Which Race Is The Best Race?


Don't let the animosity in this thread divide us!

...more than we already are.
I'll be honest, all races have great backstories, and abilities. I do not see any being better than the others.
Also, I did not make this thread to promote racism, discrimination, or anything like that. I made this as a friendly vote in response to a simple question. This is a joke. Also, this isn't really a 'which race is the best' thread, it's more of a public vote to see which race the players like the most.

I kinda feel sorry for the Dwarves, their amount of votes are as minute as their chubby little stumps they call legs.
((Totally no racism.))
Politically: Alior
War: Orc
Sexiest: Yanar
Strangest: Mekkat
Cutest: Lampar
Deadliest: Maiar
LOL Yanars are the worst race who would vote yanar we should all vote ailor hahahahahahaa....

i voted yanar

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