
  1. S

    Played Character Siegfried Runic

    Character Information Full Name: Siegfried Runic Heritage / Culture: Ellador(Rammuur) Marken Dwarf Age: 90 (appears to be 20-21) Gender / Pronouns: Male - He/Him Religion: Fornoss Occult: Marken (Brawl) Character Occupation: Monster Hunter Appearance Information: Eye Color: Brown Eyes Skin...
  2. rimacutem

    Tarlok's Crimes Against Dwarven Kind

    Posters were to be found around Regalia, written in dwarven and common I Wulf Eikinskjaldi Grofsmid of Ruin Khuur summon all dwarves of Regalia to meeting over matter of Tarlok's crimes against creations of Duindin Tarlok has confessed that on Jorrhildr he commited forced symbiosis. Eating...
  3. MokeDuck

    Silferian Compliance With The Requests Of Volarys

    RESOLUTION OF THE IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT OF SILFERIA Proposal presented by The Helvetican Doge and Berkin Celetharion III to the Imperial Parliament, September 12th, 310 AC RESOLUTION Expressing the will of the Parliament and the Kaiser, delivered on their behalf by Berkin Celetharion III...
  4. rimacutem

    Appeal To All Followers Of Duindin To Not Serve Metropolitan

    Following posters were found primarily in dwarven district, but also found their ways by wind or thievery to other parts of the city My name is Wulf Eikinskjaldi Grofsmid of Ruin-Khuur I am ordained as priest of Duindin, I have been educated in lessons of Grebor And I appeal to all that praise...
  5. rimacutem

    Played Character Wulf Grofsmid

    Character Information Full Name: Wulf Eikinskjaldi Grofsmid Heritage/culture: Dwarf/Regalian diaspora Age: 65 Gender: Male Religion: Fornoss - Eilirik Occult: Mundane as dirt Character Occupation: Lothar knight of Helbane chapter Appearance Information Eye Color: Grey Skin Color: White Hair...
  6. Gochnipunchni

    The Naming Of A King

    For the second time in as many days, stone tablets would be passed out to all the dwarf folk of the city, given forth this time, by a group of Mithorrin, dressed all in blue robes with golden runes on them. In sharp Dwarvish runes, they state: "After two weeks of consideration by the city's...
  7. MrNoot1

    The Disownment Of Markus Ironfist

    The Disownment of Markus Ironfist [The parchment rested around all over the Imperial Isle] [Translation Below] "Protect the Weak" Markus Ironfist, you have tarnished and ruined the Clan's name time after time. You use the name as a sort of cloak, to absorb all the ill you have caused upon...
  8. Gochnipunchni

    The Children Of Duindin: The Calling

    Etched into a series of stone tablets that have been delivered to every Dwarf in Regalia by a fleet of fast-footed messengers, the following message can be read in the sharp runes of Dwarf-speak. "To my Brothers. My Sisters. The Faithful of this city who walk in the footprints of the...
  9. Altalar

    The Bristled Boar Tavern And Emporium

    Ambiance The scent of freshly baked bread and roasting meats could be smelled throughout the streets, as the sounds of cheerful cries echoed on long after they’d been called. A sign could be seen hanging by the tavern which read out. “Welcome to the Bristled Boar Tavern & Emporium, here. You’re...
  10. rimacutem

    Wulf's Art From Different Artists

    Just some art I got from different artists over time I got this one during comicon in Prague, some artist was giving out art for people who donated to charity And this art was done by SnashuuPomaymay. Got right hairstyle and beard unlike the first one, but not thick and wide enough for a fat...
  11. rimacutem

    Meeting Of Dwarves

    Posters written in dwarven dialect would be found on Wraith board, Nook board and in main streets of Imperial isle, New town and Old town Seeing that dwarves are coming back into this cursed city, I, one whose family has lived in here for four generations, am inviting all dwarves and half...
  12. rimacutem

    Commoner Family Clan Grofsmid

    General Information Grofsmid family, despite not being known by many, is one of the older families of Regalia. Family's history dates back to ancient times, when a clan Grofsmid was one of many less powerful clans in Ruin-Khuur, clan of smiths, labourers and miners, never managing to reach...
  13. Azuralan

    Clan Beerfist

    Race: Dwarven. Motto: "Eat, Drink and be Merry, for tomorrow you may die." Trade: Brewers, Distillers, & Martial artists. Religion: Dogma of Duindin. Family Values: Stoicisim, Patience, Steadfast. House Colours: Umber, Silver, Gold Clan Beerfist are of the Mithorrin split and so lean towards...
  14. Caelamus

    Player Progression Story The Wealth Of The Island

    ((The events of this thread transpire alongside, Seeking Answers and a continuation of Mysteries of the Second Isle! If you wish to participate, join the Explorer's League!)) While the others worked diligently, back home Dianne Black began conducting a series of trials on the moss acquired...
  15. MrNoot1

    Clan Ironfist Of Ellador

    "Protect the Weak" Clan Ironfist of Ellador ---------- "Let the Strong Protect the Weak." Basic Information ------- Family Sigil: Blacksmith, and a black gauntlet making a fist Family Culture: Mithorrin Dwarf Family Trade: Line of Soldiers, Healers, and Blacksmiths Family Colors: Gold...
  16. indyfan98

    I'd Tell You My Dwarf Joke...

    So, it would seem like the staff have made threads for some of the underappreciated races on Massivecraft. However, it would seems that the race closest to my heart is missing: the dwarves. So, I ask, what can the dwarven community and/ or the staff do to promote dwarven roleplay? For any...
  17. indyfan98

    Dwarven Phrases For Roleplay!

    Shamukh! And welcome to my guide to dwarven phrases! These can be used in roleplay, especially amongst dwarves. I hope that this guide will also entice some new dwarven roleplayers to join the fray. These words are from Neo-Khuzdul, the dwarven language of The Lord of the Rings series, and is...
  18. indyfan98

    The Unofficial Embassy Of The Dwarven Race

    o----------=====(I.C.)=====----------o Shamukh (Hello)! I am writing as the king of Zhekul Rifshin, the dwarves of the southern deserts. I, Oldor Proudhammer, and my subjects, wish to be representatives of our faction and its interests in Regalian politics, but also to represent the dwarven...
  19. FireViper27

    Dwarf House Burnsoot

    House BurnSoot Basic Information: Race: Aldor Dwarf Appearance: Red or brown hair, with eye colors ranging from dark blue to hazel. All BurnSoot spouses (people who married into the family) are exceptions to these rules, except Makella, whos appearance helped define them. House Values...
  20. Miss_Confined

    ⚒ Cuffburt Clan ⚒ - Dwarves Of Aldruin ⚒

    The mighty of heart, the heavy of foot. ⚒ FAMILY TRAITS ⚒ ⚒ Race → Dwarf ⚒ Subrace → Mithorrin ⚒ Hold → Aldruin ⚒ Languages → Dwarven, Common ⚒ Faith → Dogma of Duindin ⚒ PHYSICAL TRAITS ⚒ ❖ Cuffburts have always had hair colors ranging from pale blondes, honey-colored browns, to light...