Your First Oc's: The Worst Ideas Ever (let's Reflect)

What were you guilty of? (All that apply)

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Well, we all had to start from somewhere, right...?

So, my first character was Athena Grace who didn't have a last name at first because... I'm not even so sure. (I don't even want to know, to be honest.) I found some random skin somewhere on the internet and began roleplaying her out as... a vampire? Or something. And she got in hella love triangles and always got attacked jjfor lITERALLY no reason. But pls. That wasn't my fault. People just like attacking her for whatever reason but okay. So yeah. I basically pulled this character out of nowhere and started RPing her as some thin woman who could beat the dfkjsdkfs out of anyone with ease.

Thankfully, after my extreme noob days were over, I began un-noobing juuuuuuuuust a tad when I got accepted into the Crimson Inquisition where I made large efforts to recreate this character and design her backstory. Still was a common backstory. But hey! We have literally all been in those situations unless you are a very recent RPer.

SO YEAH. Athena was not only a vampire sympathizer but a vampire murderer and like. She killed so many people. (Sorry to anyone that I killed in the past... Probably should send some type of shady rating so I know who you are.) Then she kinda went insane and met a bunch of guys and had affairs with Kade boys, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lel. Topkek.

I really have came a LONG way from where I began. And anyone who has known me what... a year and 10 months ago can testify that I was an extremely big noob for a long time there.


I used to be so horrible at roleplay. CRINGE.
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I have quite a few. The first lasted a day and started out my adventure by attacking a Kade. Following this I created the Ender family that consisted of multiple noobs and caused literal hell for many guards at the time, but mostly for @Suzzie. After that I fell into a state of depression and took to the sewers, killing at random. That was a really lonely time. But after a while I was helped by a few who took pity on me enough to teach me the in and outs of rp. I am not sure if I have improved since then.
.. I remember the Enders. And how somehow I got a lot of them after me .. Somehow. ohgod.
What about ignorant vampire?
My first OC on massive was a pretty 'normal' (Take note of those little quotation marks) looking lady human. Except uh, she had multiple personality disorder. Yeah I was an idiot and didn't realize how offensive it is to actually play a person who suffers from a major mental disorder (Or any mental disorder, at that), and I was playing the disorder all wrong, too. She could like, cast fire magic at a master's level even though she was only like, 20, and never had any experience with magics ever. And she was a super skilled fighter and acrobat. So yeah, no. She was eventually executed (Thank god) By a guard after she had a little violent temper-tantrum and stabbed a guy. Yeah. Pretty freakin' bad on my part, I guess. Oh, and her name was Rosi.
Old Rosi Pic.jpg
That's what she looked like.

And, according to all of you, she never happened.
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Okay I managed to do art of them (Im pretty sure that's what they looked like >.<)
(Omg Im so sorry that I don't have spoilers, I don't know how they work xD)
KatHealer.png TaylaHealer.png
Okay, So their story is actually pretty interesting x3
Okay so it starts with the black haired one. She was my very first character. Guess what her name was? Kat Healer xD. Kat is a werewolf vampire. Once I joined the server, I literally ran out of the spawn room and immediately began rping. I was a Werewolf/Vampire thing hiding from the other people in Regalia. I had then later made a skin for Kat, and it was a one-piece swimsuit, with long boots, and leather bracers, Im pretty sure she had a bow in her hair but I'm not sure xD. She had a red eye, and a blue eye. she had a green eyeshadow and could turn into a werewolf during the night, running into people's homes. Now the one with the blonde hair, was slightly more lore-compliant, but wasn't in any way xD. Okay so her hair changed just as much as Kat's but it never was black (I think). She was a subrace of a Elf I made up called "Nature Elf" where she could transform her legs into deer's legs and grow two antlers, a little fawn tail, and two fawn ears. She wore leaf like clothing and always talked about her cousin "Kat Healer" xD.
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MY first (and worst) OC was some half Ailor half Talar who was named Jack (I forget the last name, but it was something with fire)...just...God, I don't even know. I actually didn't have a skin for the longest time, then I edited a super generic one slightly. Thank God this massacre was destroyed. Forever. It died in a fire. Thankfully.
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My first character was named Hoid, who did eventually evolve into Rand, but I changed his entire backstory, thanks to a certain game 1 staff member whose name starts the S and ends with cruffy. Hoid was a ranger who had his parents killed, and was more or less a batman who didn't actually do anything. He also had intense mood swings from blunt to charismatic. Thank god I got rid of him.
Welp- last year I believe I created a character named "Frosterio Blizzardo" when I used to have the IGN Froz3nite aaand was totes lore incompliant. He was overall a terrible character and I was a terrible RPer at that. sooner or later oliver watson beheaded him. after trying to escape like a badass kek jailed after yep god rp
Alright. SOOOOOO there were two main OCs that I had: Jason Glenwood, and Elven Orphan/Merilion Lennet. Going to start with Meri.
He's pretty much your generic 6-year-old orphan who's entire family died in some "horrible tragedy", and was adopted. The person who adopted him went inactive, and as far as I'm concerned, Meri's dead.

