Abusement Park - Now Hiring For Summer Festival!


The Knave of Rats
Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
Michigan, USA



The Abusement Park is now hiring all positions for Summer Festival! We are seeking players that will commit to helping out at the Abusement Park during the MassiveCraft Summer Festival (July 6-20).

This does not need to be a primary character and we welcome casual players who would like to try roleplaying in a fantasy amusement park environment. Working at the Abusement park is a fun opportunity for new players and skilled veterans alike.

Positions: Freaks, Jugglers, Clowns, Acrobats, Magicians, Park Mascots, Game Operators, Product Vendors, Bar Staff, Burger Flippers, Janitorial Staff, Unpaid Summer Interns, Etc. We also welcome hobos, weirdos and ne'er do wells to take up residence in the Underpark, a sprawling underground complex of tunnels and general strangeness.


Performer Application (Automatic Hire):

Does your character love to perform or have pre-existing circus or carnival skills? You are hired automatically! You are invited to perform your act within the Abusement Park grounds and are allowed to keep any tips that you generate. Though you are automatically hired, we ask that you fill out the form below so we can keep track of who is working in the park as a performer during Summer Festival.

Character name:
Link to approved character application (not required):
Type of performer:
Special skills:


Unpaid Internship Application:

This is our entry level employment position. Most park positions are filled with unpaid interns. With FongCo Abusement Park on your resume, lots of doors will open for you! You could get a high paying job at any number of prestigious firms, like FongCo Corporate, or FongCo Financial Division or even the mysterious FongCo Infinity Labs.

Character name:
Link to approved character application (not required):
Are you GungHo for FongCo?
Will you dress up in a sweaty mascot costume and entertain park guests if asked?
Will you work for no pay, six shift drinks and a great line on your resume?


Park Vendor Application:

The Abusement Park is seeking vendors and suppliers for the following products: souvenir knives, hamburger sandwiches, watermelon products, booze, and cupcakes. We are also seeking bar and wait staff. Painters and artists are also welcome to generate tips in our portrait spots. Use our money making market stalls and facilities during special events to sell your own products. You get to keep the regals.

Character name:
Link to approved character application (not required):
Product/position you would like:
Special skills:
Do you want to make more money?


Abusement Park Character Archetypes:

We want to encourage you to roleplay in the Abusement Park. Below are some handpicked skins and character ideas for you to use. Feel free to mix and match or make your own. Get creative!


The Fightener Clown! This character lives to jump out and frighten park visitors. He has filed his teeth to sharp points. "..Victims?"


Thoughtful Clown! He is a clown's clown out on the town. He wonders about his lot in life and sighs a lot.


Faded Clown! There is something wrong with this unit. It looks like it has been underground far too long.


The Strong Man! He barely speaks Common. He laughs boisterously as he lifts large triangular weights. Possible heart of gold.


Jo-Jo The Monkey Boy! Captured and broken at a young age this creature's smile hides a dark secret.


The Human-Bullet! He seems to have a cannon ball for a head. It's probably just a helmet. He takes park security very seriously.


The Phantom of the Abusement Park! Not much is known about this secretive fellow. He seems to appear and disappear at will. He has a beautiful singing voice and lives in the tunnels under the Abusement Park.


Ringmaster Jr! She hopes to one day have a carnival of her own. She is very driven and hardworking. She is also a bit of a sneak. May or may not have any talents of her own.


The Fortune Teller! She is cursed to always tells the absolute truth.


The Enchantress! Why is she here? She may not even know herself. Strange things seem to happen when she is around.


The Orphan Runaway! This is what happens when you run away to join the circus.


The Bearded Lady! No touching!


The Fire Eater! He is magnificent and probably has at least one nipple piercing.

Username: ZiggyStarDusted
Character name: Lazarus d'Soleil
Link to approved character application: HERE
Are you GungHo for FongCo? Nani?
Will you dress up in a sweaty mascot costume and entertain park guests if asked? Of course, anything for our lord and saviour Fong.
Will you work for no pay, six shift drinks and a great line on your resume?: It's not for the money, its for the fun. (And things to put on my CV.)

