Archived What If We Had Massivequests In Factions?

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Demon of Wrath
Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
The Void
Hey guys Diamondsword1325 here
The past couple of days I have been watching my brother quest in the new world Warrenord. (I'm banned and cannot wait to play it!). And then the thought hit me: What if we had these quests in our own factions? You could pay Regals to summon npc's then right click them to program text. I dont know exactly how it would work, I just thought it would be really cool for some factions, especially roleplay factions, to have their own quests. What are your thoughts on this?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like this idea
It's good. Very good
Quoted directly from the Massivecraft - MassiveQuest "Author Tips" Section of the website.
Player Maps
Player maps are maps the players can alter and build their Faction base on. Ellador and Daendroc are good examples of such maps. Most maps on MassiveCraft are of this kind. You should not create any quests on player maps. Why? Player maps are reset at regular intervals. Upon reset all NPCs, quest signs and buildings involved would be removed. The quests would break. Since MassiveCraft staff members come and go it's important we never break existing quests. Repairing a quest you are not the author of will probably be hard since you don't have all the details in your head.​
Let me add something to what Jaxin posted above.

Maybe you should take a look at the MassiveQuest Author Guide first. It requires some practice before being able to implement flawless quests. Besides, only higher ranked staff is able to implement quests or even NPCs, and I don't think this feature will ever be available for regular players. I could imagine applying to have the staff design quests for a very important/popular faction, or maybe in exchange for Regals or IRL-money (although I still heavily dislike the idea). Otherwise this could be heavily abused and cause more problems than it would make people happy. I suggest enjoying the official quests that currently exist, and the ones that will be released in the future. Should this feature be available to everyone else, then the worlds and quests designed by staff would not be as special as they are now, huh?

If you are really that interested in designing your own quests, feel free to apply for Quest Staff (Yes, there is a department just for that), but I heavily suggest having a look at the MassiveQuest Author Guide first so you know what will come up to you :P
While this idea seems and looks really cool (hell, I would love to derp around other people's factions and not get killed if I had the chance.) However, there would be so much programming that you would have to do for the NPCs and the quests themselves. While I'm not a programmer myself (or ever plan to be for that matter), it seems that the work put into this would be so much. Besides, If every faction made like 5 quests to do, imagine how many quests people would have unfinished? Also, what would happen if you are killed on sight in the faction because they confuse you with a raider? If any single person had access to making quests, there would be so many more quests, which just equals more time on the staff's part to sort them out and such.
However, what if it was similar to War Zones? Sure players can create their own, but it is at a high cost, it is staff approved, and it doesn't make Aqua and Remus any less special. And jaxin711, I cant remember the last time a world had a restart, besides, if there ever is a restart, your Warzone would be lost too. So to create your own quest, it would cost alot of regals, must be staff approved for lore-compliancy, and wouldn't take away from worlds like Warrenord.
The only problem I can think of is the fact that from my knowledge, quests aren't just " go here click the spawned NPC and get that" each one takes coding that I don't believe possible on a player wide level.
That could be possible Starkiller, but Cayorion could probably find some way to code it so it is easier. I mean he created many plugins from nothing, I'm sure he could modify one to make it easier for players.
This would be pretty awesome, but perhaps a more moderated version of it first: Faction NPCs. That is, a faction can 'hire'(purchase) a player-model NPC and set it up to say certain things when right clicked, for example, an introductory NPC that tells people about the faction or explains MCmmo or gives directions to certain areas if asked (/msg NPCNAME Where is the darkroom?). They don't give quests, they just say words that the faction owner can alter - no items, just a right click. Honestly not sure if that would be more or less complex code wise, but it would be a good way to debug a faction-quest plugin or test to see how players interact with NPCs in survival worlds.
Actually, I think they use Denizens and Citizens. You type /npc create [npc name]. It automatically sets the skin if a player with that username has one. You can equip it and such, but you need to manually type in the text.

Its not the NPS so to say, its the "if we want an actual quest than so and so will need to give such item at blank time". It would be near to impossible for the regular player base to do this.
Although this certainly would be a very interesting idea, it might be one of those we can only wish for, due to quotes from @Jaxin711 's search of Quests. Also, if a Quest is programmed by a player, it anyways would set some pretty bad temptations. Think about it; You can make an NPC say whatever you want when you click on it, and have you get it whatever it wants. Although it can be neat, such as a Knight whom lost his iron blade and wishes you to make one that is sharpened, people might make some pretty offensive characters who need some even worse items which I won't go too much into detail for, as I get you have the idea.
Well Chronicler, as I previously said, it would need to be staff approved for lore compliancy and to make sure it isn't OP
However, what if it was similar to War Zones? Sure players can create their own, but it is at a high cost, it is staff approved, and it doesn't make Aqua and Remus any less special. And jaxin711, I cant remember the last time a world had a restart, besides, if there ever is a restart, your Warzone would be lost too. So to create your own quest, it would cost alot of regals, must be staff approved for lore-compliancy, and wouldn't take away from worlds like Warrenord.

Warzones are just a special area that makes all pvp allowed just like regular minecraft. So its really not that hard to do
Actually it is slightly difficult. First, the faction Warzone must be coded, so players that are allied, truced, and in the same faction can attack eachother. Then a staff must create the faction as a warzone. Besides, your only doing this cause you dont like me.
Actually its really not that different. It is simply a vanilla feature, just disabling the plugins for a particular area. Still thats a lot of work and time for the staff so its v expensive. Imagine how expensive quests would be with the story and the commands and the items and all.