Now Jason. Ugh, I fucking can't stand him. When he started out, he was a 17-year-old fire mage who was more or less lore compliant aside from being OP with magic, too young for that level, and having red eyes. He wasn't a vampire. It's not because he's a fire mage. Red was just my favorite color back then. Seriously revamped him, now he has green eyes, 21 years old, a green Kirito trench coat, and PTSD from the Elven War. Stuff happened that really doesn't matter, he got a girlfriend, got chronic depression halfway through that bit, tried to kill himself more as me trying to end him than the depression, someone stopped him. A while after that, he was ditched for a Shendar (lmao), and for some reason I struggled to keep him around. Really wish I hadn't. Partway through Jason's reign of self-pity, I got somewhat depressed thanks to that bit. I also became a much better rper, and should have just chucked Jason out. After I (hopefully) permanently shelved him, I got better, and moved on to much better characters, such as L'areni, T'aryn, and Nalani.
I had a character called Faunalyn Irithryll (not completely sure if I spelled her last name rigth). I dont remember her personality because she was so generic. And at one point someone acted as if they were her sister so I went along with it and just hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh omg so cringy.
All right so let's go back to second grade. (Not Massivecraft, I didn't even know what Minecraft was at the time.)
That's right, I named the character after a bird. No last name.
I used this character for

Basically, she had every power I could think of that I liked: Ice, Wind, Darkness n' Crap, all that jazz. I'm fairly sure she was a werewolf?
Honestly, I don't know.
Raven was probably depressed or something, 16 years old, and had black hair that was super long and had purple streaks. Iguess she sometimes had cat ears? I don't really know. She wore knee-high boots, leather jackets, stuff like that. You see, most people, if they are to go through a goth phase, do so in middle-high school. I did in second grade, though this never actually influenced my clothing choices IRL.
I come across Raven every time I go rummaging through my closet, and find those really, really, cringy notebooks. At the moment, I can't find any of those that include my lovely illustrations of Raven, but I remember well, and will try to imitate my beautiful second grade art style. Obviously, my second grade art was not digital, and my attempt does not quite reach its level of cringe.

ogodwhyy.png Help
Probably a good thing that this character never made it to online roleplays. I would've done it if I'd known, which would not have been good.
That moment when your second character had the same name and was also pretty cringy. Guess what her last name was. Steamlilly. Yep. I've been a steampunk nerd for waaaaaaaaaaaay to long. She was a vampire, she had ginger-brown hair and I think blue eyes. And her back story was that she was orphaned by her mother, and grew up in the orphanage that was in Ithania (Yea. I was already on massive with this meaty heap of cringe.) and that once she was older she went out to find her mother who was traveling around but once she got to Regalia there was no trace of her left. So yep. She was also pretty generic. I'm glad that I shelved her once she fell in love and moved in with the guy xD
My first roleplay character was a lvl 5 teifling barbarian, who had the ability to soul jump. The backstory is that the dark elf king used a mix of alchemy and dark magic to make the ultimate slave warriors, and by exposing unborn teiflings to demonic energy, they could eventually jump souls. That was hundreds of years before, now my guy was the only survivor, finally unleashed from his metallic womb. Raised by barbarians, he was not very smart. But he was hella strunk!
Here is how his powers worked.

