Archived Water Bottles For Maiar

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scavenger and dolphin-man
Mar 3, 2013
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I'm think what I'm seeing is that ever since 1.6, Maiar run out of food points for being out of water and just for taking damage (that's my understanding of the update).
I suggest that Maiar be able to drink water from those little glass bottles people make potions in to restore 1 food point. I've been a maiar for a long time, since I enjoy the race, but its much harder to play one now.
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I agree. Currently, the need to stand in water constantly to restore your hunger bar discourages players from becoming Maiar. However, this and the ability for Maiar to break blocks quickly under water would both make it an excellent race.
I recall some staff saying that bottled water and such for maiar will not be implemented. There have been a lot of requests for it, but I'm not too sure.
I recall some staff saying that bottled water and such for maiar will not be implemented. There have been a lot of requests for it, but I'm not too sure.

That was said but due to the changes in the hunger system they might have another look at it or make some modifications to the maiar hunger loss rate.
I believe this was suggested and shot down by staff, as Maiar would kind of become OP. I think I remember someone saying something about it in global and MunMerti said it had already been discussed and rejected, as Maiar are supposed to live in water .
For areas where you can edit the terrain, carry a water bucket. For places like Regalia, you just have to always know where the nearest water is located. It's part of being maiar.
Well if its been suggested many times, probably before all these updates as far as I'm aware, maybe the staff should review the pros and cons of various races because there are more cons to being Maiar than there used to be. I know how to survive on land with the bucket and the mental map of the cities. I've been doing it for the entirety of my playing here. Hell, if i could afford it, I'd just build an underwater faction and never come on land, but that would be poor role-playing in my opinion, especially seeing as a majority of my friends here are not Maiar. I understand that Maiar are supposed to live in water, but with the way this hunger is going out, it's really seeming like an endangered species and I don't want to see my people go that way. Role-playing is very difficult when there are fewer people to do it with.
And about the becoming OP with the water bottles thing? Not likely. Other races besides Agni and Maiar replenish health when their food bar is full by eating food, but they can still die even if at full hunger. It would be the exact same scenario with Maiar (or Agni). Being able to drink water on the go doesn't make me any more powerful than an Orc who is eating bread mid-battle.
Totally agree...and maiars REALLY are no good right now, other ten sped swim and safety while in a big body of water
Even tho all those requests being turned down I do see how this could be implanted adding roleplay, and limiting opness.
water bottles for maiar for instance, A water bottle takes one slot when filled with water or any other ingredient. This comes down to that a maiar can only holdup till about 36 bottles. Make each bottle give one or half a hunger bar = 3,5 - 1,7 times aditional energy endurance ontop of the standart, while out of water. We probably won't see a maiar hold 36 water bottles in their inventory all the time.

Roleplay intact and race aspect balanced. (as far as I am conserned) Same goes for agni with lava buckets. And possible vampires with bottles of blood o.O Anyways these 2 races and watever you wish to call the last one, Don't have normal hunger system. But does that mean they canot storage their food surply and take some with them for a long journey???
As long as its extremely restricted on how much aditional food they can carry, and is more limited than other races, then I personaly don't see a problem with it.

But yea its the staffs lore, and if they don't want it, they don't do it. Thats one thing we can't argue about :P
I agree, for races like Vampire Agni and Maiar, they need some way to carry around food and stuff... (Not that agni need food, but they need lava for healing..) Things need to be fixed and balanced but like the human is fine, I don't know about the other classes... Well actually they are fine also. Only Vampire Agni and Maiar.

Edit: I still remember that when I first got on this server that Agni healed in fire. Alas that is gone now.. There is more fire then lava in the world.
This has been suggested so many times that I can't even remember how many exactly. The staff told countless threads like these that they will never add the water bottle for maiars. The purpose of not adding it is so that they actually GO in the water. In real life, fish need their skin to be constantly wet to survive. I would say it's somewhat similar with the maiars. As far as I know, the staff isn't adding the feature.
This has been suggested so many times that I can't even remember how many exactly. The staff told countless threads like these that they will never add the water bottle for maiars. The purpose of not adding it is so that they actually GO in the water. In real life, fish need their skin to be constantly wet to survive. I would say it's somewhat similar with the maiars. As far as I know, the staff isn't adding the feature.

Well maybe your right about the point in where the staff wants maiar to stay in water. Thats why we must nerf it. If people don't apresiate the small, then they do not earn the big. Make water bottles restore half a energy point. This means it takes 20 bottles of water to fully restore energy.

This would seem like a fine medium to me. People begging for bottles to do this get wat they want. And maiar will probably still live and travel mostly trough water.

Note: normal inventory is 36 slots, thats 16 when carrying bottles around.
Can a staff lock this?

So many people have asked for this and it has been denied so many times.
Well, I would appreciate if a respectable mod came and reviewed what many people have been saying about either giving the Maiar water bottles or balancing the race versus ignoring it and "people who are not Maiar" accepting life the way it is. If it's been suggested a lot, surely it can be looked into.
Well, I would appreciate if a respectable mod came and reviewed what many people have been saying about either giving the Maiar water bottles or balancing the race versus ignoring it and "people who are not Maiar" accepting life the way it is. If it's been suggested a lot, surely it can be looked into.

It doesn't add up. Sure, a fair few people have suggested this, but a whole lot more have disagreed with it. For good reason.
Maiar are FISH FOLK, not people that need water when on land, which is a HUMAN!
I think you have overlooked the fact that all you need is 1 bottle and a bucket (1 water block) for unlimited food supply. This will ruin the whole idea of the race since you would gain food faster by drinking water bottles than by staying in water. I cannot check the lore book on my phone (no pc access), but to me it feels like maiar don't use the water as a source of food, they need it so they don't dry up and die, which is why only puddles and larget bodys of water keeps them alive. (May be incorrect, but it seems logical)
I've been Maiar since the race was made available. I appreciate working within the limitations imposed - forces me to think outside the box. Actually, I do most of my thinking in a 1x3 rectangle of infinite water. I don't even carry cake - unless i'm playing in Ithania's /spawn.
I agree. Its incredibly annoying being a Maiar and trying to RP. Most of all when you try to RP in the tavern. Also I think vampires should have a similar method in being able to carry the blood of there victims in bottles, insted of ahving to ask people or hunt mobs/spiders.
It would certainly make Miar easier.

Perhaps give Agni rain protection methods as well!
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