Archived Vampires And There God Damn Shrieking

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The heart of a lover, the soul of a writer
Jul 17, 2013
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Western Australia, Kununurra
Mithilian Kingdom
Roleplay Guilds
Rage Industries
Most RPers have been in this position.
You: hey there friend.
Friend:hey how are you?
You: I am well how about you?
Friend: I am good I just got back from my travels to Ellador.
You: (yes we know your a vamp now shut up)
We all know how annoying immature vampires are, who abuse the protection in Regalia and screw am there a vamp on the roof tops. I could live with these bit the thing that truly get me pissed is when a vamp runs around shrieking on my ear. So I think the shriek should be nerfed, I know most vampire auggestion get shutdown immediately but I have never seen shriek used in any way besides to annoy people. I'd prefer if shrieking was removed completely, but I know some people my use it in good RP so I suggest that to shriek a vampire will have to lose two hunger, this means they would only have limited shrieks before they would have to feed.

What do you guys think?
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Either that or some kind of extended waiting period inbetween the vile noise.
I dunno, some of the Shrieks can be well timed. Otherwise, I'd agree, give it a much larger cooldown.
Yes, vampire shrieking can be annoying.

It's also a lot of fun to use in roleplay, however, if done so properly.

-I used it a few times while Aria was a vampire, strictly for the rare times she bloodlusted- shrieking when very angry, or badly hurt.
I don't think shrieking is necessary. Especially since I've never once found it intimidating or empowering.

I'm all for the idea of removing a vampire's shriek.
I will pay money for shrieking to be removed.

Do not think Im joking because i am not.
Shrieking hurts Ko'Raak's ears. I also hate shrieking too. Me and Ko'Raak both hate shrieking.
good god remove shrieking, if we could remove one out of the million things that has been abused by vampires it has to be the shriek.
Either that or some kind of extended waiting period inbetween the vile noise.

It actually has a waiting period of 30 seconds...personally i just hate the noise itself, hell Id be ok with something quieter like a creeper hiss. Outside of massivecraft, I dont believe I have even heard a vampire shriek anyways.
It actually has a waiting period of 30 seconds...personally i just hate the noise itself, hell Id be ok with something quieter like a creeper hiss. Outside of massivecraft, I dont believe I have even heard a vampire shriek anyways.

I Was aware of the 30second wait.. but I did say "Extended".
Perhaps make it so that Shriek makes you killable in Regalia? Then every shriek later... -mass death spamming-
I think TechPac 's idea was a pretty good one. After all, the Vampyre normally doesn't make loud orgasm ghosty screams, they actually make a hiss, similar to a cat, almost. The Creeper hiss seems to most relate to that noise.
make shriek restricted to rp staff or staff in general since those are the group of people you can trust to use it responsibly and in more fitting situations then the average vampire.
make shriek restricted to rp staff or staff in general since those are the group of people you can trust to use it responsibly and in more fitting situations then the average vampire.
Problem is is Luthein is the only vampire staff, The MrsBaver entity has its own more enhanced shriek but then again that's not the point, I wouldent mind it being removed
Only the foolish vampires shriek endlessly. Most of the others stay silent. However I do agree with it being incredibly annoying at times (Tavern especially). I agree with the creeper hiss being a slightly less terrible option.
I feel proud that at least two mods agree with this especially since one is a vampire. I pray to god its removed but I do like the creeper hiss idea as long as its not spam able.
On a side not imaging you and your friend mining and your friend is a vamp so in the mine they hiss at you, and you crap yourself thinking a creeper is near you.
I can't stand it. I don't see why its needed whatsoever.
Maybe they should make it as useless at the potion of light, and turn into a trigger for pvp, so vampires can't screech in regalia just like the regular man can't defend himself.
I just remembered I've never heard these shrieks because I keep my sound off when playing minecraft. Everyone, quick, turn off your sound!
Some quieter or soft toned vampire shriek would be nice.

Wait, that doesn't make any sense...:D
Shrieking is more or less redundant. It's a horrible noise that can be replicated in RP.

Yeah, needs to be removed. You have Tinky's support in this petition.
And you have my support. I've spent my months as a vampire in the past, but I found hardly any reason to use the shriek. Although I will say I did in fact use it once or twice. Considering, however, that's once or twice out of - oh, 5 or 6 months? - that's a tiny percentage.

I vote to disable it. Either that or make it some sort of quieter sound, like maybe a creeper hiss as suggested by TechPac.

You have the Raven's support in this ^^
Aye, these bastard vampire and their shrieking is disrupting my sleep at night. I say we rip each and every one of their throats out, but that won't sit well with the people, so just disable it.
Aye, these bastard vampire and their shrieking is disrupting my sleep at night. I say we rip each and every one of their throats out, but that won't sit well with the people, so just disable it.

That got dark fast lol. But yea disable please
Yes. I would love for the shrieking to be removed aswell.

It is completely pointless and annoying where when a Regalian guard is arresting a vampire, these random idiots will just stand in front of the guards and shriek.
Vampire Shrieking:

  • · Enhances a Vampire Role Play Environment, and continues the skill they received as a contaminated Human-Being.
  • · Causes Intimation between the other Races and Vampires Through Role Play.
  • · Creates a Proper Emotional State for Vampire Anger.
  • · Creates a Cold yet annoying Noise In-Game (Ghast Cry).
  • · Can be Abused (30 second delay or not, it is over used.)
  • · No Purpose for it, except to display an Emotion.
  • · Vampires Typically Do Not Hiss repeatedly.

According to the Pros and Cons I listed, I personally find that part of the MassiveCraft Vampire Plugin Useless and completely irritable. It complies no soul purpose to be there, because everyone misuses it. Shrieking applies no fear in other players because Ghasts Shriek just the same. Not to mention how creepy or annoying it is, to go into spawn and hear 4-5 players shrieking repeatedly. I never get the chance to listen to MineCraft Sound effects or Music Properly with all the Shrieking.

End of the Line Remove The /v s of the Plugin, Please.
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