
  1. Wumpatron

    -(+)- Faction 13: House Guard -(+)-

    Faction 13 exists as the thirteenth division of the Rainbow Company, a collective of varying sizes of mercenary factions owned and maintained by House dei Termini. The idea behind Rainbow Company began as the dei Termini influence and banking clan grew, resulting in a need to protect varying...
  2. Batel_

    The Regalian Sellsword Companies

    The Regalian Sellswords are the collective individual and organised mercenaries that operate legally within the Regalian Empire. They act as mercenaries, privateers, enforcers, house guards, bouncers, bodyguards, trainers, and everything in between. If approved by the Mercenary Commander, these...
  3. TheBioverse

    A Red Deserter's Muddied Boots

    Though the drizzle of rain washed away at the blood of lives lost and bodies dumped, the battlefield always seemed to remain the same - or so a once young man realised. Though having truly wandered to the front lines of seemingly constant conflict only months prior, there was a nostalgia to it...
  4. Walrusaur_

