Full Name: Dame Zorika Voytek (Zora)
Ancestry: Narim
Culture: Slovenin/Krainivaya
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 57
Occult: Mundane
Occupation: Bloodcast Knight (Forneik Chapter), Alchemist
Zorika is a knight that wants to protect the weak. She goes where few dare to tread, and boldly embraces adversity for the sake of those that can't do it themselves.
Zorika is an imposing and sturdy Narim with the traits of a red velvet ant. Armorlike black and brown plates and bands of coarse red fuzz adorn her form, and a wasp's abdomen comes from her lower spine like a tail. A terrifyingly long and sharp stinger is concealed within. Her eyes are large and amber, and she favors practical clothing which compromises between lightness and durability.
Proficiencies: 7 Strength Offensive/5 Wisdom Defensive
Strength: 7
Constitution: 0
Intelligence: 2
Wisdom: 5
Faith: 0
Ancestral/Knight Mechanics
Ancestry: Narim
Culture: Slovenin/Krainivaya
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 57
Occult: Mundane
Occupation: Bloodcast Knight (Forneik Chapter), Alchemist
Zorika is a knight that wants to protect the weak. She goes where few dare to tread, and boldly embraces adversity for the sake of those that can't do it themselves.
Zorika is an imposing and sturdy Narim with the traits of a red velvet ant. Armorlike black and brown plates and bands of coarse red fuzz adorn her form, and a wasp's abdomen comes from her lower spine like a tail. A terrifyingly long and sharp stinger is concealed within. Her eyes are large and amber, and she favors practical clothing which compromises between lightness and durability.
- When in armor, she prefers using chainmail, thick fabric, and hard leather plates, accentuated by either jackchains or metallic pads on the limbs. Mobility is king.
- Wields a longsword and two throwing hand axes by default. Utilizes poison in combat, but only ever against monsters.
Proficiencies: 7 Strength Offensive/5 Wisdom Defensive
Strength: 7
- Bruiser Slam
- Bruiser Rampage
- Bruiser Tackle
- Bruiser Agony
- Diving Tackle
- Pinning Throw
- Steady Body
- Weapon Throw (Free)
- Bruiser Stance (Free)
- Iron Will (Narim)
- Safeguard Pack
- Wardrobe Pack
- Chem Hyperfocus
- Chem Bloodboil
- Chem Mend
- Chem Cleanse
- Technique Parry
- Desperate Prayer (Narim)
Ancestral/Knight Mechanics
- May sense immoral intentions from others.
- Can buy up to 3 Prayer PB packs while non-mundane, as long as it's just God Magic.
- Able to see in mundane darkness without a light source.
- Can manifest wasp wings to allow Elytra flight outside of combat.
- Able to reconstruct her broken body within three days by becoming a grub.
- +2 bonus to attack rolls (cap 11) while fighting a monster or someone in a monstrous transformation. (Forneik)
- Additional options during monster hunts. Consult with the event DM. (Forneik)
- Alchemy (8/10) - Highly skilled in the creations of all kinds of potions, tonics, medicines, and poisons.
- Athletics (7/10) - Able to keep herself in top form, though her routines might put other people off.
- Medical (3/10) - Can keep herself together, and can perform first aid fairly well. She needs help from others to do any more than that, though.
- Linguistics - Common (9/10), Kriv (9/10), Skodje (7/10), Înnora (5/10)
- Born in Zemlya Obitovana, an only child of an herbalist and a chemist.
- She was raised in a Narim Unionist family, integrating rather well into the orthodox fundamentalism of faith in the area.
- However, the way she was raised and the way her society treated occult was a point of contention to her. Unable to fight back, and her family unwilling to step up, she chose to flee instead.
- Zorika traveled to Drixagh in her mid teens, and was saved by a Forneik knight from a monster. She followed this knight incessantly until they took her back to Kerulv. Upon seeing her aptitude for alchemy and her fighting spirit, she was accepted as a squire into the Forneik chapter.
- Zorika served as a squire for ten years before the Bloodcast order was satisfied with granting her knighthood.
- After her knighting, she traveled the northern parts of the Archipelago as a slayer for hire. The news of the corruption of Isobel Lake drew her to Regalia, considering herself needed for the monsters that would no doubt result.
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