Vampire Revamp 5.0... Again.

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I'm sorry if this has been explained prior, or has been common knowledge for a while but,
Can Silven become Vampires? If so, what changes are there to their eye colours? As well as the change in eye colour once they are cured?
I'm sorry if this has been explained prior, or has been common knowledge for a while but,
Can Silven become Vampires? If so, what changes are there to their eye colours? As well as the change in eye colour once they are cured?
they can't be vampires. says so on silven page.
From lands far away. I smelled the edge, it drew me here. I'mIntrigued
1. Does this update to vampires change how much Aberrant Knowledge points are need to get a general idea of what they can do and such? Since before it was simply a few powers, weaknesses, and how to cure/symptoms. Now there are mutations with different powers, many more physical traits, and a more complicated curing process.

2. It says for every three years, a character gains 1 vampire point and loses 1 proficiency point. If they are cured, do those proficiency points come back? Example: Being 40 and being infected for over 90 years, thus having only 30 points, and then being cured. Would those 10 points go back to what they were put in, or is he stuck at 30 points.

3. Will Vampires who are 200+ years old need trustee just as Yanar do?

4. Are Vampire Broods denied entry into proficiency schools? Do they get any Vampiric Mutations from their vampire parent?

The first option seems more likely, but I just want make sure, In the Unholy Guise trait, it says immune to vampire weapons, so would a dragonsteel weapon and a nenya stake simply lose the vampire wearing abilities, or become altogether unable to harm the vampire.
first option
This line is sticking with me. Either here or in a private message, could I get an explanation as to why this is the case? As someone who inherited the charter, and generally tries to keep it active, run it well, develop investigative cases, etc - It's somewhat disheartening to hear, if I'm being completely honest.
Charters Compete, and many people in the government have charters. It makes sense for them IC to want to shut down the inquisition since it's competition, but in their perspective also, the inquisition has a limited charter use. The inquisition and its predecessors the Crimson Inquisition have all been temporary charters that lasted for as long as the heretic problem was a problem. There would be a flare-up of Vampires on the server, some conservatives would call for an inquisition, and a few months and public burning later they would decide that the inquisition served its purpose and needed to be disbanded. The State Council can decide at any time to shut down a charter if they feel it no longer serves a purpose, and this was the temperature I was getting for the Inquisition as of late, since they had very little to do, and from their perspective, started getting involved in business they had no reason to be in. I.E general law enforcement.

Encouraging crime that extends beyond regular crime and into holy crime encourages the inquisition to survive longer. The inquisition or something similar in namesake will always be needed if heretics and aberrant are abound since they have the sole right for it, but ultimately because of history, everyone sees the inquisition as something incredibly temporary, even more so than the other charters (which have all invariably been shut down and remade, (the Black Regiment three times for example).

This is all IC mind you. No staff decision has ever really played into this since creating the player run government. It just tends to be a habit that those players get more annoyed at the inquisition when it stops chasing after heretics and starts interfering with business that they do not belong to, and they want to shut them down. Now they cannot, because Vampires are suddenly a huge risk.

Again, I stress and re-iterate. When I said that, that wasn't me speaking from an OOC stand point of view. That was me reading the "mood" in the leading people in the State Council who have lately been more vocal about how the inquisition has outlived its purpose, and knowing what that kind of rhetoric usually did in the past. I can only give OOC recommendations, and the only recent OOC recommendation I made is that I feel the government allows the inquisition to give aberrants who collaborate with them too much slack.
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I'm sorry if this has been explained prior, or has been common knowledge for a while but,
Can Silven become Vampires? If so, what changes are there to their eye colours? As well as the change in eye colour once they are cured?
They cannot.
1. Does this update to vampires change how much Aberrant Knowledge points are need to get a general idea of what they can do and such? Since before it was simply a few powers, weaknesses, and how to cure/symptoms. Now there are mutations with different powers, many more physical traits, and a more complicated curing process.

2. It says for every three years, a character gains 1 vampire point and loses 1 proficiency point. If they are cured, do those proficiency points come back? Example: Being 40 and being infected for over 90 years, thus having only 30 points, and then being cured. Would those 10 points go back to what they were put in, or is he stuck at 30 points.

3. Will Vampires who are 200+ years old need trustee just as Yanar do?

4. Are Vampire Broods denied entry into proficiency schools? Do they get any Vampiric Mutations from their vampire parent?

  1. no
  2. no, the mutations become dormant. The character was designed as a vampire. From an OOC stand point of view such a character would want to get re-infected asap.
  3. no. Among the Yanar community this practically always resulted in unrealistic meme rp. For the Vampires, it is assumed that old vampires have better source material for how to portray longevity characters.
  4. It depends on the school, the more closed off it is, the more likely the answer yes.
Edits made to the curing process:

  • Sped up regular curing from 5 days to 2 days and a morning, congested 4 days into half days instead.
  • Varlord still require full 5 day curing process.
  • Changed some of the wording to allow for blood transfusions to be time skipped if no Url are present.
  • Changed some of the wording to allow for the hungering phase to be time skipped if no one is present to rp with the person strapped to a bed.
Does the mutation Arcana Vampirica have a similar effect as a Phantasma feeding on the mage, making said mage unable to cast for a certain time?

Would I be correct in assuming the Darkwald School would not let a Vampire Brood join, given their half-vampire nature?

