The Future Of Factions.


King of Desolation, Emperor of the Isolated Empire
Jun 27, 2014
Reaction score
I know how everyone is going to react to this. I'm expecting immediate "lol no"s in response to this. I'm expecting people to be too concerned over the bases they have built. However, I'm here to say those bases will be meaningless if we allow factions to continue to die. Those bases have no historical impact, because factions as a whole is having no impact currently.

MassiveCraft has been a homeplace to all of us for years, and look at it. Most of us are never online. Most of our presence is in this Discord. We sit talking in channels about what we can do to save factions, yet none of us are actually doing the thing that would save it - playing it. Factions has long been stagnant. A key issue is the unnecessary division in sub communities. PvPers stay separate from RPers, Builders stay separate from RPers, etc. This is detrimental. If you look at it properly, these are not individual communities. MassiveCraft is one community that we all are a part of, regardless of what you enjoy doing on the server. And I am sorry to see that factions is inactive in it's current state.

Oblivaify mentioned to me that there are too many factions sitting on the fence in wars, and noone is actually taking part. This is absolutely, categorically true. The factions players we see today are, for the most part, the same players we would have seen online 5 years ago. There is no beef, no bad blood, no incentive to wage war like there used to be. All of us (for the most parts) are just mates who can't be bothered fighting each other. But collectively in doing this, we are letting factions die out. New PvPers join excited; see there is no war, and leave. Factions RPers join excited, see there is little in-world interaction, and leave. Builders look upon the server excited to build tremendous cities to house their people, and build great walls to protect their home from the ensuing combat, but they don't need to. And they leave. There is no combat taking place.

Today, I am calling upon every single player of MassiveCraft. I am calling upon members from all factions, from all sub communities, to come together to change MassiveCraft forever. This will go down in history, but we need everyone to get involved. We need every single one of you to get involved with my proposition. Today, I am calling upon the players of MassiveCraft to both come closer together and become further apart. We must create two Great Factions. These factions will go to war, and will shed battle like never before seen. These factions will house people from all walks of MassiveCraft. We will have roleplayers, builders, PvPers, lore collectors, writers, everyone. Every community coming together in two factions. These communities will become united. Roleplayers will PvP. PvPers will roleplay. New friendships and enemies will be formed. Emphasis on new. These factions *must* be entirely new. New names. New bases. We cannot see "Magnanimus" or "Deldrimor" being the names of these factions, as they themselves are symbolic of the crisis that has put us in the situation we are in.

As a community, we need to stop clinging to nostalgia of the past and make way for new life on Massive. I truly believe that together, we can make a difference and save our beloved server. Today, we are united. Get preparing to join under two Great Factions. This is going to be something new and previously unseen. Let's breathe new life into these lands.

The names of these two factions are yet undecided. It will be kicking off soon x

If we all get behind this we can do something amazing and fun

Veterans vs others?
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dont be cringe ninja. as a community we can do something that in 5 years time we will look back on fondly. we could have a fucking huge sick ass war. but it aint gonna happen because everyone is going to immediately say it aint gonna happen. people need to have a bit of faith and shit could be fucking fun
lol no

but seriously, the unnecessary divide did kill massive. pvprp factions can do things that not only get pvpers energized but builders, rpers etc. its why insani and valorian were some of the most active conflict starters before CoK/CoN went to crap after they left and then proceeded to be a point grinding shitfest as they appealed to the masses as a whole. I really think pvpers are the only people though that are able to bridge this divide if given an environment, the first example that comes to mind would've been Eotor as the biggest and most active state that was still going strong while everyone else just dipped was Wooperr's state which was ran and operated mostly by pvpers/faction players.
i already know people are gonna fight about whos leader of the factions also when we did have war new pvpers didnt come on
6 year vet here. I'm totally down and completely agree with morby. No one does anything about It. How will this be set up? Will there be a discord to communicate and plan? I'm really excited for this to happen and am willing to help. =)
6 year vet here. I'm totally down and completely agree with morby. No one does anything about It. How will this be set up? Will there be a discord to communicate and plan? I'm really excited for this to happen and am willing to help. =)
We've got a Discord where we're planning this. I've DM'd you a link.
Honestly, this is something I could see happening after the update to 1.13, and after a reset (proposed by @grizenator). That way, there is something to lose--a head start in rebuilding. There would be new factions, new names, news relations, and new beef. That's my two-cents.
Why would I side against sevak lol
The whole entire point Winter is we stop doing the same sides as always. We mix it up. We put new people who are normally against each other together. I'm working on a system to account for certain aspects, ie. pvp talent, MCMMO stats, activity, etc to evenly balance randomised teams.
I see no issue here (other than a good amount of resources to arm everybody)! If there are concerns about houses 'n' stuff, just remember leaving a faction only means your property is on hold for a bit (as long as the fac isn't straight up disbanded).

HOWEVER, maybe if everyone leaving (and thereby disbanding) did become a concern, we could arrange something like everyone joins the Great Factions on established, scheduled days and goes back to their things on other days. With placeholder people (or alts) designated to keep the fac existing, it should be fine.

