Archived Wow! Skins For Armor?!?

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
One can where skins to personalize their character and role play but as soon as they put armor on their thing "groove" is just destroyed?

I want to be able to edit the skin of the armor I where! Like have a winged iron helm.
We could even share skins for diamond armor and make it the faction guild armor ore something.

I understand this is not something that Massive Craft can pull off so I ask all viewers of this post to stand with me and request personalized armor skins from Mojan!
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If you change how armor looks, everyone wearing that armor will be wearing it. You can edit it in your texture pack (or if you're in default, it's in the bin).
Bad idea. If Mojang allowed people to change armour skins then no one will know what type of armour the other players are wearing.
I remember, on my first day on the server, when I found out I couldn't wear diamond armor, I decided to wear a diamond armor skin just to troll everybody I met.

Like Zythrone said, bad idea.
Personally, I just wear died leather armor when RPing. Or no armor.
Bad idea. If Mojang allowed people to change armour skins then no one will know what type of armour the other players are wearing.
Whats more, someone could make the texture appear invisible or blend in with their skin, and on a servers it would be easy to pretend your a weakling, and then savagely murder someone! >:) So yea, I don't think this is the best idea.
best solution:
get a skin with whatever armour on it then just wear no real armour when you roleplay, so your skin armour shows.
Ore we could have a mod with preset skins too choose out from... And have posts for new skin choices to be added to the list on the forum?
Sorry but everyone looks the same.. its kind of annoying.

I am just pushing for it because I think it could be a big thing.
Ore we could have a mod with preset skins too choose out from... And have posts for new skin choices to be added to the list on the forum?
Sorry but everyone looks the same.. its kind of annoying.

I am just pushing for it because I think it could be a big thing.
im not quite sure why you think everyone looks the same... most people have very original skins...
Personalized armor isn't happening because of the reasons previous posts have already said.
im not quite sure why you think everyone looks the same... most people have very original skins...
I believe he was referring to the proposed armor skins, not normal skins. Like, for Massive, rather than everyone being able to make their own armor, and people would be making invisible armor, and diamond armor that looks like iron, there would be say 3 diamond armor presets, 3 leather presets, 3 iron presets, etc. etc. They all resemble the material, even if the texture is different, so you could still have a bit of diversity, while also still knowing which armor is which.
Id be more concernd with the fact that alot of people's would just end up looking like crap.[DOUBLEPOST=1361476654][/DOUBLEPOST]If you're gonna go for anything though, personally i think Dyed Iron armor would be cool
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