Your First Oc's: The Worst Ideas Ever (let's Reflect)

What were you guilty of? (All that apply)

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Fiber Viber
Sep 25, 2013
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We all started somewhere. I think most of the veteran RPers (that is, those of us who have been playing pretend slightly longer than others) have at least one character they cringe when they look back on. I would like to invite everyone to take a moment and remember your first Original Characters. This may include the crappy notebook paper sketches drawn in middle school, or even samples of their heinous actions. Stories are welcome, but try to include a picture somewhere. Bring us your worst and we can laugh at them together, and appreciate how far we've come from the days of floor-length hair and rainbow anime eyes. New role players, look at the common mistakes that everyone makes in their first years and know that they don't mark a bad writer, they're just part of our history. Like going through initiation before you get to writing good characters. Of course, ONLY post characters that you played yourself. No one is to flame another person's character.

I'm really excited to laugh and be laughed at :P So I'll break the ice...
Alright, I'll go first. Have a look at these fine beauties of the trophy case:


So Billie was a 16 year old girl, of course, in modern high school RP settings. She was abused by her father because he told her that her mother was dead, when really she wasn't. She had so many cuts on her arms that it looked like she went through a garbage disposal and she wore a Pink Floyd tshirt and never took off her black hoodie. She had purple hair cut short with a knife and could play guitatr, but was too shy to ever do it. She had no personality aside from "Save me I'm frail!" and here's the kicker: Billie was terminally ill with a nonspecific disease that would cause her to faint unpredictably. This could mean she was constantly on the brink of death whenever I found it convenient for plot and needed to drama things up a little! Let me tell you, I'm astounded that @Ryciera tolerated my bullshit characters for so long :P I've since reworked Billie a little more, but she's still an attention-seeking, borderline personality disorder, over entitled 16 year old.


This is Honor! That's right, Honor had NO LAST NAME. Anyway, as you can see, I made her at the ripe age of 13 years old, and wanted to play yet another 16 year old character. So Honor was extra special! She had blonde hair and brown eyes and somehow carried a knife even though she was barefoot and only wore a plain white dress. But wait! Every now and then she would look at you and her eyes would be RED. And red eyes meant it was time for a killing spree! So Honor was fully aware of this and would actually tell people "No, leave me alone, I'm too daaangerous to be around!" and I thought this was quite clever, you see, because of the drama it stirred up. Honor was cursed, by a demon, and the only way she would not kill the people around her is if... drum roll... SHE FELL IN LOVE. How complex and conflicting! She had to fall in love, but wouldn't let people near her!!! I tried to play Honor in like FOUR play-by-post role plays. Needless to say, she's since been shelved. ... DRAMAAAAA


Elle was a character spawned by a convenient vampire pregnancy during one of my youthful RP's that was beginning to get stale. So we totally had this wonderful idea to get someone pregnant and they had twins! Elle and her brother each had one blue eye and one red eye. But wait! Ready for something REALLY ingenious? The vampires in this lore had powers! (Just like in Twilight. I wonder why...) So Elle had the power to heal people but her brother... dun dun dun, his power was only to drain people of life! God we were so creative back in those days.

So @Ryciera is the person who I attribute my love of RP for. As some of you may know, we're bestest buddies and even lived together for about a year. Rhea has been around for my cringiest of characters, and I've gotten her permission to post this picture that I drew as a collaboration from our longest running RP (which, for reasons I have no bloody idea why, we started referring to as Scented Marbles)

So, the Marbles universe was a generic shitty town surrounded by forest, and in the forest were vampires and testing labs that were trying to catch the vampires (And torture them, when it was dramatic.) There was also OP as hell magic and I think some demons for a while.

So let me break this down. All of these are my characters, and I was going to make one for Rhea too but I suppose I didn't get around to it. We played a shit ton of characters in this setting, which worked well enough to bounce around and keep things interesting.

Top left: Hollow (no other name, just Hollow!) I've actually considered reworking many times, but his generic attitude and need to whiteknight and fall in love made him too hard to stomach. If I play up his crappy character aspects as flaws, he's not too terrible... but he was back then.

