Archived Vampirism Restraints...

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a muppet of a man
Aug 20, 2016
Reaction score
Some dark basement
Chalsie's fac
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Silver Lining Fleet
I think that it should be harder to become a vampire. I have seen an increase in vampirism among new players. They log on for the first time, go "COOL! I CAN BE A VAMPIRE!", realize the MANY downsides, and leave the server after an EMBARRASSING roleplay fail. "I'm not a human, I am a vampire" ((facepalms)). So, after listing my complaints... I think we should increase the needs of vampirism. To be a vampire, I think It should cost more than one days tax. Maybe we could have it take a few emerald blocks or something to make it so you can't instantly become a vampire. I think it should be at least MORE than one day's worth of tax. Maybe, we could have a meditation preset for any normal dark altar and have it be that you have to go to the /tp altars and give a priest 200r or something to become a vampire just to make it harder for new players to have instant access to vampirism to give them time to learn about it and see all of the downsides. ((and to avoid future facepalms))
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
  1. Your statement is confusing. Do you want less RP vamps, or less PvE vamps?
  2. No, this is a bad idea. Players should be exposed to the server and everything in it easily. If a detriment is put up to discourage new vamps, it will also discourage old vamps, if you mean in RP.
  3. No, this is a bad idea. Players should be exposed to the server and everything in it, else they will never take advantage of it, leaving the plug-in to be deemed very impractical, if you mean in PvE.
  4. Players will still be Vampyrics either by /v offer or by being exposed to other Vampyres in roleplay.
Overall, it sucks, and it's embarrassing, but players have to learn by themselves. I figured out the old cannons plug in could light things on fire only after starting a massive band wagon thread that wrongfully accused staff and a very veteran player of abusing privileges, back when I was a pretentious 14 year old who loved the Vampyre PvP plug-in, weird-ass symbols and Vampyric roleplay. It sucked to go through, but I learned an awful lot through that experience. You live and you learn by being cringy / bad at the plug-in / roleplay; not by being pushed away from the plug-ins and lore. Unless I am uninformed, does the guide for MassiveCraft not state things about plug-in Vampyres anymore? It is good and all that you want to minimize what we veterans have already gone through that were things we want to forget, but those things have taught me more in 4 years of being here and doing them than by hearing about it from someone.
  1. Players will still be Vampyrics either by /v offer or by being exposed to other Vampyres in roleplay.
yeah most of your ideas make sense, I will consider these factors. I just think we need better information as 90% of the new players I've met have become vampires(IG), didn't like it, and turn back/leave server.
"oooh I wanna be a vampire frum twilit"
"wtf why can i not be vampire"
"screw this bye"
Your statement is confusing. Do you want less RP vamps, or less PvE vamps?
I think the problem rises from the few instances where some players treat the vampire plugin as lore canon, even though it isn't.

Now to my actual statement: I don't see the problems with the requirements to be a vampire. I base this off of my initial visit to massive. I came here to test out the vampire plugin to try and use on my own server (my how times change). Anywho, I've yet to try out the plugin after an entire year. My original noob reason was it was a hassle to get all the resources (remember, lazy noob scared of cave spiders and skeletons) Nowadays it's just because I don't PvP and the effects negatively impact my playstyle.

So I'd say keep it how it is, and just teach the people that Vampires the plugin is not the same as the Sanguine curse
I think the problem rises from the few instances where some players treat the vampire plugin as lore canon, even though it isn't.

Now to my actual statement: I don't see the problems with the requirements to be a vampire. I base this off of my initial visit to massive. I came here to test out the vampire plugin to try and use on my own server (my how times change). Anywho, I've yet to try out the plugin after an entire year. My original noob reason was it was a hassle to get all the resources (remember, lazy noob scared of cave spiders and skeletons) Nowadays it's just because I don't PvP and the effects negatively impact my playstyle.

So I'd say keep it how it is, and just teach the people that Vampires the plugin is not the same as the Sanguine curse
This is a great idea, we really just need more information on vampirism so we don't end up with stuff like this:
"oooh I wanna be a vampire frum twilit"
"wtf why can i not be vampire"
"screw this bye"
and such. And I do believe we should just make this way more informative to show people that vampirism is pretty lame if you are into certain fields of gameplay
a friendly pm can go a long way. or a decent OOC talk.
Overall, it sucks, and it's embarrassing, but players have to learn by themselves.
I'm typically for not hand feeding people everything. but this is a server that you have to dedicate yourself to in order to succeed. I don't see a need to make it harder to become a vampire, but the info certainly needs to be easier to obtain if you're forced to teach yourself.
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