You guys are pretty new around here, so I'll dumb it down. Traps are fun. Pvp is supposed to involve aspects of the Environment, Skills trees, and use of multiple weapons. The only thing that you have to do in pvp now is spam potions and spam hitting. Without mods it is difficult to monitor the time of each individual potion. Which for current pvp is Strength2, Speed2, Fire resist, Absorption, Resistance, Healthboost2 and maintaining health by spamming health potions. That is 7 different types of potions you have to prepare for a fight and an inventory of potions you'll lose trying to get better.
Why do you think the pvp community is so small?
It's not because people aren't banding together, it's because the PvP is genuinely not interesting.
@BenRekt @Nekoii
Damn bro forget everything I said. Try it out, let me know how it goes.
I don't know why I explain it to these heathens.
You're kidding.
That or you don't know what you're talking about. (No hate meant, just think you're wrong <3)
1) There are several players on this thread who I know have been around on Massive just as long, if not longer than you.
2) Traps are fun for one person, frustrating for everyone else involved. Should they be illegal, no, but they shouldn't be encouraged in any form by staff. And I know you didn't personally make this argument, but someone in this thread did, and there is no skill involved in making traps, or thinking, or anything like that. Pretty two best/strongest/whatever traps in existence don't use redstone. One is the string trap, which is pretty obvious, the other is a fall trap which is completely invisible and uses no redstone.
3) "Spam potion and spam hitting." Sigh. Thought we'd finally gotten over this. Spam potting isn't really a thing if you know what you're doing. If you know what you're doing, you hotkey, manage your potions properly, use them properly so you heal more than one heart, and can get away with using a pot every 5+ seconds, just depending on the circumstances. Click speed is literally the least important factor of pvp. Strafing, aim, w-tapping, etc., are all significantly more important. It helps sure, but there are tons of excellent pvpers, including ones significantly better than myself who don't jitter click.
As for potions, you can get away with using strength, speed, and health. I personally don't use resistance. And I mean, yes, of course people are going to use health potions. It's potion pvp ffs. Absorption, sure, it helps, but I mean, they're cheaper than health pots anyways. Healthboost 2 is actually never used, people use healthboost 1 extended, and you can get away without using that pretty easily.
Disabling potions won't change anything. I will still beat you, the next guy, and everyone else who I can currently beat. All it will do will make fights shorter (which, frankly, is to your disadvantage anyways), and that's not really the direction PvP should really take if you think about it. I mean, why bother running 500 blocks to a raid just for 10 seconds of actual pvp, after which you're probably going to die. If you don't die, you have to run away until you regen, which just takes further time away from pvp.
The PvP community is not small, actually. It is small on Massive. However, excluding Mineplex and Hypixel (most of their minigames revolve around pvp in one way or another, though) the largest servers are all pvp based. You could make the argument that the largest servers for the 14-16ish demographic are hardcore faction servers (which, by the way, a lot of people are rather pissy about the extensive use of traps in the HCF community as well, though again nobody is suggesting you're illegalized), so no, pvp is in no of a small community.
Think about it. If potions were removed, and the other changes you suggested added, what do you really think would happen? All of the pvpers would leave. Maybe some of the current roleplayers would screw around with pvp a bit, but I guarantee they'll get bored after a while, for the reasons I highlighted earlier. And a potionless, trapping pvp community will not attract outsiders. There are already very much established pvp communities outside of Massivecraft. Literally none of them involve the aspects you are suggesting; in fact most of them attempt to do the exact opposite.
In real life a player will come at another player with a weapon. On massivecraft a raider applies Strength2, Speed2, Fire resist, Absorption, Resistance, Healthboost2 before attacking a player, and if the defending player is good and manages to drop the raiders health. Then the raider can use their inventory of health pots to bring themselves back up to full health. This is not player vs player, it is potion versus potion.
No traps and no class damage buffs it makes it a complete one way fight in the raiders favor. That is why raptum likes the current system.
If you want real life fighting, go learn martial arts. It's actually quite fun. Otherwise, please don't bother with "this is more realistic so we need to do this;" this idea has long been debunked.
Who the hell do you think are using the potions? Spoiler, it's the player
, and I guarantee I can do it more efficiently than you can, as can toku, as can ben.
....Defenders have literally every advantage there is. Raptum, believe it or not, is not invincible. SunKiss won raids against them. Back when Mag was a thing, I won raids against them alongside Atheria, and that was before either SunKiss or Atheria were primarily PvP factions (granted, atheria never became a primarily pvp faction), and we also won even more defenses (because believe it or not the defenders have the advantage). Raptum has every disadvantage in the book when they're raiding you. I mean, the defenders literally have a 10% resistance buff on their land. They can run inside. They can get more pots. And again, nobody is making the argument that traps should be illegalized. Just that they shouldn't be encouraged.