Game dev
Trading card games( yugioh and star realms mainly)
And best of all:
Browsing /b/
View attachment 40804
Dude, you broke rules 1 and 2... lol
I spend my days programming (like I'm s'posed to be doing now hehe), then I kinda just try and chill... Spontaneity is key to a happy life!
My main computer blew up just before I moved house and I've been to busy to replace it (plus, no desk as the old one didn't fit in the new house)... so my MC time is limited, I recently found a hole host of things I'm still into...
Outside of work, I'm spending most of my time fixing up my new house and trying to convince my Mrs to let me build a bigger tesla coil (I got that mad scientist phase going on right now

), and I want to try making a beam ship (read for a brief history of what a beam ship is... t'is interesting)
I draw, and have been writing a lot for Gilead's history... erm, oh, sailing (or boating of any kind really, but I do love sailing), scouting (as a leader, but that's on the back burner as I've just moved house and there is apparently stuff to be done)... what else.......... music, I sing and play guitar, basically... even though I'm "needed" in the house, I have a lot of free time......