I'm in, bb.
I know it's been difficult in the past but that's because of cliques not wanting to break up. I will be using a system that accounts for pvp skill, specialities, activity, etc
We did the exact same thing, and it didn't work well at all

You can do it if you want but I strongly recommend you focus efforts elsewhere
I know how everyone is going to react to this. I'm expecting immediate "lol no"s in response to this. I'm expecting people to be too concerned over the bases they have built. However, I'm here to say those bases will be meaningless if we allow factions to continue to die. Those bases have no historical impact, because factions as a whole is having no impact currently.

MassiveCraft has been a homeplace to all of us for years, and look at it. Most of us are never online. Most of our presence is in this Discord. We sit talking in channels about what we can do to save factions, yet none of us are actually doing the thing that would save it - playing it. Factions has long been stagnant. A key issue is the unnecessary division in sub communities. PvPers stay separate from RPers, Builders stay separate from RPers, etc. This is detrimental. If you look at it properly, these are not individual communities. MassiveCraft is one community that we all are a part of, regardless of what you enjoy doing on the server. And I am sorry to see that factions is inactive in it's current state.

Oblivaify mentioned to me that there are too many factions sitting on the fence in wars, and noone is actually taking part. This is absolutely, categorically true. The factions players we see today are, for the most part, the same players we would have seen online 5 years ago. There is no beef, no bad blood, no incentive to wage war like there used to be. All of us (for the most parts) are just mates who can't be bothered fighting each other. But collectively in doing this, we are letting factions die out. New PvPers join excited; see there is no war, and leave. Factions RPers join excited, see there is little in-world interaction, and leave. Builders look upon the server excited to build tremendous cities to house their people, and build great walls to protect their home from the ensuing combat, but they don't need to. And they leave. There is no combat taking place.

Today, I am calling upon every single player of MassiveCraft. I am calling upon members from all factions, from all sub communities, to come together to change MassiveCraft forever. This will go down in history, but we need everyone to get involved. We need every single one of you to get involved with my proposition. Today, I am calling upon the players of MassiveCraft to both come closer together and become further apart. We must create two Great Factions. These factions will go to war, and will shed battle like never before seen. These factions will house people from all walks of MassiveCraft. We will have roleplayers, builders, PvPers, lore collectors, writers, everyone. Every community coming together in two factions. These communities will become united. Roleplayers will PvP. PvPers will roleplay. New friendships and enemies will be formed. Emphasis on new. These factions *must* be entirely new. New names. New bases. We cannot see "Magnanimus" or "Deldrimor" being the names of these factions, as they themselves are symbolic of the crisis that has put us in the situation we are in.

As a community, we need to stop clinging to nostalgia of the past and make way for new life on Massive. I truly believe that together, we can make a difference and save our beloved server. Today, we are united. Get preparing to join under two Great Factions. This is going to be something new and previously unseen. Let's breathe new life into these lands.

The names of these two factions are yet undecided. It will be kicking off soon x

If we all get behind this we can do something amazing and fun

Veterans vs others?
I feel like we're desperately trying to make something work that just isn't there. We can't just assign people sides and tell them to go to war. What made war on massive work so long ago was that it was an organic process. This will never exist with the people that are still on massive in its current state. We all know each other too well and there are way too many egos.

Massive needs more players. This is the bottom line. Massive still has the potential to be a good factions server. If the population goes up, factions will be fun again. Nothing else we do will last because the players that content like this appeals to have already proven that they've lost interest
I feel like we're desperately trying to make something work that just isn't there. We can't just assign people sides and tell them to go to war. What made war on massive work so long ago was that it was an organic process. This will never exist with the people that are still on massive in its current state. We all know each other too well and there are way too many egos.

Massive needs more players. This is the bottom line. Massive still has the potential to be a good factions server. If the population goes up, factions will be fun again. Nothing else we do will last because the players that content like this appeals to have already proven that they've lost interest