Top middle: Kane and Jenny! I didn't know how to draw Kane so I made the silhouettes. Again, not terrible, besides Kane's OP combat skills and true, infallible morality. Another rework I'd love to fix.

Top right: Kyo... what the blazes was her last name? Something Japanese. She's 1/4 Japanese, which to young me meant that she had blonde hair and blue eyes but looked Asian. A standard bitch whose smart mouth got her into trouble, but all my villains fell for her.

Behind the bubble: Billie Kormick (see above) and her bestie, Ricky McKlellan! I actually still love Ricky and would love to rework him as a typical teenaged boy with too much pressure in his life. But at the time, he was mor elike my excuse to pawn off emotional responses for Billie's convenient terminal illness. Oh, and he dyed his bangs green. For no reason whatsoever.

In the bubble: Abbadon Jones! A fifteen year old girl who practiced magic! In this lore she was 400 years old and basically we used her mansion in the woods as an OP base of operations. She drew pentagrams everywhere and used random alchemy to solve tons of problems with little to no repercussion. Also she got raped at some point and had twin children who could feel each other's pain and communicate telepathically, yknow, how twins do.

Bottom right: Robin Dign. Not a terrible idea, but I had no idea how to play a transgendered boy. Robin ended up being a typical teenaged bitchy girl who passed off as a decent person because of his orientation, which I found endearing.

Best for last, bottom left: Joulie. Just Joulie. She was, as you can see, always dressed in black and pink lolita clothing. She was about eleven years old in appearance, but the oldest of the vampires, as well as the strongest, fastest, most OP, and batshit CRAZY. Those two things on the left of her are her toys, which she believed could talk to her. She loved using knives to stab people, but didn't know she was killing them! Teehee! Joulie was funny as all hell, but probably the worst OC sin I've ever committed. With bright blue eyes and blonde hair, not to mention, when I first made her she had PERMANENT RUNNING MASCARA down her cheeks. Whyyyyyy
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My first ever character was Lanaskan Shadowaika, a Naga Slither who kept to himself and was normally rude if talked to, regardless of the person's race. I didn't really screwup with him as far as I'm concerned but then again, it's been a year since I played that version of him. Also, never drew him. I have very recently gotten a update on him, so he is now Lana Asskan and runs a cult of Nessrassian worshipers in the city sewers.
I had a Naruto OC once when I was 12.

that's all I have to say, I'm pretty sure.
Ah, I think a few of us remember my first character, Mazza Greenleaf. Help.

Mazza originally started out as some sort of demonically possessed Eldar Elf who tried to possess others with his magical on/off demon powers. Ugh. Then after about half a year of roleplay I changed him up a bit when I took a large interest in Regalian Nobility and made him a rich guy. He was really /really/ snobby and I kinda feel bad for anyone he insulted. He also wore a green bandana which was iconic.
I had a baaaad

dakkar character

it hurts looking back at that
My first character: Mecharic. Original name right? He was an immortal spellcaster who specialized in Illusions and, power-wise, was actually pretty balanced. His Immortality was of no use for helping others b/c he couldn't use attack spells, only illusions. He was also a Drunk Monk, before The_Drunk_Monk was on the server :P
My first character was a wealthy Maiar Unionist who had killed a Sea Serpent and never stopped following the members of House Typhonus around.
I'm truly sorry @Catcat1305
My first character was Venditori' Eusant, before I understood the cultures, understood that your MCMMO wasn't equal to your character's ability, and that the vamprie plugin wasn't what vampires could do IC.

Basically horrible. In every way.

He was also an assassin without a tragic backstory. His dad tragically died in a war, his mother was living in Ithania and Venditori' basically had no work experience, but found killing people quite an easy feat. He got in with the wrong people and they offered him money for easy work. (Sadly not an IC organisation, I could never find anyone as a noob)

