
  1. Broskiis

    Played Character Azaetheling | The Vagabond

    Man deþ swa he byþ þonne he mot swa he wile. Character Information Full Name: Azaetheling Feyno Izibǽl Heritage / Culture: Eronidas/Lanlath Age: 26 Gender / Pronouns: He/Him Religion: Agnostic/All-Truth Occult: Valor Arkenborn Character Occupation: "Adventurer" Appearance Information Eye...
  2. YoitsKing

    Blue Blood Noble Family House Vasilev

    [House Vasilev] [Overview] House Vasilev, a family with deep roots in its Krainivaya Culture, sits on top of the prodigious market of fine Wine and Cheese, and its locally renowned mercenary company 'The Vulpi Company'. They believe in an orthodox unionist faith, leaving them following their...
  3. JuliaFaye

    Played Character Cecihuatl

    INFORMATION Name: Cecihuatl Heritage: Chantli Maquixtl, Aerun Dragonkin Age: 105 Gender: Transgender Female CORE CONCEPT A woman of mercenary morals and occupation, Cecihuatl is always willing to take on jobs so long as the price is right, and asks few questions. APPEARANCE Cecihuatl stands...
  4. SorryNari

    Played Character Fenric

    "I remember his hands, And the way the mountains looked. The light shot diamonds from his eyes, Hungry for life, And thirsty for the distant river." Character Information Full Name: Fenric Race: Half Eronidas and Ailor Age: 30 Gender: Male Occult: Find out IC. Core Concept Fenric served and...
  5. Stellarrix

    Blue Blood Noble Family House Cavaal

    House Cavaal House Details Name: Cavaal Origin: Ylesse-Ise, Velincara, Sca’Mennais Culture: Sollerian Lineage: Solvaan Languages: Altalar Symbols and Ideologies Motto: “On Golden Wings and fiery winds we rise.” Symbols: Silver Towers embraced by golden...
  6. AtticCat

    Mercenary Contract And Bounty Board

    Mercenary Contract and Bounty Board IMPORTANT INFORMATION To submit a contract or bounty, get in contact with one of the three Mercenary Officers: Duchess Hera van Hal (@AtticCat), Baroness Humaira di Civita (@Aurelian30k), or Officer Franz Knispel (@bardnotinatavern). They will get back to...
  7. AtticCat

    Mercenary Decree 1 | 2 February 310

    Mercenary Decree I Posted 2 February 310 AC By the declaration of her High Eminence, Lord Chancellor Madelyn de Azcoissia, on the 27 January 310 AC, the Mercenary Office shall now be headed by three individuals, those being Mercenary Officers: Duchess Hera van Hal ( @AtticCat), Baroness...
  8. Arhbi

    Euthanasia For A Sick Animal

    To the contemptible and ignominious creature that preys upon unarmed women, Your recent involvement in the maiming, mugging, and humiliation of my cousin, Lady Rhea Delmotte, has been brought to my attention. If you do not surrender yourself to my household within twenty-four hours so that we...
  9. Stellarrix

    Combat Guild The Dandelion Watch

    The Dandelion Watch — REGARDING IC FLAVOR TEXT.. What was once the Pale Flame Mercenary Company is now the Dandelion Watch, a roving band of do-good adventurers who lend their arms and their services to those who have the need or desire for them. With the disbandment of the State Metropolitan...
  10. ezalB

    Combat Guild The Longmaws

    What is a Longmaw? In the Hadarian Allar’s ancient, and long lost home of Sendras, there exists a predator of the highest order, known as the Long Maw Saurian. This titanic creature reflects a number of virtues which many Allar across the post-Civil War diaspora seek to emulate, partially, as a...
  11. YoitsKing

    Combat Guild The Vulpi Company

    █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█ █▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█ Company Information Our Founding Founded in regalia in the year 309 by Count Charles Vasilev, The Vulpi Company has started to slowly build its reputation as a kindhearted and lawful Mercenary Company within the city. The Vulpi Companies father...
  12. nath_n

    Crown Isle Bounty Board

    FROM THE DESK OF LORD REGINALD VON FALKENREICH MERCENARY COMMISSIONER OF THE HOLY REGALIAN CITY: The Establishment The Crown Isle Bounty Board: The Bounty Board is a place for publicly declared bounties to be displayed for independent sellswords and Mercenary Companies to take part in. The...
  13. Mortisian

    The Mountaineers

    In Glory of War we Claim our Victories. H̲i̲s̲t̲o̲r̲y̲ The Mountaineers once upon a time were the direct Private Guard force of the House dei Termini during their tenure of Nobility in Montania but over time and through various circumstances they have switched their work and ways to be a...
  14. nath_n

    The Crown Isle Mercenary Registry

    FROM THE DESK OF LORD REGINALD VON FALKENREICH MERCENARY COMMISSIONER OF THE HOLY REGALIAN CITY The Establishment of the new Crown Isle Mercenary Registry: The Crown Isle Mercenaries pursue legal bounties and contract work for the betterment of both their own careers and the Empire as a...
  15. A

    The Silverclaw Mercenaries

    The Silverclaw Mercenaries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Silverclaw Mercenaries are an Asha-led band of roving swords who seek to acquire coin within the Regalian City. The types of jobs taken by the band are as varied as the skillsets of the band’s...
  16. Nathan

    Mercenary Commissioner New Year Decree 1/6/309

    FROM THE DESK OF MERCENARY COMMISSIONER THEOPOLD KREIBURG The Mercenary Commissioner hereby decrees an amendment to Mercenary Law which sees a return to commoner contract work. Mercenaries may accept legal contract work from all Regalian citizens. This grants mercenaries the ability to...
  17. Nathan

    Crown Isle Bounty Board

    The Bounty Board addresses all legally approved and active bounties for sellswords to pursue. The following may declare a bounty: All Nobles The Assembly The Lord Chancellor His Imperial Holiness, the Emperor Bear in mind that in accordance with Mercenary Law, a mercenary pursuing an illegal...
  18. Nathan

    Crown Isle Mercenary Registry

    The Crown Isle mercenaries pursue legal bounties and contract work for the betterment of both their own careers and the Empire as a whole. They aid law enforcement from a more indirect, unique standpoint. Regalian mercenaries are for the versed combatant which is able to operate in the extremes...
  19. NightLight12

    ⚔ The Crimson Company ⚔

    ╔═══════════════☩══♛══☩═══════════════╗ Name: The Crimson Company Company Sigil: Crimson Lion Company Anthem/Theme: Here Colors of choice: Dark Red and Black Origins: Colonial Settlements of Essalonia Words: “The ruthless never fail to prosper” Values: Fear Mongering, Efficiency, Loyalty...
  20. Mollymock

    The Crookback Militia

    >Ambience< --:::------::------------------->◇<-------------------::------:::-- >◇< The Crookback Militia exists as a sort of Mercenary Band working from the salty shores of Crookback Bay. Established by the Crookback Council under the command of Minister of Gallows Damon Shaw, and Minister of...