Weird Dreams..?

I had a dream last night that Disney had bought the complete works of Michael Jackson.

Hmm how to make money on this odd premonition.
Had a dream where I woke up. I woke up to a dream, where I woke up. It goes on for a few minutes, before I wake up. Into another dream. I pinch myself, and I wake up. But... I have 6 fingers on my right hand. Another dream. Just then, I woke up. And just as I was heading out the door, the door slammed behind me. And it was, yes, another dream. For I awoke once more, in my comfortable bed, breaking out in cold sweat. And as I swung my feet onto the floor beside me, I awoke again. In the middle of math class. I accidentally drenched my notebook with saliva.
Last week I had a dream that I was leaving a friends house late at night to go home. And then out of the forest behind me, a giant bird came out but I somehow knew there was a person in the bird costume but that didnt change my reaction. So there I am running down the street at 12:00 AM with a giant bird chasing me home.. Weird dream.
I had a dream once where I appeared in a room made of cheese and saw three penguins. I shouted Hi and they all turned with red eyes and scared me so I woke up.
I used to have this really scary dream when I was little. I was driving a car up a mountain. It was really steep, and there was a large ocean with a lot of sharp rocks. I would always try and drive up the mountain, but the car would fall off and everyone would die except me, I would just keep falling until I woke up. It was really scary.
I had a dream where I was watching a film with a kid and mom on swings, I look to my butler ( :3 ) to get a drink and then I look back, blood is allover the swing, the babies dead, blood is on the floor irl ;ooo and I just sit there.

Then I go upstairs and look through the crack on my wood floor and see a coffin, a skeleton pops out and flashes purple and blue and I nearly got an epileptic fit from my dream. orz
I had a dream of watching a movie and then, getting hungry, I walked into the TV and stole the main characters drink.
I had this awesome dream once when I was walking through a city made from lego, when suddenly I realized I was god and could do whatever I wanted to, so I flew up and landed on an overpass, then I tried to shoot lasers out of my hands and it didn't work, then I teleported to a highway and flew back and forth a few times, then suddenly I noticed a small spherical house with lots of laundry hanging around it, I flew closer but then suddenly my god powers stopped working and I crashed into it and concrete splinters flew everywhere, then suddenly I found myself in a huge, dark public office kind of place, and the gill-man from Creature of The Black Lagoon was there, and he had an army of rats, and I tried to escape through the door but it was closed, but then then I remembered I was god so I just banished the door and flew away but I woke up just as I was about to leave the parking lot.
I had a couple:
  • I was on a tall pillar in the middle of a swamp with alligators all around me in a lake surrounding the pillar, my mom and one of my sisters was on the pillar too and they seemed strangely chill about it, and were watching movies on my mom's iPod touch. I started watching too, but my sister kept shoving me closer and closer to the edge of the pillar so that she could get a better look at the movie. I fell into the lake, and swam to the shore, but as soon as I reached the shore my leg was bitten off by the alligators. When I woke up, I was so freaked out that I thought that the wide-brim hat on the end of my bed was an alligator.
  • I was at a mall with carnivorous starfish on the loose, I had to collect them all. I collected them, and put them in a paper bag, and one ate my hand off and suddenly I was in this room with a creepy man and a TV and the TV was showing people who were fishing while swimming, and suddenly they were all eaten alive by these huge piranhas and their bones were spat out then I looked at the man who was in the same room as me and he was smiling and he said something about being glad the piranhas did as they were told by him to do.
  • I was in a skyscraper and suddenly the sky turned red and a dinosaur came crashing through the windows and ate my friends.
  • I was at the beach and my family was taking a nap when the tide suddenly came in and I tried to pull them out of the water but they were too heavy and the water ate them. (Don't ask)
  • I was in the flying tent with my friend and her brother, and the bottom was dropping out. I somehow landed the tent and fell into a pile of clothes in this fashionable resort/hotel and this reporter came and asked me a ton of personal questions. I punched her and ran off and woke up.
  • My mom told me that one night when she passed my room when I was really little she heard me talk in my sleep and say "Ice cream....We're gonna get Ice cream..."