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Since his removal from the guardforce by the honorable Lord Peirgarten, Commander of the Old Guard on the 21st, the man by the name of Urijah Jamesson has been the topic of a number of publications throughout the week. Originating from a posting by Urijah on the 28th, 'The Man of The Year' in which he claims he is "being framed for these many "misdeeds" (referring to his charge of Guard Corruption among other misdeeds). Later in this publication he not only claims to be "The most incorruptible guard around" but goes on to denounce a number of esteemed members of the peerage, including but not limited to Imperial Marshal William Howlester and Lady and Lord Peirgarten of which he accuses of some grand conspiracy for his removal from duties. No doubt these are the senseless ramblings of a child out of work, further evident by his referral to his actions as "defending myself in light of the corrupt overwhelming the incorruptible." and insulting the readers of his lies as "War Dogs".
A publication by the good Imperial Marshal William Howlester on the same day, titled; 'Urijah Jamesson - A Ballad Of The Bullish, Boystrous, Beast' paints things in a refreshing hue of reality. The honest truth that Mister Jamesson is a man associated only with misdeeds of "Attacking innocents; mocking the nobility and igniting tavern brawls". Jamessons true reason for joining the guard-force in the first place was simply as a front to allow him to continue this anti-social behavior under the guise of a man of the law, believing his actions would go unanswerable so long as he insulted the uniform he wore when doing them. While The Imperial Marshal has claimed Urijah is "Better off as some chimney sweep in Crookback", the good Lord Peirgarten has granted him the privilege of an option to appeal in one month's time (21st August, 308AC). The Imperial Marshal concludes with a notice of an upcoming Treatise on Modern day Conservatism, of which may be released at some stage in the coming weeks.
A final publication on the 29th, titled; "Lord Von Drachenburg V. Jamesson" by the honorable Protector of Irole in which he speaks of the many accomplishments and honors of the Imperial Marshal, including the providing of the necessary unity and coercion that saw this great Empire victorious in the Dread Campaign. Insulted by the denouncements against such a great mean, Lord von Drachenburg has challenged Mister Jamesson to a duel, even offering the honorable charity of providing the now unemployed Jamesson the necessary armour and weapons to warrant a fair fight. While Mister Jamesson has accepted this challenge, a date is still yet to be released for when it is to occur.

