Dearest Lovebug. We don't hate children. In fact, a lot of us are children. That'd be like saying that I hate myself. Whether I actually do or don't is beside the point.
Our issue is-- Well, let me rephrase that. My issue is that you continue to argue about a point that is unchanging. I love all of you, even if anyone of ya manages to upset me. I'm going to put this in kind terms to hope that I can help open your eyes a bit.
Aah Bah Bah! Before your tippity typity fingers hit those keys, just LISTEN.
It's not a matter of depression. In fact, whether or not you are depressed barley has a connection. Though I will say this: There's a lot of things that kids/teenagers can/(have the right to?) Be depressed about, and this is NOT one of them. This point that everyone is making is not to attack 10 year olds, or however old you may be. But your constant posting, the "OMG"s, "XD"s "JK"s, and constant "LOL"ing throughout your posts will get you no where. In fact it proves our point more. Maturity is something that you gain. You can't get it in a day or two. It doesn't come overnight. In fact, to be completely honest, I am a bit of an immature girl myself. I'm hyper, I have mood swings, prone to anxiety; if something starts to freak me out I simply can't handle it, and get myself all worked up. Not only does admitting my flaws to an entire community take maturity, it also takes courage. And sure, I am only fourteen and I do stupid stuff. I do stupid things all the time. Mistakes are part of growing up. But overall, I think that it is safe to say that the age limit should be 16 because of our immaturity- Because we all are. No matter if we claim to be otherwise.