Archived Voting - An Economic Giant Starting To Fall

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
Server Voting is an excellent source of regals, and a large mechanic in the server economy.

Although the active players may enjoy the server, sometimes we forget the need to support the server we spend maybe a little too much time on. That being said, Massivecraft is currently the 57th on Planet Minecraft's top charts, with a little effort from each individual player we can increase the daily player count by… you guessed it, Voting!!

Don't get me wrong, voting is fine and all. However as of late, the system in which we vote is getting less and less attractive. The items we once yearned for are slowly deteriorating in value, and we always get those lame "Common" Items with no lore. I want to follow up with a series of possible solutions or incentives for players to vote.

*Remember, all suggestions on regal values, and Voting amounts are Suggestions. These are subject to change, if staff take any of these ideas into consideration*

~Change the Voting Lore Items~

This should be changed yearly to maintain value on said lore items. In a while i'll release a list of all the lore items that I would like to see implemented on the server and i would love for staff to consider those items. *All common lore items should be lored*


As a consequence to changing the list of of Lore Voting Items through removing and replacing all existing lore items. Nobody will have access to old voting items, except through trade and auctions. Therefore I would like propose an idea for a "Money Sink". The concept is quite simple, however it may take time for staff to implement said idea.

Create an Npc, similar to the one at the "Massive Store" in regalia. However, instead of asking to pay with real money. You would be allowed the option to pay for old lore items, that no longer exist through the voting system. The Npc would sell any and all recorded previous yearly voting items. All items being sold through the npc, would need much preciously earned coin, consequently because the items are no longer obtainable.


*Because common items are not lored, it is not necessary to add these to the list.

Green (Uncommon items) Sold at a starting price of 75 regals.

Yellow (Uncommon items) Sold at a starting price of 750 regals.

*If you wanted, the price could rise as the items from that voting year get older.

Example: in 2015 "Boom stick" is 50 regals (Through Npc) In 2016 price is raised to 100 regals.

~Voting Backpack~

Similar to the Premium/Donator perk of having a backpack, although it would be dumbed down a bit, so it doesn't offset incentives for donating too much. A "Voting Backpack" could be the size of a chest, Only obtainable for a week through voting 25 times in a row (Similar requirements for Massive Lottery) If staff find that a chest is too big, we could always change to the size of a dispenser, or fill the "Voting Backpack" (Chest size) with 9 blocks that are non-removable.

I know that I would be far more inclined to vote, especially if I want access to items in my voting backpack. The donator backpack still isn't satisfactory in size, so I'm inclined to like the idea.

~One time usage of /lore command~

I've heard staff say time and time again that this is a command restricted for only staff members. However there is only a certain amount of authenticity to the items that premium /lore. Whenever I go into the market or trade chat, I can go sell lore items all day if people see the purple "Staff Only" purple lore. However /lore for premiums has No Effect on the server economy, this is partly due to poor systematic development of the donator perk. So alternatively, I think players should have access to the /lore command (Of the purple variety), only in moderation, so it should be safe to ask a player to make 50 votes before given a one time usage of this command.

People I would like to tag: @Cayorion @Staff @Thortuna @MonMarty @Gethelp @Addrion @Diaphonos @Omnomivore @Lazzulai @Jackson413

I hope this thread gives you something to think about, and perhaps you may find it a little thought provoking. Thank you for your time :)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I agree with everything on here except for one item. The purple lore part. I think that needs to remain strictly staff only for the items. It's what makes them different from player /lore.

(Also tagging "staff" automatically tags omnomivore, thortuna, gethelp, and addrion. So you kinda tagged them twice)
Actually, with all the armor damage as of late I almost want to see MassiveArmor back. Almost.
~Change the Voting Lore Items~

* This is something we already do. I personally made the bulk of the current lore voting items. They were actually changed a few months ago so they haven't even been around for a year yet. Eventually they will be cycled out again for new items, but it takes weeks of planning, writing item codes, and spawning in the items to test them before they are ready for such a switch.


*This suggestion would be very labor-intensive for quest staff to create. On top of this, I do not believe we have the spawn codes saved for the older voting items. In addition to this, this is essentially an Admin Shop which we do not want on the server. We only make "Admin Shop" NPCs to help introduce new update blocks/items (like the new saplings, chorus fruit, etc) temporarily.