As him, I killed about 5 other assassins within the kill-rules (Killing other assassins was easy, since they usually attacked first), killed uhm... "MyLittlePony" I think his name was? Idk, two of his chars, and could have killed a Tigran but only took his tail because the guy OOC really liked the char x3 @WyH_x_Hebi
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Mine was Glenn Valium. He was sort of a spin off of the general, Glen, in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones; honestly, he was practically a stereotypical white knight character that spoke with an advanced vocabulary and interjected any time an underdog was threatened by someone larger or more dangerous. His soul was tore out from his body and placed in another-- twice. Currently, he resides inside a female Qadir, Azra. ^^;
talking diamond winged ice cat when i was like 11 or 12.. yikes. Im glad I've become accustomed to lore instead of crazy things like that x3
My first official rp character was a Tigran named Nick Moon. He was a Tigran that somehow looked human and could turn into a lion. This was /before/ I knew the Tigran lore. Yes. I was horrible back then.
-cringes and cries in the corner- T-T
A stereotypical, overly-nice vampire that only wanted people to love her instead of fear her. ohlordy
I don't remember the name of my very first character. It was some Ailor who went to the sewers, where he met a Dwarf and together they found the dark altar where he became a vampire. Then the two went to Ithania and kinda stopped roleplaying since then. I was a noob back then and mostly doing survival stuff. I was literally like "Come to /spawn." or "Check the dynmap." IC.

My first, real character was Chalden Rzambo, a white furred Tigran, though I had the help of lore staff when I played him and it was nothing too cringe-worthy, same for Tristan Nava de Lo. But when I look back at the beginnings of Ludwig where he was an introverted 17 year old regular Regalian citizen, and compare him to what he is now... Ohlol. Here is a picture of how he was back then. (the same skin I used as the noob vampire)


Aaaand then there was Terenzio and his gang of people who were dressed and acting like a 1920's mafia gang, firstly called "The Mightnight Felt" but later renamed into "The Night Owls". Wasn't the most professional roleplay I've had, but it was by far the most amusing roleplay. I loved the old street fights between the Terenzio's Night Owls, the Radiant Gauntlet, the Masked Men, the Skyrates, the city guards and the Vice Demons Pleasure and Fury. I could write a book about all that. When there were eight or more people on one poor district street and all combat-RPing at once, that was so amazing and confusing at the same time. I could find a few old screenshots in my minecraft folder, though the best events aren't included sadly.

Here we were doing some shady deal with a hostage and Thomas Kade.

This was a meeting with another less active criminal gang in our gang HQ. I forgot their name.

And here's a group of us with a new clothing style after a long and aggressive discussion with the roleplay staff xD
Myself. The end.

But no really, I had this one char I think only a handful remember bak from 2012 on massive

His name was -drumroll, please.- "Jack Veldrior" He /was/ a 45 year old warrior with alot of strength, and he was very dumb however having no understand of the lore at that momebt in time, he was also a mage. //cringe.
So, I don't remember my first character, but I do remember my really stupid character named Adela. She had no last name and was orphaned by guards at age 5. She somehow survived all those years on the streets and ended up in Regalia. But here's the thing. When I wrote her out on my handy-dandy character notebook which I recently found buried under every other notebook in existence, she could see, yes see, spirits and developed a way to communicate (Spoopy, right?). Also, her eyes changed color for her mood, even turning red for anger. She married a half-Orc, half-human guy and had twins, but get this. She lost one child because she didn't feed it. Yep. Amazing, right?
My first character was named Violet. She was based loosely off Violet Baudelaire from the Series of Unfortunate Events. She wore a plain red v-neck dress with sleeves that went all the way down to the ground, and then some. She was also telepathic and telekinetic. She was a charming depressed prankster. What a scamp!

First Massive character was Alison Vigoli. While she turned out alright in the end, in the beginning I had no idea how Massive vampires worked. Therefore, Alison Vigoli originally cried blood and could read minds. ...I don't like to think much about the original Alison.
i still haven't let go of my very first roleplay character, although she has changed over the years. It honestly probably speaks a lot about the character.
i still haven't let go of my very first roleplay character, although she has changed over the years. It honestly probably speaks a lot about the character.
:P I still hold on to some of my very firsts, but they defs had to change a lot. I love that about characters; growing them up and such.
I had too many to name.
But here's some non-massive characters that I had. These four nerds are VERY VERY FAR from the first original characters I had. Couldn't find any art of some of the first OCs I ever created so I'll show you these nerds instead!