Our artist's depiction of such a duel.
Our reporters were lucky enough to spend a brief evening in discussion with his High Eminence, in which he so generously donated his time to answering some questions in the interest of the public. Below is a direct transcript of what was asked and discussed.
The previous few weeks has seen your financial policy become a true success at alleviating the state's financial deficit, how do you plan to continue these gains?
-"The recovery tax was only a small action of Government. The Schoen River Trade Crisis means myself and the Finance Minister must now regain the trust of the Merchant Class and rebuild trade networks. The focus now in terms of fiscal policy is to not stem too far into a negative and to not stockpile funds and instead re-invest into the Empire."
Where do you intend to invest state resources when the deficit is alleviated?
-"I mentioned the possibility of ramping up colonization efforts to further the Empire's territorial gains. Though that is only one of thousands of options we could use the state bank for. His Excellency the Finance Minister would probably have a more detailed response on his own agenda, as would any minister for that matter given we all use the same revenue."
What are your current thoughts on the conflict between House Harhold and Reinard?
-"The Conflict between Houses Harhold and Reinard is of no concern to the Regalian State so long as they fulfill their legal contributions to the Central Government. The Nobility have the privilege to wage war with one another, so long as I remain Lord Chancellor, Noble Privilege will be held sacrosanct."
House Delmotte has made serious financial gains by investigating their resources on both sides of ongoing conflicts, what are your thoughts on this?
-"His Eminence made his choices based on his own convictions. Both sides know his stances on the conflict and have paid him for his resources all the same."
You recently commented that Knightly Orders and the Knights of the city are not like they once were, have you any plans in motion to bring things back to their glory days?
-"Their glory must be seized by themselves in order to obtain it. The permission to bear arms and armour is present to those who are able to achieve that. But it requires the dedication and the work only a true knight can provide."
Your brother, Lord von Drachenburg recently engaged in a limited conflict defending the Highland Ceardians populations from Url conversion. What are your thoughts on this and does your brother speak for the House as a whole?
-"His Lordship's personal actions are his own. The House von Drachenburg has not taken a formal stance on the matter and if one is to be taken, it will be from my own desk."
What is your personal view on the conversion of native Ailor to Urls in Goretaan lands?
-"I believe the government of the region should heavily consider the short and long term ramifications of their current actions and how such is to be viewed by their neighbors and the empire at large. There have been arguments for and against the the practices and such a question will ultimately fall on them to decide, regardless of any personal opinions."
House Black nearly caused an economic recession by blockading the Schoen River, is future legislation or plans underway to prevent such destruction occurring again?
-"Indeed a small recession was caused, one we now aim to recover from. Her Ladyship acknowledged her actions and has made actions to remedy the situation. I expect the loss of a majority of one's personal bank is significant a punishment for this matter. The Schoen River is the Empire's main trade network. House Black and the Assembly have been made aware of what happens when this is cut off."
So to be clear- you do not believe legislation is necessary to protect this vital trade artery from possible future harm?
-"The economy is a very sensitive sector of the empire, something even the most well-intended legislation could irreparably damage. It is in the best interests of the Houses that oversee the river to ensure it's continued function. After-all it would be foolhardy to remove a core part of one's local economy and face the ire of the trade Guilds and manors."
House Viduggla has recently initiated a conflict in the East, do you believe it's appropriate for the state to pay a Velheimer Development Fund when those receiving aid could be using such finances to wage war?
-"The Development Fund was created for the Velheim to be managed by a Velheim, to improve the conditions of the Velheim. I expect if such a fund was not used as intended, they would be the ones to raise concerns before the state. Though currently her Ladyship the Baroness Stralsunde manages the fund, not a Viduggla. So long as she is able to maintain the purpose of the fund, I will see no need to make any changes."
Again, we thank the Lord Chancellor for taking the time out of his busy schedule to answer some of our pressing questions, more interviews with nobility and people of interest will appear in the coming weeks.
Gang-Attacks in the SewersOur underworld correspondent recently came forward to report on a murder in the Wraith Tavern after a confrontation between two rival groups of werebeast and sanguine on the 27th of July. Our source, an Orc by the name of Mongrel told our reporter on the scene that sanguine from the Solifuge Coven entered the tavern and attempted to collar a werebeast after a brief flurry of insults. A fight ensued in which Anya, a vampire of note in the ordeal was injured while another by the name of Vangroth was also injured by an individual by the name of Aghelm. Mongrel then goes on to claim that the fight dissipated naturally.
Our correspondent approached the Coven for a statement, of which stated they desired to not comment on the matter. A man claiming to speak for the werebeasts by the name of Settrigh backed up our report from Mongrel, stating the fight was caused by a Sanguine throwing a chair at patrons. When asked to comment on the injury of a Sanguine, Settrigh retorted, "Sanguine are a dime a dozen, he deserved it".
Killings and inter-faction conflict is hardly breaking news in the Sewers, however this paper desires to expose life and stories within all sectors of society, the killing that occurred on the 27th could have more dire effects in the coming weeks, of which will be reported within these pages.
Sailors and drink-enthusiasts be made aware, The Corpse in the Gutter Tavern be the best place by the pier to lay yourself on a bench and fetch yourself a pint. Located in the harbor area of Crookback Bay in the remains of a dilapidated frigate, the tavern boasts all your drinking needs from fresh cider to strong whiskey. Step round next time you're in the area to taste for yourself!
The Piedmont Trading Company
A new trading and logistics company, The Piedmont Trading Company has began operations within Regalia. Specialising in the supply of businesses across the city. The company has already seen some high-profile contracts garnered between some businesses, supplying low cost supplies and materials for productions. Pen word to Mister Maximilien de Piedmont to inquire about potential contracts and business partnerships.

House Kreiguard's Wunderbar Tavern is open for business after some renovations to it's interior. Always hiring and with a fantastic record for service to their patrons, there truly be no finer establishment in all of Old-Town. Sit and enjoy a pint of the finest Genevaud mead or exotic Ithanian wine while taking in the fine conversational air. Or if you care for some employment, simply pen word to the tavern owner, Dame Anika Kreiburg for employment inquiries.
The Kreiguard
The Kreiguard are a Genevaud houseguard tasked with the protection of the good House Kreiburg. Prideful in their own conservative values and call to honor, there are few other houseguards that boost such numbers and activity. Pen word to Lord Theopold Kreiburg if you desire a job of honor, protecting the good peerage of this city.

The Good Company is a mercenary company unlike any other. Demanding only the most skilled and competent of warriors and commanders. The company is now in the command of the good Vulmar Faulkner who desires only the finest warriors to employ to compete in the upcoming Highland Games. Pen word to Mister Faulkner if you believe yourself up to the challenge.
A fine and esteemed New-Regalian Establishment opens it doors to all members of the culture to enjoy fine drink and conversation. The large cultural community hosts meetings throughout the week in which one may establish connections and relations with their New-Regalian kin. Speak to Herr Erwin Braunschweiger should you have any outstanding questions regarding the establishment.
The following establishments are delivered new prints of this paper every dawn to sell to patrons and customers, netting a percentage of paper sales and boosting their customer intake and profits as a result. Pen word to Mister Finnagán Loughall if you are interested in having your own business sell copies of The Boulevard's Pigeon.
The Wunderbar Tavern
The Wunderbar Tavern
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