Love, Laz.
Your Biggest Fan
Adventure Club Member
Username: MrH_
Character name: Mateo Silva
Link to approved character application: This!
Product/position you would like: Barkeep
Special skills: Bartending, dispensing rumors, and being generally good looking.
Do you want to make more money?: Si. Always.
Username: _Owlet
Character name: Boo the Clown
Link to approved character application (not required): N/A
Type of performer: Boo is a clown
Special skills: Pranking victi- attendees of the Abusement park.
Username: HoshiChomp12
Character name: Mama Yahdga
Stage Name: Ceres the Bread Lady
Link to approved character application: Here
Type of performer: Beast tamer
Special skills: Likes animals, has a bird, is old
Username: MrH_
Character name: Mateo Silva
Link to approved character application: This!
Product/position you would like: Barkeep
Special skills: Bartending, dispensing rumors, and being generally good looking.
Do you want to make more money?: Si. Always.

Astounding! You are hired. We'll put you on the main Big Top Bar.

Username: _Owlet
Character name: Boo the Clown
Link to approved character application (not required): N/A
Type of performer: Boo is a clown
Special skills: Pranking victi- attendees of the Abusement park.

Fantastic! Hired! We look forward to seeing you clowning around out on the town!

Username: HoshiChomp12
Character name: Mama Yahdga
Stage Name: Ceres the Bread Lady
Link to approved character application: Here
Type of performer: Beast tamer
Special skills: Likes animals, has a bird, is old

Amazing! You are hired! We have beast cages and a large main stage area that you are free to use for event hosting.
Will you be requiring a beast or will you supply your own?
Username: Rubar_
Character name: Mallen Hawthorne
It's bad but I'm editing it.
Product/position you would like: Souvenir knives vendor/ any vendor. I will also fill in for any catering staff.

Special skills:
Nothing for your circus. Unless you'd like me to tie you a net and read you a bedtime story. (Literature and Trapping)

Do you want to make more money?: Yes... what do you imply, Fong?

Muy fantastico! You are hired! Knife vendor sounds good to me. It's sort of up near the front gates. Just follow the puddles of blood.
Username: TeenySeaTrash
Character name: Séamus Gallagher
Link to approved character application (not required): Under Construction
Product/position you would like: Bar Keep
Special skills: Can serve four drinks simultaneously, is a Drunkard Whisperer, can solve elementary math while drunk 50% of the time
Do you want to make more money?: Whiskey is an acceptable form of payment as well
Username: Devoruku
Character name: Elliya Nyin
Link to approved character application (not required): None
Product/position you would like: Cake Vendor
Special skills: Elliya Nyin is a great baker and once owned a thriving cake and kaffee store on the main street before being wrongly evicted by landlord (The connection problem from last year made me lose everything). Now she works with the occasional requested cake. She has extremely good people skills and can talk with people without a problem.
Do you want to make more money?
I'm unsure, I'm always open into making more money but it depends on what from.~
Username: GoldWolfGaming
Character name: The Creepy Cackler
Link to approved character application (not required): N/A
Type of performer: Professional Scarer
Special skills: This cackling individual enjoys to jump out and scare others or merely give a creepy vibe to the park by making his cackles echo through the Underground or in specific places in the area filled with Abusem- Amusement! His appearance can scare one by itself. A robed individual who possesses an old plague mask from the events of about (6 months ago? Who knows.) though behind such a mask, he is a kind-hearted individual who goes by the name of the CREEPY CACKLER.

(Wanted to play a scare role though didn't know what application to fill so I thought performer was a better fit. I'll merely be shuffling about scaring the guests if such is welcomed! Mostly in the Underground though to keep business ;D)
Username: TeenySeaTrash
Character name: Séamus Gallagher
Link to approved character application (not required): Under Construction
Product/position you would like: Bar Keep
Special skills: Can serve four drinks simultaneously, is a Drunkard Whisperer, can solve elementary math while drunk 50% of the time
Do you want to make more money?: Whiskey is an acceptable form of payment as well

Sounds great! Hired! We can always use more help at the bar. Maybe you can help out with the tiki bar if that's your style.

