Your First Oc's: The Worst Ideas Ever (let's Reflect)

What were you guilty of? (All that apply)

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Oh.... Original Peter Stonetree...

He was an op "nice" vampire who had nature powers and could cure himself with the power of some nature godess....

Throw in a bit of god rp to that and you had my 1st month of rp (also he was a nelfen miiar for a while there I dont even know)
Back when I joined, there were no nicknames. This proved a horror. Before I even logged onto the server (only thing stopping me was the texture pack download. I had terrible download speeds, and could only play Minecraft on multiplayer if I wasn't downloading anything), I read all the lore. Well, however much there was back then. Which wasn't much. I can remember it being some kind of book with a race on each page with example skins for each.

I took an interest in Tigrans, so I decided to be a subrace of them, with the name 'Twinken'. My IGN back then was 'MrTwinkeh', so I used this name for the sake of ease of memory for people who met this character. Any-who, I basically messed around as this character. No immediate cringe moments pop into my head. Though, back then, I grew very frustrated at vampire sympathisers. Despite the lack of lore, one very obvious thing was the mention of the fact that: "A vampire cannot be inherently good. They may perform good actions, but are cursed, and therefore considered bad". Apparently, no one could wrap their head around this.

A while later, due to my frustration on this vampire situation, I made a character called 'Leon Vill'. I believe nicknames had still not been added at this point (or had they?). The Crimson Inquisition, at the time, was a burned ruin. In order to resolve this, I formed the Red Legacy. Armed with a bad skin and some equally new RPers, I began my quest to remove vampires from the city. Surprisingly, it worked quite well (apart from the numerous people who loved vampires for some reason). The only cringe moments I can recall are standing on the ruins of the Crimson Inquisition, holding a wooden sword, and looking over Regalia wistfully.

Eh, I'm not going to say I was good right off the bat, but I wasn't bad. I prefer my new characters, though.


My lord.
My very first character was one of those hated 'i'mgoodvampireandfeedofanimals' vampire. (Arthur Voss anyone?)
that that was a bad idea wich i learned the hard way 2 months later and ddecided to trow the 'good' part out and replace it with something that makes way more sence while retaining his hate for killing (food preservation FTW!)
I don't want to speak about my first female character, such stereotype... *intense shiver* never again
I had a rogue named Astalion Curfin. He started off as a very generic wood elf without a personality.. Until I decided to make him a thief.
He basically pickpocketed everyone, everywhere. And broke into random houses.
My first Undead character exploded into black goop, guts galore upon death.

I regret nothing
Queen BabaManga of Walrusia who then eventually converted into a not-so celibate nun under the wisdom of Twerkahontas. She wa snubbed sister thickchickz and fought faewyn over Alexander Kade

For a more detailed version:

Queen BabaManga was the inheritor of a grand island kingdom of list, greed, and buffoonery. The beautiful island nation collapsed in on itself after a god awful cataclysm and sent the ugly little walrus hoe to Daendroc where she met the OTHER Queen, a certain Elven piece named Qieen PurpleStarship. And so together to travelled to Ellador and built the grand kingdom of Avgard, founding the greatest southern kingdom synonymous to booty, ratchet, lechery, debauchery, and then some.

After some time the two queens left because they were playing on another server. They eventually came back and made the Japanese village of Kawaii, where they were geishas for whatever reason. Then the village got raided, the legendary House of Hentai burning to the ground. So then the Walrusian Queen converted to Twerkahontasism and dedicted her life to the most gracious lady god. So she became a whore nun.

Also one time she married Thomas Kade @Tahmas
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But wait! Every now and then she would look at you and her eyes would be RED. And red eyes meant it was time for a killing spree! So Honor was fully aware of this and would actually tell people "No, leave me alone, I'm too daaangerous to be around!" and I thought this was quite clever, you see, because of the drama it stirred up. Honor was cursed, by a demon, and the only way she would not kill the people around her is if... drum roll... SHE FELL IN LOVE. How complex and conflicting! She had to fall in love, but wouldn't let people near her!!!