{Note that this piece was done on January 13th, 2014}
These guys were and still are my lil' zombie slaying group. I love them to bits and pieces!
Meet Chen Xun, the medic. Angus Burns, the crazed Scottish gunman of the four. Logan White, the wild Aussie from Down Under. Andddd August Björk, the clean freak and leader of the group. I may redesign them completely to give them more of a modern day look and some major changes in physical appearances, but for now here's what they've looked like since I made them. {Angus did get a few upates, though.}


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I had too many to name.
But here's some non-massive characters that I had. These four nerds are VERY VERY FAR from the first original characters I had. Couldn't find any art of some of the first OCs I ever created so I'll show you these nerds instead!

{Note that this piece was done on January 13th, 2014}
These guys were and still are my lil' zombie slaying group. I love them to bits and pieces!
Meet Chen Xun, the medic. Angus Burns, the crazed Scottish gunman of the four. Logan White, the wild Aussie from Down Under. Andddd August Björk, the clean freak and leader of the group. I may redesign them completely to give them more of a modern day look and some major physical appearances, but for now here's what they've looked like since I made them. {Angus did get a few upates, though.}

My first original character was Sakuya Kazami. I combined two Japanese names from a video game I loved at the time. I had some stupid not really medieval skin for a while, before I eventually changed it (Nobody told me anything about skiiins D :). She was a vampire, turned as a child when her parents were killed. She could wield dual scythes, and fought in a long flowing dress. The Scythes were horrid. She actually got approved in the old format praise Ryciera until the /new/ format came out and she was deemed severely lore incompliant after being reviewed again. At that point I thought it'd be best if I started anew and killed her with suicide. After all, being a vampire on and off for so long musta been hard.
Thinking of this character makes me cringe in shame and regret. This character was so regrettable in many ways.
My character was a Shendar named Dryacus Alzerdion, who I wanted to make a blood mage who worshiped Behesael. He got arrested, then almost caught a second time by Maximilian Typhonus ( I ran off, sorry about that @0romir). I ran into Liam later that day and got myself torn apart ( figuratively and literally).
My first character was a crazy old man who ran a possessed carnival with a murderous clown. He was a fake doctor who wore a tiny magical hat that granted him amazing oratory and persuasive powers.

Oh. Oh wait.
This was BEST original character, right?
My first Massive OC was an Ailor named Matt Redsword (Yes, that was his birth name). He was a flower-loving, vampire-hunting mercenary from Daendroc who wanted equal rights for all races and carried a sword with him at all times. Despite all his obvious crimes, he managed to survive about a week, before he was eventually arrested and had his tongue cut out for insulting a noble. I was sad for about an hour or two, but then I realized he was an absolutely terrible character anyways.
Alea Ash, would be my first bad OC. Yet, this is basically Alea in the early stages. Who in that case, caught on fire randomly and could break stone with her fists.

im sorry.

and lets not forget my reasoning - "she has fire in her dna."


that my dears, is early alea.
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My first character was relatively well-known thanks to the Tezari Family massacre, but she was certainly what some would call a special snowflake. I blame part of this (a hefty chunk) on the person that helped me develop the background for the character, but I certainly was to blame as well.

Colored hair, a "good" vampire, human married to an Agni (while they were still around- after Agni turned to Dakkar, her husband was changed to a human), had heterochromia, anti-racism, parents dead, suffered amnesia (newblet didn't want to bother with writing background story at the time), had all sorts of love triangles of people falling in love with her, was relatively wealthy despite having come from a dirt-poor family, I'm sure the list could go on.