Standing rule: all damage taken in another body is translated over to your own body once you return to it.

Cantrip ability: soul jump, you leave your body, and enter another beings body, where you have a slight advantage for influenceing the enemy.

Level 7: possession. If the enemy has less Heath than you, you can possess him. But first you most soul jump. And the enemy can fight you after 2 turns.

Level 10: consumption. Once you posses the enemy, you can consume his soul, destroying it beyond even the power of a wish spell. You gain all remaining health to translate over to your own body once you jump back. You no longer need to fight the body's owner, but you can not sleep, or eat and drink. You can only stay in the body for 3 days max before it dies.

Level 15: hells redemption. A last resort, only to be used if your body is beyond saving. If you manage to possess someone, you can slowly consume their soul, and put yours in their place. If you succeed,their body slowly turns into yours over the course of seven days, not including items or blessings and curses that may have been anchored to you.
What I regret most in him is not his powers, because they where very fun, but how badly I played him. I didn't even name him until half way through the game (DnD 4e btw). Guess what it was...shadow. Of course no one accepted that and they nicknamed me ....oh god it's bad.. Because this was all at a boarding school and I had brought up "Lather and nothing else" during a session after we had been reading it in class they nicknamed me Lather.
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i had a char names jacob jones. he was a guy with no back story or clue about the world, and looked like a Steve that raided a lords clothing draw. he acted weird and odd because it was my first time RPing on this server and i did not know the stuff i know now about how everyone is treated. first time i saw the crimsons i had no clue who they were, ever one was mad at them so i got mad at them. if i tried Rping in depth at that time it would be anti lore-complaint party. i really should of looked at the wiki. if somebody said talar or Q'urebo or even alior to me at that time i would be like "what is that?" it was bad. but now i know the stuff on the wiki and i'm a better RPer.
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Omg. I so remember my first character! He didn't have a name for the longest time, because I just did 'Hooded Man'. I used an assassins creed skin to spice things up- and on top of that I even had hidden blades. What I'd do is this: stalk nobles, climb around houses and start fights. The only problem with most of that is that I had no idea who the nobles were, why I was climbing or if there was a reason to start any of those fights. One thing I have trouble remembering is if he had a backstory. If it was anything, then it'd probably be 'my whole family died' crap. His death is one of the most funny things I've ever been apart of. This creepy, stalker-dude was looking in on the noble lounge, which had a door attached to it or else I'd have probably went inside to cause a ruckus. But what happened was that an orc/human and dwarf jumped him. One was a guard I think. All that I remember is that the two went and chopped off his legs, by that point he was knocked out. The funniest thing I saw was that the dwarf did some sorta anime-type hammer smash. I think I threatened them, and said that I'd have his son come to kill them. That's against the rules, so I got told off. It was all a bunch of fun, and I don't think I knew he was dead for awhile. I'm pretty sure I played the character for awhile after the fact. But what they did was cut off his head, and then drag his body into the lava.

My First Char have a God Damn Gintama skin!!! Was unable to change that skin for 3 weeks until I finally found a way to change my skin (a. k. a. Borrow a friends account)

And then one day he died due to suicide....
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Well uh. For starters her name was Erin Crawford. And she was a super self reliant woman who apparently worked for the Daily Creeper and was let into the prison on multiple occasions for guard interviews.
She didn't wear pants for some reason..? And I shamelessly stole most of her skins from various people on Massivecraft.
She fell in love with a vampire, of course. Strongly opposed the government, was always getting into danger and having to be saved. And she was a total white knight. I'm prettyyyy sure I used to rp as her with @Brycea (Uhm tags why you no work??) and Erin's boyfriend was also named Aaron.