What Can The Crimson Inquisition Do?


The Runesmith
Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
I'm new to the server and I've noticed a lot of chatter on the forums about the power/cruelty (depending on who's talking) of a group called the "Crimson Inquisition", but most of it could be considered role-play. Now I'm all for role-play but I can't really RP until I know the "cold-hard facts" of the situation.

So my question is this: What power does the Crimson Inquisition really have?
They can get people together and invade your faction, happened earlier today.
So there's nothing they could do to a vampire nomad?
And despite the RP talk of "cleaning the streets" can they actually attack a vampire in a city?
Also would they invade a faction if they had one vampire?
They can get people together and invade your faction, happened earlier today.

Okay, #1 totally false.
#2 The Crimson Inquisition is a Roleplay based group who is in Regalia(uspawn) they don't normally have mass killings, unless it is needed. They are ONLY in Regalia.(if they raid you, then you must be pretty bad. we wear leather armor) They are there to help rid of the vampire disease. you could say they also are kinda like the Regalia policemen, just they only get vampires, and anyone associated with them.
Just don't become a vampire and don't get in trouble with us and you'll be fine. -winks-
Seeing as Osai currently has no vampires in its faction...
So under what circumstance are they able to execute someone? Like actually kill them, not just monolog about the Crimson Inquisition's power and the vileness of the vampires.
Like if they say "Hey so-and-so we know your a vampire" they just have to come to the nearest CI office and give themselves up to be executed?
I'm assuming that any attack on Osai was player-driven. The Crimson Inquisition is meant to be a purely RP thing inside the Regalian walls, and nothing more.
Like if they say "Hey so-and-so we know your a vampire" they just have to come to the nearest CI office and give themselves up to be executed?
Like if they say "Hey so-and-so we know your a vampire" they just have to come to the nearest CI office and give themselves up to be executed?

To a extent yes, but it is more like "Hey, so and so is a vampire -goes to neartest CI officer- hey so and so are a vampire!" And a day later a brute squad is sent out and the two people executed after being offered a "cure" which is speculated they do not offer anymore.
Like if they say "Hey so-and-so we know your a vampire" they just have to come to the nearest CI office and give themselves up to be executed?
Occasionally staff jail people who are known vampires in RP, so they can be executed. Some people have executed testificates who are "vampires". Other than that, yes. It's all based on player actions.
So if I wanted to kill vampires I'd just be better off wandering the wilds with a wooden sword and holy water?
What are those? Well I assume they're factions, but what would that do?
Algaron is a heavy anti-vampire faction that actively wages war on vampire factions, and Covidien is my faction and I'm trying to start a order of holy warriors who slay undead. The latter was simply a shameless plug.
Crimsons cannot do anything to you if you do not want to participate in the roleplay. If you do not want to rp with the crimsons:
  1. ignore them
  2. do not say anything
  3. and walk away
If you decide to roleplay with the crimsons or get involved you will lose the right to complain about the outcome.
Thank you MonMarty
Is there any way to prevent/stop a lone vampires from roaming the wilds hunting for newbies?
Crimsons don't leave Regalia unless there is a big RP raid they must all participate in.
Thank you MonMarty
Is there any way to prevent/stop a lone vampires from roaming the wilds hunting for newbies?

The decent vampires, or decent roleplayers (humbly speaking), or however you want to say, we do not infect people asking to be vampire through the channel help, at least I do not do that.
Ok, thank you guys so much for all the answers!
One more question, is the only visible difference between vampires and humans paler skin?
Ok, thank you guys so much for all the answers!
One more question, is the only visible difference between vampires and humans paler skin?
There is no accepted visible difference. The only way you can tell is if mobs are visibly passive to them, they burn up in sunlight, or they visibly bite someone's neck to feed. ( I don't count jumping, because c'mon. It's minecraft, everyone jumps. )