Vampire Revamp 5.0... Again.

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Feral and Skeletal vampires are mentioned in the mutation chart -- what are they? I don't think they're mentioned anywhere else. I can figure Feral out fairly easily - is Skeletal just a really blood-deprived Vampire?
No, it's an actual walking skeleton.
How much stronger/faster are Varghuls in comparison to normal humans?
There might be a way to solve this. What if, an Isldar took pity on her, finding her starving behind her house, and decided to feed her by allowing the character to nibble on her arm, and kept her fed until the point in time when she was cured shortly after the old isldar lady died of old age? Isldar cannot be infected with Vampirism but they can still be fed on. I see that you're trying to take the non evil vampire route, but I think you can do that even when drinking from people without it being forced or evil. There are plenty of Vampire sympathizers who believe that feeding and then curing is the solution, who are very willing to feed Vampires.
She is no longer a Sanguine, so I may retcon her backstory to include this. However, this also brings up the point that she was turned by a sanguine drinking from her for payment (as she was desperate). Even if she was desperate, she likely would never have taken this action due to the inevitability of vampirism. Thank you for your input.
She is no longer a Sanguine, so I may retcon her backstory to include this. However, this also brings up the point that she was turned by a sanguine drinking from her for payment (as she was desperate). Even if she was desperate, she likely would never have taken this action due to the inevitability of vampirism. Thank you for your input.
That is still salvageable I think. Vampirism, or the effects there-of are not publicly known among the general public unless they have researched it. It's fully feasible for a child essentially to be lied to by a Vampire.
How much stronger/faster are Varghuls in comparison to normal humans?
Comparable to a Marken. So I would say they can probably, while in Varghul form, take on two armored guards at the same time, but experience trouble when a third is added.
Does Social cloaking work with covens?
Yes. But. I think the coven would still recognize that the person using Social cloaking is lesser than them for not being an old Vampire or whatever. It's like the person can meld into it, but they will always be treated as the dumb cousin from across the sea.
When a Varghul is not in their Varghul form, do they appear the same as any other vampire?
What are the bounds of ovulation in regards to the new "feeding mutation"? As in- can characters change things outside of their original racial bounds (ex: Kathar disciple specific features, eye colors, hair colors, skin colors, ear shapes and face shapes)?
What are the bounds of ovulation in regards to the new "feeding mutation"? As in- can characters change things outside of their original racial bounds (ex: Kathar disciple specific features, eye colors, hair colors, skin colors, ear shapes and face shapes)?
Same rules as Yanar apply, race bounds can be broken.
At everyone else, a basic compromise Vampire protection has been written in, as well as the lore on Vampire Brood (Half Vampires) and some edit to curing not yet fully infected people with a simpler less violent curing procedure.
Tfw you just got a vamp skin finished yesterday and you have the time to rework it before you play them
Would Laskma: Weapon Brand under elemental magic be able to counteract the Bloodboil mutation and be able to slice when activated on a blade?
Dargonica Vampirica (Can consume the Witchblood Curse on a person and cure them, gaining fed status for over a week from it)
1. Will the vampire need permission in order to feed on a Phantasma if they have this mutation?
2. Are the 'tastes' of races still applicable? I.E. Yanar cause them to be sick and taste terrible, only sought out if last resort?
Dargonica Vampirica (Can consume the Witchblood Curse on a person and cure them, gaining fed status for over a week from it)
1. Will the vampire need permission in order to feed on a Phantasma if they have this mutation?
2. Are the 'tastes' of races still applicable? I.E. Yanar cause them to be sick and taste terrible, only sought out if last resort?
  1. no
  2. no
@MonMarty curious if I should scrap a character I made with the last vampire edit (ie where vampires were mainly only addicted to vampirism and didn't seem to have any other mental changes) or if he's fine or if you have suggestions. He's a doctor and wants to help people, only staying a vampire because he is addicted to the curse. I have his app in my signature if you want to read it.

Other than that, I really love this make of vampires.
@MonMarty curious if I should scrap a character I made with the last vampire edit (ie where vampires were mainly only addicted to vampirism and didn't seem to have any other mental changes) or if he's fine or if you have suggestions. He's a doctor and wants to help people, only staying a vampire because he is addicted to the curse. I have his app in my signature if you want to read it.