For any that recall her, I'm speaking of Aria Faye Tezari. I still roleplay her twin brother, but (hopefully) the "special snowflake" atmosphere has been stripped from him aside from some background which remains due to the correlation with Aria. Every time I've re-written his story, I've written more and more of the old background out of it.
Mine was Glenn Valium. He was sort of a spin off of the general, Glen, in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones; honestly, he was practically a stereotypical white knight character that spoke with an advanced vocabulary and interjected any time an underdog was threatened by someone larger or more dangerous. His soul was tore out from his body and placed in another-- twice. Currently, he resides inside a female Qadir, Azra. ^^;
Glenn Valium Small (Fixed Feets).jpg
FIRST OCs EVER: The Elite Squad
Well, this one started in a fiction project with my friend, as soldiers from each continents plus some more people to fight the evil organization. I have no visuals but I'll list out the people.
  1. Chief - The ultimate human, he is immortal and has super strength. Though he always send the others to do the job because he handles paperworks back in HQ, for much irony. He is the leader of the good organization and represents North American branch.
  2. Boris - A crazy sadistic russian with talents in using heavy weapons, getting drunk, and having untimely sex with his girlfriend (don't ask, it was purely for comedy). He represents European branch.
  3. Natasha - Half russian half chinese, she is a strict demolition expert with combat skill of an angry ex wife. She represents Asian branch and is Boris' girlfriend.
  4. Aegis - Australian Rambo with dual AA12 shotguns, He is possibly one of the toughest member because Australian. He represents Oceanic branch.
  5. Zulu - The african shaman medic who always do strange ass rituals instead of using modern means. And they always somehow seems to work. He represents African branch
  6. Diego - The mustachio'd Brazillian marksman with the most unfitting choice of clothing that is a sombrero. Which the enemy snipers somehow couldn't spot. He represents South American branch.
  7. Gunner - An outsider working alongside the squad. Also possesses a vast technological knowledge. He acts as a technician for the squad but mostly be at the end of height joke for everyone. P.S. This was my main OC in the story
  8. Nixz - An accidental test subject of a new virus by the evil organization that Chief rescued, being a teenager with constant outburst of the virus that needs suppressing by Gunner. She is possibly the most cringe-worthy OC of the bunch. P.S. She was my friend's main OC

FIRST RP CHAR: Phon Senajan

This was in another RP server, Phon was an owner of a small valley village until the corruption attacked (as that server's lore and event dictated) and he covered his friends escape, surviving with the infection in him. He was around with the escapades as a tactical shotgun guy for a fun while before shooting himself dead lest he turn into a monster. Then somehow making a comeback as an OP android with power to manipulate plasma energy and summon weapons out of thin air. He went around here and there in the storybattling OP monsters and gods in a full technologically advanced glory. Then my activity gradually decreased until I went to work on a separated project with a friend. And I put it as he retired peacefully without any repercussion either. Came to think of it I was like "Damn, how did I do that"

I kinda based him from video game main characters, hence the weapon ability.

And yes, that is a shotgun on his back.


Started off as a generic wacky Grandpa character wearing bath robes and smoking cigar. He was originally going to use a blunderbuss but then I got notified that it was not lore compliant. His next form had him in blade mail armor which I pranced around stabbing bad guys with it for a while until Jared intercepted yet again, and then he kinda shifted into "good" Phon. Such is my RP history before turning into a "joke" Phon later. I'm very happy with him and still clinging on hope of playing him again. It's just too damn fun and hilarious to be stopped.

I based him off from countless martial arts action movies, hence the outrageous amount of fighting and acrobatics skills.

And yes, he was made to be a legend from the start.
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Oh man, I don't even remember my first OC, but my first RP character? ohlawdy.
Some of you remember her as well, I guess.

Elitha Northill! She was originally a maiar, when I had no idea what lore really was. She was like, this mermaid lady but with legs instead. She kept the gills. I got bored of being a maiar IG so I said that she got involved with some elf town and they turned her into an elf and wabam. She's been an Elf ever since. Elitha should of died a year ago but I suck and cling onto my characters it's weird. She's super emo and grumpy and had blue hair at one stage????? I don't even know.
My very first rp character on massive was Trent Steinhauer (yes i am original i know shshs) A classic Casper the friendly vampire, out to find his lost love, was beheaded on his first day, good times!
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My first RP character was named Loch. Just Loch, because last names are for squares and people who can think of two names on the spot. I used a lot of the lore from "Shining Force," and he could slash through plate mail with a single stroke of his sword, sheath it, and walk away before the cut was even seen. He was super-famous in the world I built, but would always disguise himself even though no one knew what he looked like. Then one day he disappeared, only to reemerge hundreds of years later to save the world.

