@Caelamus A few small tweaks again, but still want to keep you up to date. Tell me to stop if it gets annoying etc.
- Switched now outdated Grauwald society pack to Archive pack. Have yet to decide which one since Slizzar have a lot of freedom for choosing one, so I keep it open and update that later
- Switched Arcane Mastery for Starwalking spell point buy special. As I recently found out that I can move around objects automatically as a "magical" custom kit char. Furthermore, I have a funny idea for Starwalking in conjuntion with leyline aesthetics
- I'm still trying to decide if I want to move Amontaar for Theurgy but it is a big decision as a dragon worshipper/Archon and puts me in a moral dilemma as Zhyan... even if I like the aesthetics. So I will keep you updated on it, once I have reached a decision.