You're absolutely right. Bear in mind this forums post was worked on in a rush. However, myself and 50+ members of the community have been discussing ideas and we've come to a better conclusion.
We're writing up a doc and will request staff turn the unused UHC world into an 'experiment' world to trial this. We're going to have split sides based on skill, and they will be pitted against each other. Having this be in a separate world also gives us the potential to trial my Outposts suggestion, if we are able to push staff to allow that.
I've received overwhelmingly positive feedback and have had numerous people directly messaging me saying this has serious potential to get stuff rolling again. The idea is we have this two sided war in the UHC world, which will get new players to join interested in the warring side of factions, and will get them PvPing, whilst also encouraging older players to return. After a few months of the trial (we are hoping to get it ready for the Winter PvP season) we will attempt to get it to spill over into the normal factions world. Hopefully by then there will be many more players who are excited by the prospect of PvP on Massive.
I have several friends who love MassiveCraft as a server but can't be bothered to play because there isn't shit going on, hopefully this will give some incentive. And that's just me. I'm sure many of these 50 odd volunteers also have peers who may become interested, expanding MassiveCraft's pvp playerbase. Even a number of current non-pvp survivalists have expressed keen interest and are excited to dive in to this game changing plan.
You're absolutely right. Bear in mind this forums post was worked on in a rush. However, myself and 50+ members of the community have been discussing ideas and we've come to a better conclusion.
We're writing up a doc and will request staff turn the unused UHC world into an 'experiment' world to trial this. We're going to have split sides based on skill, and they will be pitted against each other. Having this be in a separate world also gives us the potential to trial my Outposts suggestion, if we are able to push staff to allow that.
I've received overwhelmingly positive feedback and have had numerous people directly messaging me saying this has serious potential to get stuff rolling again. The idea is we have this two sided war in the UHC world, which will get new players to join interested in the warring side of factions, and will get them PvPing, whilst also encouraging older players to return. After a few months of the trial (we are hoping to get it ready for the Winter PvP season) we will attempt to get it to spill over into the normal factions world. Hopefully by then there will be many more players who are excited by the prospect of PvP on Massive.
I have several friends who love MassiveCraft as a server but can't be bothered to play because there isn't shit going on, hopefully this will give some incentive. And that's just me. I'm sure many of these 50 odd volunteers also have peers who may become interested, expanding MassiveCraft's pvp playerbase. Even a number of current non-pvp survivalists have expressed keen interest and are excited to dive in to this game changing plan.
I hope it works out then. I'll be keeping an eye on discord and the forums, if it interests me there's always a possibility of a Deldrimor group return
The main problem that i see why we cant have this is because there are no great factions. No great cities. We need cities and kingdoms that rival Regalia in size. But nobody is able to build these great cities because we are plagued by pvpers that can simply drop on you and hinder your progress for several hours. No great cities will emerge until this detail is dealt with. Maybe make factions have peaceful settings, maybe make elytras not able to fly above a certain altitude. Idk. Something needs to change or else we will continue getting junk factions and darkrooms.
The main problem that i see why we cant have this is because there are no great factions. No great cities. We need cities and kingdoms that rival Regalia in size. But nobody is able to build these great cities because we are plagued by pvpers that can simply drop on you and hinder your progress for several hours. No great cities will emerge until this detail is dealt with. Maybe make factions have peaceful settings, maybe make elytras not able to fly above a certain altitude. Idk. Something needs to change or else we will continue getting junk factions and darkrooms.
While I agree with your idea in theory, the supporting information is all wrong. As Zi said, there aren't many PvPers right now. There haven't been for months and factions is more dead than ever. There are cities. Huge ones. Yet the largest faction right now (last I was on) had 26 members. PvPers were a huge part of the factions population. The problem isn't that there are no kingdoms. The problem is that the kingdoms are scarcely populated. No one is voting. The server isn't growing in population. Something has to be done. We are way behind in updating to new versions of the game and I believe that's part of the reason.
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Massive must cannibalize itself to last for the next generation of players.

Minecraft is more popular than when we first started playing on this server, yet we have poorly capitalized on the gains and are smaller than 8 years ago.

All of our efforts should be placed on attracting new players, this will require a substantial structural change to the server we all know. It will also require a cultural shift as well. Away from the highly regimented and complex to a chaotic consort of ugly buildings, iron armor, and new faces.

We need to make something that the widest number of people want -- and the make it special from there. The naivety that people will come to Massive because of its uniqueness is well-intended but ultimately bias.

When massive was at its 'peak', it was because of the overwhelming demand for this particular style of factions and RP. New factions and players were joining every day, which let people find groups, have unexpected experiences, fight for resources rather than just enjoyment and carve our their town and compete for new members. The massive playstyle is predictable and plutocratic. Things need to be exciting again. When was the last raid you did because you needed something?

Most of you will not be around to enjoy the server as it _could_ exist, the server needs to be so enjoyable that its rightful when bad things happen to you. That is a bar. If we can figure that out -- we can give another generation the same experienced we had. I would start by letting people over land (i.e claiming). Start from here :)
We can't rely on voting to grow anymore. Incremental features and updates will not be enough.
1. Let's up the price of factions, make it expensive. Funnel new players into active factions. Instead of having a lot of 1 person factions taking up land, that eventually go inactive, get these new players into the mix of core players, only then will they be hooked and enjoy the server.
2. We need an incentive to be part of the factions community, in order to get those in the RP community involved again. Not too sure what is reasonable for this however. For character development to say that your character is from a specific region you have to be in a faction that is settled in that region possibly? Or proof to have been?
3. Release a new map but create resource scarcity. For example, have a section of the map where 80% of coal is found, whoever claims/controls this area has control over majority of the coal trade. Creates an incentive of factions to interact, trade and even go to war.
I have more points but will need to expand on these later.
1. Let's up the price of factions, make it expensive. Funnel new players into active factions. Instead of having a lot of 1 person factions taking up land, that eventually go inactive, get these new players into the mix of core players, only then will they be hooked and enjoy the server.
neither works, been switched around 23869869286994817398798163 times

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