I'm dying. I probably found this way funnier than it actually was, but maybe it's just the way you wrote it. I had to try and stop myself from laughing because I was reading this while on break at work, and figured if I started cracking up at something on my phone people might think I'm insane. Unfortunately trying to stop myself made me want to laugh even more, so I probably looked equally insane trying to hold back my laughter. Anyways thanks for the good laugh I really needed thay today :)
My first character on massivecraft was Roze Floresco. A skin that I got from the internet and edited till I liked it.


She was very shy, loved books and had come to the city to get away from the forest she lived in with her mother who was yanar. She was able to talk to trees though everybody said she was just crazy and she had the BEST group of friends of amazing people on Massivecraft back then. She was kidnapped by lady Heratic and in love with an almost Emo vampire were she had such a dramatic relationship with.
See, i think part of the reason why my first character on massive was so bad was because I created when I was like 7 and stuck with him until I was 12?? Originally he was basically a special-snowflake battle angel who used magic and could wipe out cities named Edros Krane. The usual, 8 or so year old fantasy y'know?
When I put him onto massive, I made him a vampire called Sorde Narke. Everything went downhill from there. See, I knew that vampires weren't immortal. The guy was still 400 years old though. He was possessed by a demon called Edros Krane. No, I had no idea why their names were anagrams. This demons power was that he could voluntarily leave bodies. (this was how i justified changing my skin every 2.9 seconds) The problem was, he took the soul of the person he possessed with him. This could have been a good idea if it fit with the lore and i wasnt an idiot 12 year old. It ended up with like 6 personalities sharing a body. Now, couple this with a brooding, "misunderstood" vampire type and a shrieking, crazed demon. Didn't end well. He had no personality except for "woe is me, im a vampire" and "woe is you, im a vampire." I think he weilded a scythe?? He could control people's souls and liTERALLY STALKED @BuffyCreepSlayer 's character Abigail. I also never figured out if Edros was actually a demon or if he was some godawful "vampire personality" that was gained when Sorde became a vampire. He ended up possessing a maiar or something. The crazy demon maiar's weapon was a bow. I had no idea how bows worked.He also cried blood and stuff. I finally gave up, destroyed the character and reworked him into an annoying yanar that somehow got approved and managed to serve the La Rue family as a butler or something.
My first char was (and is) a poor fisherman. Yes, he always carries a knife.... but how else would he fillet his fish?
Though I'm not sure if he really counts as a char as I roleplay very sporadically.
..I. I don't remember this. Oml. Unfortunately remember that character of mine, though, bahaha.
It was more of a randomly awkwardly appearing to awkwardly threaten her occassionaly and then awkwardly watching from a distance to try (awkwardly) to scare Abigail. I don't even know what he had against Abigail. He just hated her. A lot.
Oh let's not reminisce on my special little snowflake dubbed Dakota Woodbury (and no I wasn't a fan of The Walking Dead at the time and I gravely realized my mistake, but I made up the last name from a Clash of Clans clan). Being my squeaker self, Dakota Woodbury was basically my medieval-self, or so I thought. Dakota, unlike me, had the blonde to green ombre going on naturally. It was also the only medieval skin that I could find on the Skindex, also known as the best site to make a skin. Fortunately, the skin was kinda-sorta shaded, as I was entirely new to skinning and had to ombre on myself. Anyway, onto probably the most generic personality ever! Dakota was the sweet and nice elven yanar girl who had bark only on the back of her arms, but never really took a tangible effect in any roleplay. She literally had everything planned for her in advance, and if something went wrong, I just disregarded it in her own personality. She dated Randolf Watson for a bit, but before they could go any further in their relationship, he cut it off. That was probably the most character development she ever received, and with the adoption of my now main character (Rose Tueur), Dakota adopted an alcoholic personality to cope with her newly found depression. Then I decided to read the lore, and with my new found knowledge, scraped the character by making her die of alcohol poisoning.
My first character was actually my current one, Samantha Knotpen(hence her non-Elvish name). Though uh back then, she actually had some sorta purple energy power. So when she was emotionally triggered her eyes would glow like bright purple and then she'd shock people. She also was major OP, nothing could kill Sammy. I'm sure she should've died back then though olole why would I let her die. And of course parents/family were/was dead.

