My dreams throughout my entire life have been... curious. In many of them I shift between being different people, or being on/in different things, like looking in a arcade cabinet then being in the game. Here is perhaps my only dream to have imprinted on my long term memory. Please note I was 7-11, don't ask the exact age my long term memory has way to much room to spare.
The first section of dream I recall is being part of a group sitting around a diagram of a house. We talked about what we were going to do in the vampire house, some raid or such thing. I focused on a coffin that was really detailed before changing to a different character.
I was suddenly the fat man in the group and we were in the house. I was alone and in a hall thing near the coffin I had seen. I saw what looked like a nice pink clean room through a half-wall and slipped around a beam into the demi-room. In the room itself it was just as grey and bleak as the rest of the house, the pink was just a trick on the eyes to make the room look safer. I heard the woman I had run and hid from come past, I was right behind and hiding behind the half-wall. The vampiress walked past and I changed perspective again.
The next scene involved me having a top down view on a pile of scrap metal in what I believe was a outside area next to the house. A middle-aged man in good heath was laying on the pile talking with his young daughter, she was 5-8 in appearance. No idea what they were talking about but I soon became the father, who soon followed his daughter into a back door into the house.
Not exactly which order the next two parts came in but I'll talk about the less mental one first.
The man came into a room with the vampire queen from before and his daughter waiting for him. The girl trusted the vampire, but the conversation that followed I don't recall. Anything else involving that I've no idea.
This is by far the most interesting part of the dream. The man from before, me, was climbing a bunk bed ladder. The ladder was impossibly tall, and it took awhile to climb. there was a stereotype sports announcer describing my actions as I climbed the ladder, which was shaking quite a bit despite being made of wood. I reached the top and looked over onto the bed to see a teddy bear wearing a baseball jersey. I knew he was the announcer...
That is all I remember of this dream, though during the morning I fantasized about a band-aid you could put on your neck that would make you a vampire, and thought about jumping around my yard with the young girl with band-aids on our necks. Anyways that is my strangest dream I remember, I promise you there are stranger locked within my mind.