Username: Devoruku
Character name: Elliya Nyin
Link to approved character application (not required): None
Product/position you would like: Cake Vendor
Special skills: Elliya Nyin is a great baker and once owned a thriving cake and kaffee store on the main street before being wrongly evicted by landlord (The connection problem from last year made me lose everything). Now she works with the occasional requested cake. She has extremely good people skills and can talk with people without a problem.
Do you want to make more money?
I'm unsure, I'm always open into making more money but it depends on what from.~

Marvelous! You are hired! How do you feel about donuts? I have a fantastic little donut stand that is crying out for attention. What do you say? What is a donut but cake with a hole in the middle?

Username: GoldWolfGaming
Character name: The Creepy Cackler
Link to approved character application (not required): N/A
Type of performer: Professional Scarer
Special skills: This cackling individual enjoys to jump out and scare others or merely give a creepy vibe to the park by making his cackles echo through the Underground or in specific places in the area filled with Abusem- Amusement! His appearance can scare one by itself. A robed individual who possesses an old plague mask from the events of about (6 months ago? Who knows.) though behind such a mask, he is a kind-hearted individual who goes by the name of the CREEPY CACKLER.

(Wanted to play a scare role though didn't know what application to fill so I thought performer was a better fit. I'll merely be shuffling about scaring the guests if such is welcomed! Mostly in the Underground though to keep business ;D)

Perfection! Hired! This is the type of thing that I had hoped people would want to do. Find me in the park once we open and I can show you some good spots to hide.
We still have some positions that need to be filled. If you are interested in helping don't forget to sign up!
Park Vendor Application!:

Name & Application: Hendrik Karstan.

Product & position you would like: Clean Cuts Association - Barber's Tent.
  • A tent with an old-time barber's feel to it would be fantastic as well as the ability to be able to give out special items such as colognes and other odd bodycare products.
  • I don't expect anything fancy, or anything at all for that matter, but I look forwards to seeing your response to this request.
Special skills: Haircuts, Beard Trimming and General Hair Removal.

Do you want to make more money?: "Money? This is the summer festival, all cuts and trims are free!"
Username: Abbles_
Character name: Jie Yehenara
Link to approved character application (not required): not yet
Are you GungHo for FongCo?: YES
Will you dress up in a sweaty mascot costume and entertain park guests if asked?: of course
Will you work for no pay, six shift drinks and a great line on your resume?: yeah man
Park Vendor Application!:

Name & Application: Hendrik Karstan.

Product & position you would like: Clean Cuts Association - Barber's Tent.
  • A tent with an old-time barber's feel to it would be fantastic as well as the ability to be able to give out special items such as colognes and other odd bodycare products.
  • I don't expect anything fancy, or anything at all for that matter, but I look forwards to seeing your response to this request.
Special skills: Haircuts, Beard Trimming and General Hair Removal.

Do you want to make more money?: "Money? This is the summer festival, all cuts and trims are free!"

Great! Hired! I'll see what we can do for a barber space.

Username: Abbles_
Character name: Jie Yehenara
Link to approved character application (not required): not yet
Are you GungHo for FongCo?: YES
Will you dress up in a sweaty mascot costume and entertain park guests if asked?: of course
Will you work for no pay, six shift drinks and a great line on your resume?: yeah man

Perfect! You are hired! Just contact us when we open and we will get you to work with something fun!
We open tomorrow!

If you didn't get a chance to sign up and still would like to help out, feel free to show up and ask how you can help. I am sure there will be something for you to do!
"Is this where I sign up?"
Username: Firekirks
Character name:Vedrfolnir Berdalfsson
Link to approved character application (not required): Here
Type of performer: Could be a knife thrower if you replace knife with axe, otherwise, he seems to scare people.
Special skills: Can throw axe, highly protective, was a city guard, all sorts of tattooed.