
  1. KrakenLord01

    A Study On The Ninth Creed And An Appeal To Mages

    What is a demon? The definition behind this term and its significance has been debated and speculated on forever. The Ninth Creed of Unionism gives a general statement on what a demon "is" in religious terms, with the following: "It is the Daemons of our past, our present and our future, the...
  2. Doc_Cantankerous

    Unity Through Devotion, Strength Through Unity.

    Nailed to the doorway of every cathedral, church, and chapel from Daendroc to Drixagh, from Ithania to Rivellia, is the following note, printed in the local language and Common alike. Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Union. These past days have brought a dark cloud over our glorious Empire...
  3. AntonVoron

    The Martinez Capture

    The spring breeze would make its way briskly through the streets of the Crown City, the shuffle of the crowds overpowering, and the sent of Market foods and summery flora filling the air. From the sidestreets, a number of golden masked men would pin parchments to the notice boards, and chapel...
  4. K

    Treatise: Fanaticism

    Treatise: Fanaticism I. The Spirit isn’t interested in you, it doesn’t like you, and it doesn’t care about you. The Spirit is a form of the soul of the Empire, not a deity to which has a animate form. The Emperor isn’t interested in you, His Imperial Holiness doesn’t like you, and doesn’t...
  5. Doc_Cantankerous

    The Inquisition

    The bells of the Grand Cathedral would ring with an echo across the sprawling streets of the Capital. Though the dawn had just acquainted itself with the newly alight sky, the shuffle of common feet made their way towards the looming building. “Let it be known! By the invested will of the...
  6. Cirenety

    House Levarie

    Noble House Levarie Members; @Cirenety, @The_DarkKnight_, @skullpanda90, @Heaven_of_ash, @Gartono, @GoldenAisles, @Completely_Evan, @DrDrago, @GrimDeValhalla, and @NeilAucoin. General Information: Nationality: Ithanian - Citoye - Ailor House Religion: Unionism although the Levarie family...
  7. Jack_Castle

    How To Role-play Religious Characters.

    I will be using Unionism as the example of this thread. So it has come to attention that even characters that say they are Unionist do not really know how to be religious. This is mostly because the majority of people who role-play on Massive are fairly anti-religion in real life. All it really...