My first Massive character would technically be Faust, although I did play as a vampire known as "Hood," in the Ithanian wilderness for sometime. Faust was a benevolent lord of a tiny village in the thick Daenedroc jungles. He was fair, and just, and ruled with honor and dignity. Then one day, he was killed in his sleep during a coup because his subjects had grown tainted with jealousy and greed. @Ryciera @Plecy
All things considered, the first OC I can remember creating really wasn't that bad on the grand scale of sue-ism.

I was really big on Redwall at the time and I found it really exhausting how the rats and other "vermin" could never get along with the "goodbeasts", and found the way they were treated overall to be very unfair and offensive (I had two pet rats at the time and they were so friendly and social, it seemed really bizarre to open up a book and see them portrayed the exact opposite to how I knew them).

So I created a character that I felt reflected the way I saw rats, something more true to my experience with them.
She was a white rat (most of the pet rats I have owned have been albino), and her most defining characteristics to me were the red sash she wore around her waist, the dagger she kept in it, and a single gold earring. I created her as a sort of diplomat to bring peace to the separate groups of species that were at odds.

She's probably the single most changed character I've ever created- she's gone through perhaps four or five "phases", and has been a corsair, the "Red Warrior" (a warchief who lived in an abandoned Badger fortress), a circus performer and a traveler.

I remember very little about her actual story, or at least what she started out as, but what I do remember is that she ultimately ended up finding a way to end the conflict.. The details of that story are really fuzzy, and I don't think I ever wrote anything down.
Most of my creative work back then was in art and in my head- roleplay hadn't been introduced to me yet, and I wasn't skilled enough with my writing to even consider beginning an actual story or biography.

Anyway, she was a bit of a noobish character but she could have been worse- I always look back upon her fondly, so there's that.
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My first RP character was named Loch. Just Loch, because last names are for squares and people who can think of two names on the spot. I used a lot of the lore from "Shining Force," and he could slash through plate mail with a single stroke of his sword, sheath it, and walk away before the cut was even seen. He was super-famous in the world I built, but would always disguise himself even though no one knew what he looked like. Then one day he disappeared, only to reemerge hundreds of years later to save the world.

My first Massive character would technically be Faust, although I did play as a vampire known as "Hood," in the Ithanian wilderness for sometime. Faust was a benevolent lord of a tiny village in the thick Daenedroc jungles. He was fair, and just, and ruled with honor and dignity. Then one day, he was killed in his sleep during a coup because his subjects had grown tainted with jealousy and greed. @Ryciera @Plecy
Are you sure we're talking about the same Faust?
Back when I joined, there were no nicknames. This proved a horror. Before I even logged onto the server (only thing stopping me was the texture pack download. I had terrible download speeds, and could only play Minecraft on multiplayer if I wasn't downloading anything), I read all the lore. Well, however much there was back then. Which wasn't much. I can remember it being some kind of book with a race on each page with example skins for each.

I took an interest in Tigrans, so I decided to be a subrace of them, with the name 'Twinken'. My IGN back then was 'MrTwinkeh', so I used this name for the sake of ease of memory for people who met this character. Any-who, I basically messed around as this character. No immediate cringe moments pop into my head. Though, back then, I grew very frustrated at vampire sympathisers. Despite the lack of lore, one very obvious thing was the mention of the fact that: "A vampire cannot be inherently good. They may perform good actions, but are cursed, and therefore considered bad". Apparently, no one could wrap their head around this.

A while later, due to my frustration on this vampire situation, I made a character called 'Leon Vill'. I believe nicknames had still not been added at this point (or had they?). The Crimson Inquisition, at the time, was a burned ruin. In order to resolve this, I formed the Red Legacy. Armed with a bad skin and some equally new RPers, I began my quest to remove vampires from the city. Surprisingly, it worked quite well (apart from the numerous people who loved vampires for some reason). The only cringe moments I can recall are standing on the ruins of the Crimson Inquisition, holding a wooden sword, and looking over Regalia wistfully.

Eh, I'm not going to say I was good right off the bat, but I wasn't bad. I prefer my new characters, though.
And then all the repressed memories come flooding back to haunt my weak soul. I had some pretty generic characters with names like Ellanore and Anastasia, I don't have any pictures of them however only slightly edited skindex files which I used and have now lost. Maybe I'll gather the courage to share my cringe worthy stories one day. I'm still recovering.