Why Cant Kids Be Staff

Do you think this could work?

  • Yes, I think that could be fair.

    Votes: 10 9.4%
  • Needs some more thought.

    Votes: 31 29.2%
  • No, you're just some desperate idiot.

    Votes: 65 61.3%

  • Total voters
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And no they don't have some surge of signals but connections between different parts of the brain topographically are created this is why even if a child can't remember some early life trauma it will still affect their behavior later in life due to the permanent influences on it due to its own environment. Its also not just growing neurons its which type of neurons specifically whether they are white or grey matter.
True that influences from physical conditions may effect the mind set of a person. For example lack in nutrition (such as good fats) may effect the myelin sheath.
The age limit for staff applications will never go down, we also don't make exceptions anymore.

If anything, in the long term the chances are the age limit will be raised.
If the limit does get raised, it'll be when I'm 15 and three quarters. ;)
Anyway. Not sure whether under-16s should be staff or not, but… it doesn't matter anyway. The staff (along with 90% of the community, be they above or below 16) have spoken.

The staff didn't raise the limit to make you mad. They raised it for their own purposes, and I see that semi-raging at them is quite rude.

And before people go on disagreeing, please note that Mage edited his original post.
I think it always depends on the age and maturity of the "child." For example, a mature 15 year old "child" might be perfectly suitable. However, a silly little 11 year old would cause disaster throughout the server.
I can definitely see why the age limit could be raised to say 18 for a couple of the departments. However Lore staff for example I don't really see any necessity for the age limit to be raised for them. For departments like PR, correct me if I'm wrong, but most people in that department will be older than 18 just due to the knowledge necessary for a proper marketing campaign not being readily available to most people at a young age...
I'm going to put it out there, but I think I'm a good example of why the age limit is as it is. As mentioned before, I was an RP staff before the age change there. As Marty put it, I did a good amount of work, but the others whom are above the age limit did a vast deal more than myself, in both quality and quantity.
I am WAY under the little silly child cliché.
I am not stereotyping, it is just a simple fact. I have been 11 (the example I used) before, of course, and I was quite immature. If you are the age of eleven and are able to take things seriously, work hard, and be professional without playing jokes on or insulting players, then I applaud you. But I judging by your constant complaining about this and accusation of stereo-typing, it would seem you have yet to reach that level of maturity, as most children are. It's just simple. While some children can be more mature than adults or adolescence, that is typically not how things are.

Mage... you are not being stereotyped. You are 11, yes? Well I am 13. There is only 2 years difference between us. People are treating you like a child, as you are acting like one. Accept that you cannot do something others can.
I just notice this..
OMG! I just noticed this! I am being stero-typed! And all the rest of the children, because it is a normal habit for people to make stero-types, and children are. Man why didn't I notice this.

(No offense Staff.. But it is a normal habit for people to make stero-types)

First of all, the fact that you are unable to accept scientific fact and logical reasoning as to why we do not lower the age limit is living proof in itself that the way the regulation works is optimal. If you are unable to set aside your own emotions and desires in the matter, how do you intend to separate them from decision taking that will affect hundreds of other players? You simply cannot. Saying you get angry over this fact is like saying you get angry for not being able to fly or shoot lasers from your eyes. In the long term spectrum of things it's utterly pointless.

Secondly, just because you say "No offence" will not mean people will simply not get offended by what you say. If you don't mean offence, then keep your offensive opinions to yourself.
I highly disagree with children being staff members. 16 is fine for me. I would not ever suggest less then 13. Children are often incapable of understanding the severity of certain actions. Not all have this issue. Either way, if you wait till you are 16, you will have an even better understanding of what ever department you want to work for. You have more time to prepare. I personally aspire to being a lore staff in a few months. That is why I am practicing with write-me loses and want to be a roleplay staff first. Get a feel for lore things. Simple as that. And all you kiddies should practice for what ever staff you want to be. Work staff? Be a faction architect and build in creative mode in a super flat world. Game staff? Learn the rules by heart, and try to report rule breakers. Tech staff? Learn to program. I know some of this may be hard, but if you have a few more years, practice the necessary skills so you can get ahead of the game with a few years of experience. So good luck to you. All of you.
I am sorry, okay! Just a little depressed that I in my own opinion that I feel like I am being sterotyped, which Sterotyping is a common thing, Also I didn't mean to express how I felt. (Though there is a law of freedom of speech)
Last thing, can we just stop this argument, it is making both sides mad, and I just want this fire to calm down.
Do you agree?
You do realize that freedom of speech does not extend to other countries right?
PR needs experience. I honestly doubt that anybody under 16 has done ad campaigns or done any sort of marketing - they probably haven't even taken any serious business classes! And while PR also makes media and maintains the MassiveCraft brand, this also requires experience with graphic editing tools, which I bet even less people have true mastery over.