And then on top of it, she ran around in steampunk clothing including shorts, so that was fun too. She had goggles too and she only went by the name Sam. She was also a 'good' vampire, and her race would switch back and forth between human to Elf, so that was fun too.

Was also some sorts of pet/servant/slave, something of the sort, to some old demon that belonged in a council of Lady Heretic's. So ye, thats fun.

And of course she dated @Squint_1 though uh that ended due to the fact ooc I was confused that it was only an incharacter relationship, so ye that was very embarrassing.

And as a skinner why wouldn't I keep /all/ of my old skins?


Old Designs vs Current Design

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So I was a noob.
I didn't really get there was a lore.
So I attempted to be a drunk Tigran that was from another planet.
Ryu (Starite Aram) Nanso, was born.
It took a lot of rewriting and what-not, but he's ok now lore wise.
I hope.
We all started somewhere. I think most of the veteran RPers (that is, those of us who have been playing pretend slightly longer than others) have at least one character they cringe when they look back on. I would like to invite everyone to take a moment and remember your first Original Characters. This may include the crappy notebook paper sketches drawn in middle school, or even samples of their heinous actions. Stories are welcome, but try to include a picture somewhere. Bring us your worst and we can laugh at them together, and appreciate how far we've come from the days of floor-length hair and rainbow anime eyes. New role players, look at the common mistakes that everyone makes in their first years and know that they don't mark a bad writer, they're just part of our history. Like going through initiation before you get to writing good characters. Of course, ONLY post characters that you played yourself. No one is to flame another person's character.

I'm really excited to laugh and be laughed at :P So I'll break the ice...
i quite literally copied a char from my favorite superhero book, the quantum prophecy, exactly copied, Daniel Cooper who had the ability to run at the speed faster than an arrow, #IncompliantLeftAndRight
So I was a noob.
I didn't really get there was a lore.
So I attempted to be a drunk Tigran that was from another planet.
Ryu (Starite Aram) Nanso, was born.
It took a lot of rewriting and what-not, but he's ok now lore wise.
I hope.
Wait... Didn't he also slap a noble?
My first MassiveCraft RP character was an Acclimated Tigran named Sonny Greywren who looked exactly like a furry Skrillex. Sidecut, thick-rimmed glasses and all.


I lore-complianted him up recently, now he's my main RP character.
Proud to say that my first char on Massivecraft wasn't too cringe-worthy and I still use her now. (Ni Alvira!)
That said, she has changed a lot over the year- mainly appearance-wise to fit with lore. But her personality and history has remained mainly the same.

Although, my very /first/ OC outside of massivecraft... Let's not go there. (sparkledog)
Wait... Didn't he also slap a noble?
That was after I rewrote him, so technically not /that/ Ryu. The Ryu we see nowadays did that.

He was an acclimated Tigran before as well, so basically a M'ytaka that was tall and had brains.
My first roleplay character was named Skyler Kamikaze. I made him up in middle school when a friend introduced me to rolplay and stuck with him all throughout my first two years of highschool.

Back then, my friend and I roleplayed by journal. In order to keep just anyone from readying it, we studied cryptology and wrote only in the code we made up. We didn't have a planned story, and just wrote whatever pleased us and made it work.
If I remember right, my sin was making my character the epicenter of all events. Nothing would seem to happen unless it really involved my character somehow.

I believe Skyler also had two parts of himself manifested into their own human forms, in cliche sense, they were Good and Evil. They were named Hariel whom was a playboy angel, and Ryoku, who wasn't as evil as he was supposed to be and just as useless in Skyler's morality. But all three were OP AS HELL.

Looking back on it now, I wonder how my friend felt having to deal with me. Then again, she had a plethora of OP characters as well. But as time went on, we've made better stories.

