The Eye Never Closes, A Treatise On The Twelfth Creed

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by Kalthof, May 16, 2017.

  1. Kalthof

    Kalthof Refugee

    Nov 30, 2016
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    Let the sin that germinates within them buckle their flesh and crack their hollowed bones. For it is better to have those that are loyal than those who serve as a tumor to the back of Unionism. As it is said in the Twelfth Creed, “Non-believers bear no skill or tool capable of defeating the Imperial Spirit, yet they themselves may be of skills and tools capable of aiding the Imperial Spirit if permitted.” While my fellow priests look to the Supreme Reverend for guidance, it is clear that the Emperor Cedromar I has not damaged our faith, his Imperial Holiness has strengthened it.

    For centuries the Regalian Empire has sought to convert the non-believers, to put them under a sword when even logic they couldn’t even understand. The question of whether the past Emperor’s embodied the Spirit is a simple one, they did. Each Emperor has served a purpose to build to this pinnacle to which we are faced with now. The true disaster of the ‘embodiment question’ is the ignorance of the Church and State, believing that the Emperor needs to be subject to reason. There is no reason when it comes the the Imperial Spirit and the Emperor, for they are what sets the limit to reason or removes it entirely, being whichever they, the holiest of us all, deem to benefit The Great Way at the time.

    Moreover, if anything people shall rejoice: The Unionists, the non-believers, the nobility, and the peasantry. The Church is finally rid of the parasites that hardly cared for the Spirit or our just cause to Paradise beforehand, and the non-believers can finally be of use as machinery to the Regalian juggernaut. Now you, yes you, dear reader, may you be grateful to live amidst the Imperial Spirit’s greatest host of our times. For I ask you to look out into that unknown world, do you see it? No civil war from faithless nobility, the ports run rich with grain and gold, and now it is us that wage war on the weak and ungrateful. This is the true Golden Age brothers and sisters, the previous era was merely a period of divine accumulation.

    Reverend Virgil Aylard Buhr
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 3
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    #1 Kalthof, May 16, 2017
    Last edited: May 16, 2017

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