Ultimately, it does not matter which department you go for or how much work you are expected to do. Being staff is an administrative position that requires you to be a leader. From not only scientific research, but also personal experiences, I can easily conclude that anybody under 16 cannot manage a position of such responsibility.

Finally, to end my argument, if you have to point out what your maturity or intelligence level is, then you obviously aren't high in either of those categories. Remember, your actions speak louder than your words. Let your actions speak for you instead of your words.
For 1, I actually feel really bad now. For 2, I've got nothing
@MageDarkMagic I'm sorry but there's a reason they have stereotypes and for someone that is so up in arms about being labeled with a stereotype you're managing to live up to that stereotype. You're also providing the people opposing the lowering of the age limit with a grade A argument as you go. I'm not surw why you feel that you being upset is an exclusive event, a lot of younger and most likely more eligible people would love to apply for staff (I for one would love to be a staff member for numerous reasons) but the age limit restricts them. Just because you have the ability to complain doesn't mean you should, it's quite immature of you to think you aren't the only affected and that you should get mad at the staff because they have those restrictions in place, there's more than enough justification in this thread as to why it's there, if you were truly motivated to be staff on MassiveCraft you could read that, understand that and be patient and wait until you are old enough. Just a piece of advice.
Why did I have to comment in this thread...
Yeah, you're fighting the server. Don't get depressed, it is a silly thing to be depressed about. It is just basic facts that when you're older you get smarter. So when you say you're feeling depressed just because you feel like you can't be trusted because they only allow 16+ ages to be staff member, is pretty weak (no offense) they're brains are more developed, and their maturity is higher because they have already gone through the stages of ages 10-15 and know that they made some stupid decisions and faced the punishments, which has molded their maturity. So, don't be depressed it is just life, it sucks. Life sucks, and that will never change.
I stopped arguing about. Also, I don't know why I am not acting like myself, which is not like the one I am taking on now. Also I feel like kids are just being sterotyped because of how people think they are, which is totally acceptable because everyone does it. Finally, I am done arguing, Okay.

Kids get "stereotyped" as staff members because they just aren't capable of doing as good of a job as older people do. Your inability to grasp this fact both amazes and amuses me. Kids, for their age, can do a good job as a staff member, but if you think that an 11 year old would do just as good as a 16 year old, you're just fooling yourself. Not only are you resisting scientific facts, you're resisting common sense. It has been proven time and time again that the older the staff member, the better. This is not an opinion, this is a fact.
Okay, Last post I'll make on this thread.
Okay yes I know a eleven year old won't make the best staff member, but people can try, though they might not be the best, they still tried and tried.
In an attempt to create less tension and less stereotypes between children among the ages of 8-11 you have successfully made me hate children even more.
Okay, Last post I'll make on this thread.
Okay yes I know a eleven year old won't make the best staff member, but people can try, though they might not be the best, they still tried and tried.

They can try all they want, but it should be on a server with a population of around 10 or so people, with the owner keeping a close eye on them. That server though, is not Massive, and never will be.
Why do you hate children.........

Dearest Lovebug. We don't hate children. In fact, a lot of us are children. That'd be like saying that I hate myself. Whether I actually do or don't is beside the point.
Our issue is-- Well, let me rephrase that. My issue is that you continue to argue about a point that is unchanging. I love all of you, even if anyone of ya manages to upset me. I'm going to put this in kind terms to hope that I can help open your eyes a bit.
Aah Bah Bah! Before your tippity typity fingers hit those keys, just LISTEN.