After that, I mellowed out into the medieval fantasy universe, then to the DC.
My very first OC must have to be a demon with electric blue hair and a tuxedo. I have no art of him since I'm a sloth. Well, his name was "Xavier". Surnames are for the weak. He had satanic powers, was extremely smart and a douche. Had no parents, Satan created him out of ancient scrypts, lightning, souls and shadows. And he was the co-owner of hell.
My first MassiveCraft OC would have to be ____ Sawyer. I don't remember her name. She had a sister ( @Thonneth ) who she tried to kill. She was a vampire, and got drunk and sang 21st century songs in the tavern.
I had many before her, but I don't remember anything about them.
Oh man my first OC... Blaze the Dead, the undead who kept trying to drink only for the alcohol to spill out onto the floor through his ribcage and was possessed by the Grim Reaper himself. His possession had the same attributes of the Reaper Demons before the update on Demons. He looked like the generic Grim Reaper covered in a shroud and was so op God-Rp wise he blocked a sword with his arm... yeah... and he had the ability to jump onto people's blades, kick them in the face, and backflip off. Because you know, bones have no weight whatsoever. Sadly I have no art of this character, as I never took the time to draw him nor can I find the old skin that I used since I switched computers, but if you know the generic red-eyed skeleton with a scythe and shroud, then you've basically got who my character was.
OMG my original character was made when i discovered massive. He was a vespid who was raised by a giant talking freaking spider in the woods. I actually submitted an application for him. It was terrible and i feell like throwing up when i think of it.
My first character was just called Eledana I think. I wouldn't say she was too cringe-y at first but we certainly got there.

Aaaah. Right so. I decided that I'd introduce my character by having her wash up on this Regalian shore and walk around like a lost puppy. It didn't take long before the damsel in distress was found by a lovely guy who welcomed her into his home and fed her, etc.
Then - and I don't really know how this happened - we went to his vampire faction and she was a slave of sorts. Essentially he bit her and brought her there and had vampiric followers. Anyways, he took her to a cell, kept her there over a span of days, fed her and all that lovely stuff. Then she was told she would be mining for him. Now I thought mining seemed boring so I had her run off outside, literally dig a hole of dirt and place the dirt back and just crouch so she wouldn't be found. Aaaaah. They found her, took her back to him and he broke her legs for being rebellious. Luckily though, he had magical healing powers so he just fixed that real quick.

After that she had weird dreams that reminded her of her life story - OH. He was Adam and she was Eve. Essentially, they're Gods now.

She breaks up her cell with her supreme strength, strolls into his throne room thing and throws him into the wall. I don't remember what happened after that, but it ended up with her being taken into a cage, her saying "B-But.. I love you." and him respectfully informing her he didn't share these intimate emotions before decapitating her head and burning her.

The worst part is that I actually wrote a book detailing the events and sold it for like ten silver to someone so now somebody out there has this book.
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I had my race set to a Maiar so I played a human lumberjack who had runes of a curse on his body that made him have to drink water to eat but they also allowed him to fly around in it freely, so whenever he was in trouble he'd run to the water. That's basically all I can remember before I had a friend introduce me to the lore.
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MY first character was a Vespid, that looked like a moth/mantis/beetle/roly poly (In that order), with magic powers. He was also possessed by a demon. Worst decision ever. Oh, he was also a pirate. His entire life span was a face palm now that I look back. He was named after a space pirate from Faster Than Light.

I was a noob. For sure. Now I've got three years of RP under my belt, and am able to focus long enough to finish a character application. It's safe to say that Rchkchk Trichk makes me happy and proud in comparison to the weirdo bug I played before. This is a better weirdo bug.
My first character was some weird combination of a demon and Dakkar, also some sort of a weird fire spirit. He led the hordes of Gana-Isha and had an army of Dakkar and demons, not to mention he was also a powerful warrior-priest-mage-son-of-a-demon-little-bastard.

For about a month, I ran around Regalia starting brawls, using weird fire magic, having giant fiery wings grow out of my back and turning into a demon (think along the lines of a Balrog), and surviving getting stabbed several times, struck by lightning from a mage several times, and still being able to call upon the unholy powers of god rp to cut off my assailants' heads.

Seriously, someone should have been smart enough to be Gandalf and throw me off of a bridge into an abyss, use some weird magic stuff, and stab me several times on top of a mountain.
I have quite a few. The first lasted a day and started out my adventure by attacking a Kade. Following this I created the Ender family that consisted of multiple noobs and caused literal hell for many guards at the time, but mostly for @Suzzie. After that I fell into a state of depression and took to the sewers, killing at random. That was a really lonely time. But after a while I was helped by a few who took pity on me enough to teach me the in and outs of rp. I am not sure if I have improved since then.