Archived Veteran Reward

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The kitten
Apr 5, 2013
Reaction score
Hi there recently when talking in our alliance chat we were talking about who is a "Veteran" (Someone who has played for at least a year) and I though wouldn't it be nice is when a veteran hit their 1st year playing they will get either 1 month or 1 week premium as a reward of their loyalty to the server I hope you like this idea thanks
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I think this might be a little nice treat for players that are loyal to massivecraft.
The problem with this suggestion is that everyone would get it, regardless if they were inactive or not.
I think if this was to get out into effect we would need at least 10 yes votes above no to get admin attention
Giving "Veterans" prem would probably destroy the server economy however i like the idea
maybe a more RP kinda reward :)
Hmm, I think this would sorta denote the purpose of premium, which is to reward those who donate, not those who play for a year. Maybe some other reward, like a bit of Silver, not premium.
Hmmm, I'd rather separate it into to tiers rather than veteran, because tiers would separate each player by ability,

MCstats, ranks, and social class all in one. Veteran could easily be mistaken for supreme expert of something to that effect.

For example- Mcstats of players in the ranks of the top 100 Power Level may be considered Veteran, while lower and lower would be considered as in Member/Rookie Rank. We have this Rank system in Factions already. But I like the whole idea, I just don't see it useful or worthy of use.

Veteran ranks may seem useful, but wouldn't it be abused in Ban Appeals? Or could it be used to make someone cyber bully someone because they are better at MassiveCraft then someone else. There are much much more effects that could occur with this being implemented.

Again I like the whole loyal members should get rewarded but shouldn't you make it accessible to everyone? Like a reward time checker. For every hour loggin, you rewarded with a random item with different ratios of the item each month.

For example:
Congratulations You Stayed Online MassiveCraft for a Whole Hour! Here Take This: (Item Reward) (Amount Usually 2-5)

But, overall, great idea Shawzie!
I like the idea of rewards, maybe even make it milestones. like 1 month an RP sword that says something about moving forward, 6 month iron chest plate that says something about endurance and strength, a year a diamond that says something like shine true and bright, you will never be forgotten. what do you guys think about that? maybe not tose items or there descriptions but that was just some base ideas.
I'm not a big fan of it. When you break it down, a player who has played for over a year and never donated, and a player who has played for a month and donated for a month, is less helpful to the server than the one month donator. Additionally, we already "kindof" reward loyalty and persistance by constantly adding new cool stuff to the server, making it better and better. Additionally, a lot of players will just roll around with veteran status if we start handing it out as a prestige title, using it to feel their opinion is more important than that of a person who only recently started playing which it is not.
I'm not a big fan of it. When you break it down, a player who has played for over a year and never donated, and a player who has played for a month and donated for a month, is less helpful to the server than the one month donator. Additionally, we already "kindof" reward loyalty and persistance by constantly adding new cool stuff to the server, making it better and better. Additionally, a lot of players will just roll around with veteran status if we start handing it out as a prestige title, using it to feel their opinion is more important than that of a person who only recently started playing which it is not.
Thanks for your opinion
It would be nice for most of us with almost 2 years of logged play time to get this. I've been waiting for someone to bring this up.
It should be not a title or premium reward but a roleplay item. Like a sharpness 2 knockback 2 sword named "Veteran's Pride" or a power 3 punch 1 bow Named "Veterans Trusty Bow"
Personally I think veteran prems should get more benefits, would be nice for an existing prem to build points for every purchase of prem and to gain enough reward points to get a free month after 12 months paying
'the relasing new things is the reward' agument doesnt really work, as a new player logging on now, would experience the smae server as a person whos been on for a year. and you could also argue the destruction of old worlds and replacement countercts this, as buildings that took wekks get replaced with new ones built by new players. in this way old players could even being punished.
My issue is not with giving long term loyal players something special, I'm all for it. I'm just afraid a large majority of them will use it to validate their feelings and opinions that they are better and more important than new players. Even if in all technicality they are, they should keep that to themselves as it does not promote a friendly community attitude.
I don't like this idea. The purpose of Premium is to reward those who donate to the server. If this were implemented, the server would get less money. Less money means less stuff. Less stuff means less players. Less players means no community. No community means no Massivecraft.

I might be blowing this out of proportion, but this wouldn't help the server at all.
I don't like this idea. The purpose of Premium is to reward those who donate to the server. If this were implemented, the server would get less money. Less money means less stuff. Less stuff means less players. Less players means no community. No community means no Massivecraft.

I might be blowing this out of proportion, but this wouldn't help the server at all.
No offence and not trying to be bias but that's a bit over exaggerated
^Did you not read the bottom part of my post? I know it wouldn't do that extensive of damage to the server, but it certainly wouldn't help anything.
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