor Ureniul
Character race: Yanar
Character gender: Agender
Character age: 47
Character skills: Well versed in the faith of Estel (Cielothar style); Charismatic peoples person

Character application: Bomp
Do you have skype?: hmu at ihcuabag
Are you part of any other gangs?: i'm applying for the Blind Eye for some less strict rp as a lizard person
Any IG punishments?: one time I got jailed for playing musical chairs as a fish
IGN: Demonizer877
Character name: Redd Caine
Character race: Yanar (Shendar Seedling)
Character gender: Male
Character age: From an IC perspective he is not aware of his current age though he is old enough to be losing memory
Character skills: Combat, unintentionally humourous. Apparently adorable.
Character application: Unfortunately not yet
Do you have skype?: Yes
Are you part of any other gangs?: Nope
Any IG punishments?: Nope
I've heard really positive things about you and your character! Sadly though, Niantha and Aster are huge racist buttholes towards Shendar seedlings. You'd have to approach us IC to convince us that you're pure first, but aside from that, I'd have no qualms accepting you.

So long as you're not going to LEAVE US AGAIN and make a RIVAL GANG.
*cough cough* MERRIT APOTHECARY *cough cough* We'd love to have you aboard! Come find one of us in-game (likely @sssomeone) to express your interest in the Nenyarina. Accepted!
(I'm only joking by the way, there is no salt <3)

As discussed ingame, you're a great roleplayer and we'd love to have your character! Especially since we're in desperate need of a light mage right now. I would be careful of your magic usage however, as light magic subforms will take extra time to learn and I'm unsure if you can actually have three at a time.


IGN: GlowstoneGold
Character name: Periwinkle (Bushie)
Character race: Lampar Seedling
Character gender: Sounds Female, Looks Female, basically Female.
Character age:
She keeps this a mystery just to mess with people. However, she's an adult, but her small size makes her look like a kid. (AKA: I haven't actually picked a specific age yet. Open to suggestions thoughhh.)
Character skills: Caster Healing Light Mage, Caster Cleansing Light Mage, Student-Level Blinding Light Mage. She can also cripple some people with terrible plant puns.
Character application: Working on it!
Do you have skype?: Glowstone Gold
Are you part of any other gangs?: No, but Winkle kught end up captured by Al-Zalhilif, a slavery group I'm in as another character.
Any IG punishments?: I actually forgot what I had specifically, but I remember the mute and the jail being me misunderstanding stuff, and the tempban was something sad and personal. (If you're actually curious, I'll tell you Nenyas in the Skype chat so the public doesn't see and use my sadness against me.)

THANKYOU FOR CLEANSING NI. Of course, we'd love to have you! Pun magic is a most powerful form. We could use it well. Accepted!
We'll be doing the initiation right now in RP, so there's no need to worry about Periwinkle understanding the posters or the cryptography.