It's not a matter of depression. In fact, whether or not you are depressed barley has a connection. Though I will say this: There's a lot of things that kids/teenagers can/(have the right to?) Be depressed about, and this is NOT one of them. This point that everyone is making is not to attack 10 year olds, or however old you may be. But your constant posting, the "OMG"s, "XD"s "JK"s, and constant "LOL"ing throughout your posts will get you no where. In fact it proves our point more. Maturity is something that you gain. You can't get it in a day or two. It doesn't come overnight. In fact, to be completely honest, I am a bit of an immature girl myself. I'm hyper, I have mood swings, prone to anxiety; if something starts to freak me out I simply can't handle it, and get myself all worked up. Not only does admitting my flaws to an entire community take maturity, it also takes courage. And sure, I am only fourteen and I do stupid stuff. I do stupid things all the time. Mistakes are part of growing up. But overall, I think that it is safe to say that the age limit should be 16 because of our immaturity- Because we all are. No matter if we claim to be otherwise.
Confy has the right idea, it is all based on maturity. Ones who are immature would do ridiculous things if someone upsets them (Not saying you would). If an rp goes bad and an immature staff member throws a fit, you can smell the banning from here. There are several other reasons too. Staff is not just a colored name. Staff members go through some pretty stressful stuff. They answer tickets constantly, help out new people, they have little time to rp, and all their time goes to making the server a better and more fun one.
How was me being a little depressed minutes ago funny?
It was funny because you raging, as well as constantly spamming this thread, is just the reason why the staff age limit is that high. You state that you are mature and able to do the job, yet you prove your own statement false in the same exact post..
Last edited:
Also guys,I am going to delete some of the post I made, And just do one final statement. Are you guys cool with that?
Dearest Lovebug. We don't hate children. In fact, a lot of us are children. That'd be like saying that I hate myself. Whether I actually do or don't is beside the point.
Our issue is-- Well, let me rephrase that. My issue is that you continue to argue about a point that is unchanging. I love all of you, even if anyone of ya manages to upset me. I'm going to put this in kind terms to hope that I can help open your eyes a bit.
Aah Bah Bah! Before your tippity typity fingers hit those keys, just LISTEN.

It's not a matter of depression. In fact, whether or not you are depressed barley has a connection. Though I will say this: There's a lot of things that kids/teenagers can/(have the right to?) Be depressed about, and this is NOT one of them. This point that everyone is making is not to attack 10 year olds, or however old you may be. But your constant posting, the "OMG"s, "XD"s "JK"s, and constant "LOL"ing throughout your posts will get you no where. In fact it proves our point more. Maturity is something that you gain. You can't get it in a day or two. It doesn't come overnight. In fact, to be completely honest, I am a bit of an immature girl myself. I'm hyper, I have mood swings, prone to anxiety; if something starts to freak me out I simply can't handle it, and get myself all worked up. Not only does admitting my flaws to an entire community take maturity, it also takes courage. And sure, I am only fourteen and I do stupid stuff. I do stupid things all the time. Mistakes are part of growing up. But overall, I think that it is safe to say that the age limit should be 16 because of our immaturity- Because we all are. No matter if we claim to be otherwise.
... I just wrote all of that against you. Gave you counter points at 11 pm... And all you say to me is "Agreed"? So, you're agreeing with me about how immature you are, correct? Because that's what I just wrote.
God, that's great. Deleting his posts as soon as he realized he was on the wrong side.. Somewhat amused for the night.
I look at this thread and see argue argue flame flame whine whine complain. Just leave the kid alone and let him chill out, and just agree with the server admins.
..................This is starting to turn into flame, and we already proved why children cannot be staff. Shouldn't this thread be locked by now...?
Final Statement:
Okay, I took this to a lot of thought.
Children shouldn't be staff. But I think It would be good to have Semi Roleplay Staff, that can only review stuff and put pending review on character applications but only full Roleplay staff can make the final decision.
Also for a extra note I am sorry for my foolish childish behavior. I've just been under some stress, but I am over it.
Do you guys forgive me?
Also guys can you please stop getting on my back, I said sorry, please ;(
Okay I was wrong, Children shouldn't be staff.
Can we just get along? (handshake)
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