What We Do Outside Of Massive

Airsoft, draw, I've been writing a book for a quarter of my life and I am still on chapter 4, I run cross country, and track, I play bass trombone in band, annoy the heck out of my friends (I try not too :P), listen to music, and am a part of TSA (Technology Student Association). And I don't know what else, I'll edit this if I think of more.
Game dev
Trading card games( yugioh and star realms mainly)
And best of all:
Browsing /b/
I help run a business with my husband (Fong). I try to take a three mile walk everyday, but the weather doesn't always permit it. I also enjoy reading and spending time with friends.
Do you like the Harry Potter series?
Yes indeed I do and should of mentioned it. I started reading it with a critical eye. I thought it was a "kids book", but warmed up to them quickly. It's a great series and very well written. I can see how the story grew with its young readers.
Yes indeed I do and should of mentioned it. I started reading it with a critical eye. I thought it was a "kids book", but warmed up to them quickly. It's a great series and very well written. I can see how the story grew with its young readers.
I saw some of the movies first, and the I haaad to read the books. I love the books so much, I can't put it into words.
I didn't get to see the last three movies in the theaters, so I was so sad for a /long/ time. I wanted to see them on the big screen :<
Well.. For computer based things, I do lots of research on various things, to help increase my knowledge base (some beneficial for massive RP) I also play various games; recently I have been playing, Baldur's gate 2, and Ice wind dale.

I Workout(sometimes) go for long walks in the wooded area of my city, I work part time, I learn, and practice Ninjutsu, I study swordplay with a variety of swords (generally not the large hefty ones), I learn, and practice knife combat... Etc. I have lots of 'hobbies'

I also read(I've recently been reading legend of Drizzt.), I used to paint, but no longer have the tools to do so... At some point I will get a violin, and start learning that.
Well well well, let me explain what the little phoney does in his non-massive times.

  1. Studying in university as a freshman
  2. going out with friends every thursday after class
  3. talking/gaming with my old buddies, god damn I miss them
  4. running a business and get excited everytime we reach a milestone (we reached 10k THB last weekend from the 3rd shipment alone, much happiness)
  5. grabbing a new shipment every weekend or two due to popular demand
  6. playing Defiance
  7. hanging out at my brother's apartment
  8. scratching at my acne infested face just because it feels good (and it cause more to pop up which is annoying as all hell)
  9. being a consultant for all my buddies headaches (I seem to be the one with best life out of the three, and my personality allow me to take their craps without worsening my own life to them)

That's about it, I think.
Roam the streets, slaughtering the innocent under the veil of the night.

Then I come home and not sleep while crying over anime or scrolling through my Tumblr dash all night.

Drawing's neat.
I've been working on a novella for the last year or so, but it's my biggest single project so far, so it's been a bit difficult to focus on.

Otherwise, I do work and school. I really enjoy doing modern dance, but I don't do it professionally.
school. school and ratchet squad life.

I often contemplate many existential things, I listen to quite a lot of music, mostly to avoid listening to my own thoughts since... it can get rather noisy up there.

Mostly I sleep though.

Oh, I suppose I also do a bit of bird watching. Not like the hobbyist type, but I spend some time now and again just sitting around watching them. Mostly crows around here, but there are some ducks, egrets and herons, occasionally a flock of ibis come through. Ibis are rather cute. Aningas are rare but occasionally an odd one will come around here. There used to be a big old spoon billed stork around here, but I haven't seen him at all this year.
Game dev
Trading card games( yugioh and star realms mainly)
And best of all:
Browsing /b/
View attachment 40804
Dude, you broke rules 1 and 2... lol

I spend my days programming (like I'm s'posed to be doing now hehe), then I kinda just try and chill... Spontaneity is key to a happy life!

My main computer blew up just before I moved house and I've been to busy to replace it (plus, no desk as the old one didn't fit in the new house)... so my MC time is limited, I recently found a hole host of things I'm still into...
Outside of work, I'm spending most of my time fixing up my new house and trying to convince my Mrs to let me build a bigger tesla coil (I got that mad scientist phase going on right now :P ), and I want to try making a beam ship (read http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/ttbrown-01.htm for a brief history of what a beam ship is... t'is interesting)

I draw, and have been writing a lot for Gilead's history... erm, oh, sailing (or boating of any kind really, but I do love sailing), scouting (as a leader, but that's on the back burner as I've just moved house and there is apparently stuff to be done)... what else.......... music, I sing and play guitar, basically... even though I'm "needed" in the house, I have a lot of free time......
I start my morning at 7am with early classes at school, hang out there until 3:30. After school I have cross country for 2 hours. After cross country I have jujitsu or karate or Boy Scouts depending on the day of the week. At home I do boxing and lift weights. On weekends I play guitar hero and go to church n stuff.
I'm also one for disco parties. Aaaw yeah.
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