~Voting Backpack~

*It would be interesting to see you expand on this suggestion more.

~One time usage of /lore command~

*Staff do not use a unique /lore command to create purple lore. The only way we can get purple lore on an item is spawning items in with the spawn code.
~Change the Voting Lore Items~

* This is something we already do. I personally made the bulk of the current lore voting items. They were actually changed a few months ago so they haven't even been around for a year yet. Eventually they will be cycled out again for new items, but it takes weeks of planning, writing item codes, and spawning in the items to test them before they are ready for such a switch.


*This suggestion would be very labor-intensive for quest staff to create. On top of this, I do not believe we have the spawn codes saved for the older voting items. In addition to this, this is essentially an Admin Shop which we do not want on the server. We only make "Admin Shop" NPCs to help introduce new update blocks/items (like the new saplings, chorus fruit, etc) temporarily.
I may mention that you have an amazing player base at your disposal. Similar to when voting rewards were first released, you guys could go around asking players for ideas on lore items. The current voting list accounts for 250 uncommon lore items, and 50 rare lore items. Yes, putting this ALL on the staff will be hard work.
If you'd like you can look at some lore items that I've made using same spawning code. (Which I just recently discovered was how it's done)
Massivecraft and Chill

Give {p} book name:&eMassivecraft _and_Chill lore:&r&7Chill_V&r&7Massivecraft_V&5&oSit_down_and_open_up_that_gallon_container_of_Icecream,_cause_tonight_is_gonna_be_a_Massive_night!

Chaxe (Chilling axe)

Give {p} ironaxe 1 name:&aChaxe lore:A_weapon_made_for_war,_and_supprisingly_cold_to_the_touch! Frozen:3 Sharpness:2 Unbreaking:2

Honey Glaze Dew

Give {p} potion 1 name:&aHoney_Glaze_Dew lore:This_drink_sounds_like_an_elegant_sip,_a_drink_worthy_of_Regalian_Nobility,_but_never_let_any_form_of_dwarven_mead_decieve_you... effect:blindness power:4 duration:60 effect:slowness power:4 duration:30 effect:nausea power:4 duration:60

~Voting Backpack~

*It would be interesting to see you expand on this suggestion more.
The concept is quite simple, and may (If the staff wishes) be a replacement for current /bp. Pretty much you'd have a player vote a certain number of times to gain limited access to /bp, in order to keep using the command a player would have to meet a certain number of votes weekly/monthly to regain access to that same backpack.

Player A votes 25 times, console gives temporary permissions to /bp for a week/month (Whatever you prefer).​
Player B does not votes 24 times, 25 is the minimum requirement therefore player B does not get access to voting /bp.
A week/month passes since Player A voted 25 times, access is revoked to voting /bp. To renew command access, Player A has to go vote another 25 times.

This is idea is amazing if you want voting numbers to skyrocket, making it so voting is required to unlock any /bp permissions. Would, consequently force any players wanting a backpack to vote weekly/monthly (Which would be understandable, players should reward the server for letting them play). If you feel that doing so would be hard on players, you could just make it so a week of voting unlocks /vbp, which would just be a copy and paste version of the original backpack system (Item storage size lowered or kept same open to staff preferance).
Keep in mind the goal is to reward players for actively voting (and push more players to actively vote).
*This suggestion would be very labor-intensive for quest staff to create. On top of this, I do not believe we have the spawn codes saved for the older voting items. In addition to this, this is essentially an Admin Shop which we do not want on the server. We only make "Admin Shop" NPCs to help introduce new update blocks/items (like the new saplings, chorus fruit, etc) temporarily.
With voting rewards being changed, people will still want to relive the glory days of their favorite lore item. Changing rewards is good for the market, but some items will never be able to be obtained again. Having a base price in an admin shop would force old lore item values to increase, and would also want to make players try to buy off same lore items off of other players cheaper than Adminshop prices (Encouraging trade). If you guys don't want to implement Admin shops of any kind, then I guess it is what it is :P

Alternatively, you could implement a shop similar that allows premiums to come and buy "Cosmetic" lore items. I don't know the guidelines for what determines "Cosmetic" items, but it's just a thought xD
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