Are Broods effected by the Drowdar Guardian Focus ability? If so, how bad are they effected?
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How fast are the varghul and animal transformations and are they just a flash of light or is it uncomfortable to be around?
How fast are the varghul and animal transformations and are they just a flash of light or is it uncomfortable to be around?
Can you choose not to take the muscle increase when feeding if you choose the mutation, this is purely for visual reasons.
Small final edit made, editing season is done after this:

"They are however unable to turn back into a vampire for another 2 full weeks after their curing. "
So do we just assume that mutations can be used whenever (unless interfered with by Dragonsteel) and that they don't have a set time limit or stacking limit when used? I'm not sure if this was answered before but there isn't a lot of detail on how exactly the mutations are supposed to work. @MonMarty

"Sanguines, Sanguines everywhere! Purge with Holy Flame!"
Vampirism has been rewritten a number of times, simplified, complicated, re-simplified, re-simplified and combined. Originally there was no intention to rewrite Vampirism, but we want to give organic city progression a try through Vampirism. Vampirism was once 30% of the intake of new players on the server, and have since almost completely disappeared from the playing field. Now, we are reworking Vampirism, but instead of just Revamping the same old design, tossing it overboard and going in an entirely new direction. The new core theory here, is the so called "Mutators" System that expands upon the Proficiency System. Vampires is the first test of such a Mutator System. Witchblood, Silven, Dragonblood (along with a rewrite for Dragonblood) and other such blood curses will follow if this one succeeds. So without further ado:

Main Content:
  • Unionist Aspects removed from lore (anyone relying on Aspect of Knowledge needs to modify their Proficiency points but does not need to ask for a re-review).
  • Void Worship removed from lore. (if any questions arise how this affects your character, please ask on this thread with an @MonMarty tag)
  • Vampirism completely rewritten:
Vampirism Changes:
  • Vampirism bite infection rate increased from 15% to 100%.
  • Vampirism curing fundamentally changed and made longer, but also have something to do every day and give healing charters a reason to have a dank Vampire healing fungeon.
  • Some new anti Vampire weapons added. Changed the way how sun damage works a bit.
  • Added Mutations for Vampires, a unique point buying system like Proficiency for Vampires.
  • Made Vampires long-living. Added some cool Vampire abilities.
  • Reworked Vampire mentalities a bit.
  • Added massive Vampire History.
  • New Vampire Art.
  • Infection Process simplified and expanded.
  • Changed up the infectable races to reflect more modern Dragon protections lore.
  • Changed up the Trivia for additional misc information.
What should a player do:
  • If your character was a Vampire, consider changing up the character based on the new lore. Old Vampires should still largely be compatible, but definitely look at the abilities and skills. The many "dreadwielding" and "Blood dancing" abilities no longer exist or in many cases need to be bought with Vampire Points. So, in summary, old vamps are probably lore compliant, just educate yourself on the new characteristics.
  • If your character had a Unionist Aspect, see if removing them from your app would mean a re-review. In most cases it does not, since removing 10 Proficiency points does not require a rewrite.
  • If your character was a Void Worshiper, consider reworking that. Void Worship is not gone, we just didn't want to keep the powers for Void Worship and decided to purge the whole document to save us the problem of having to detach the powers from the lore. Void Worship is still just "generic" Void Worship in lore.
Have fun feeding!

EDIT: Curing of non fully infected people has been modified to be as simple as a tonic ingestion, dispensed at most alchemist healing outlets.
EDIT2: Added Vampire Brood Paragraph. For some reason this was omitted in the publication, but it is in place now.
EDIT2: Added Vampire Protection Paragraph. It's a nice compromise I feel. An initial protection to make sure players don't get turned at the wrong point in time for them, but still offer only a temporary cooldown of protection to ensure "the other side" gets another shot at it.
  • Sped up regular curing from 5 days to 2 days and a morning, congested 4 days into half days instead.
  • Varlord still require full 5 day curing process.
  • Changed some of the wording to allow for blood transfusions to be time skipped if no Url are present.
  • Changed some of the wording to allow for the hungering phase to be time skipped if no one is present to rp with the person strapped to a bed.
Concerning Void Worship, I noticed that its Wiki article is now entirely gone. Does this mean the Figures of Godhood are no longer canon, or do they remain able to be worshiped but the powers granted are removed?
Concerning Void Worship, I noticed that its Wiki article is now entirely gone. Does this mean the Figures of Godhood are no longer canon, or do they remain able to be worshiped but the powers granted are removed?
Based on previous mentions of Void Worship still existing I would assume a new page will be made to highlight the worship of these figures, just without the abilities from them. So I would assume yes, the Figures of Godhood will still exist. It's just no powers
Concerning Void Worship, I noticed that its Wiki article is now entirely gone. Does this mean the Figures of Godhood are no longer canon, or do they remain able to be worshiped but the powers granted are removed?
They exist. Just waiting for a lore staff member to dissect the page to remove the powers from the lore.
1. What happens to a Witchblood that is cured by being fed on, any symptoms/trauma from having the curse removed?
2. Is it possible to contract the curse again if another NDE occurs?
3. Are the previous phantasma now infected, and on their way to becoming sanguine? Or are they just returned to a normal state?
How do skeletal vampires happen? After the mortal injury is inflicted on the vampire, do they just slip out of their skin, or is there some time where they seem dead and rotting?
What would a skeletal vampire feeding look like? Seeing as they have no throat or stomach, where would all the blood go?
How would you kill a skeletal vampire? Are they more difficult to kill than normal vampires?
Don't believe this has been answered yet but:
Can Vampire Broods learn Magic?
How does Shadow Flight work? Is there a set distance the user moves away from their original point?

How exactly does Terror Panic make others look like vampires, seeing that they no longer have red eyes. Are they made to look like the regular irritated-eyed vampires or the feeding kind with black sclera? Is it guaranteed to convince someone, or can they reason through it (i.e. with friends or acquaintances and knowing they're not infected).
Could a Vampire Brood survive the sun, but still be affected by holy water since they take some of the vampire's traits?
I have moved on to server management and stopped Q/A on this thread. Please divert your questions to IG tickets or forum Q/A.
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