Other than that, I really love this make of vampires.
You can play this like he "thinks" he is still doing it to help people, but in reality he wants to help people to prove that he is the best doctor and that these people need him, creating dependency, to ignore his own dependency on blood. That way it still works.
Can vampires feed off of all affected and unaffected races?
Question on the walking skeleton bit! How exactly would it work? Would their tendons and such be easily torn apart with age, would their bodies completely decay after a mortal wound, ect? It seems like a very cool concept. Sorry if this has been explained already, I'm just really hyped.
Question on the walking skeleton bit! How exactly would it work? Would their tendons and such be easily torn apart with age, would their bodies completely decay after a mortal wound, ect? It seems like a very cool concept. Sorry if this has been explained already, I'm just really hyped.
The time for a gang of spooky, and very scary, skeletons is NOW
The time for a gang of spooky, and very scary, skeletons is NOW
I have a few questions after skimming the new lore -

How do feral vampires work, would it be similar to the fallisma or tresmisae bloodlines, or is there more to it? Do they lose mutations when feral?

I have a vampire that was cured in the past, would she lose her 'vampire points' after curing and restart on block 1 from reinfection, or would she regain her vampire points on reinfection?
1. Phantasma feeding still works on these guys, right? (And does that include the Dargonica Vampirica?)
2. What happens when a Skeletal Vampire dies? Can it even die?
3. Does "Command Undead" apply to Skeletal Vampires?

Absolutely love this update, especially with the few problems being ironed out so quickly. Incredible mix of the old bloodlines and recent single-type. Great job on this!
Except being hunted 24/7.
You took away how we notice vampires on sight and nobody role plays the time of day when running around attacking places. How exactly are we supposed to hunt an enemy we can't identify? I had issues with Shimmering Visage and people just using that to avoid my Inquisitor, shall I now just entirely give up on trying to arrest Sanguines that are out and about in public seeing as I won't be able to tell them apart from normal folk save for a 'hungry look' or 'darkened sockets'. How exactly are we supposed to hunt something we can't even identify clearly?

Not to mention the fact that with a 100% infection rate we will have to deal with an enormous amount of Vampires all of a sudden and no way to identify them save for dark sockets? Hell I can't evwn run over and save someone being bitten because they're already infected. So where's the point?
You took away how we notice vampires on sight and nobody role plays the time of day when running around attacking places. How exactly are we supposed to hunt an enemy we can't identify? I had issues with Shimmering Visage and people just using that to avoid my Inquisitor, shall I now just entirely give up on trying to arrest Sanguines that are out and about in public seeing as I won't be able to tell them apart from normal folk save for a 'hungry look' or 'darkened sockets'. How exactly are we supposed to hunt something we can't even identify clearly?

Not to mention the fact that with a 100% infection rate we will have to deal with an enormous amount of Vampires all of a sudden and no way to identify them save for dark sockets? Hell I can't evwn run over and save someone being bitten because they're already infected. So where's the point?
Why are you aggressive. "I" made Vampires less instantly detectable but still pretty obvious to encourage paranoia, not outright "le vampire, inquisition kill mode activate epic xd". Instant detection of enemies has always been a plague on the existence of antagonism RP. Your inquisition will get shut down completely if there is no point to it anymore, a point which was rapidly approaching given the decline of heretics and monsters which all felt being evil was a pointless venture due to the overbearing authorities constantly jumping down their throats.

You should be happy there is finally some opposition capable of doing something aside from just watching the bridge get raised. The Inquisition was on the edge of being shut down again.
While I believe this is an all around very nice update and interesting, considering it livens up the Vampire field again, I still think that the curing process is a bit too long. While I would be okay if it were only, maybe, a day OOC, a few days is a bit too much, especially for those that have no other characters. Mostly I say this for people that are forcefully cured rather than give themselves up as they just want to play their character and all, not have to sit around waiting. Thanks for updating the page though, Marty!

In another word, a bit sad to see the taste chart go. It was fun to consider all the different effects of biting different people. Nothing really big, just a bummer there. :)
Why are you aggressive. "I" made Vampires less instantly detectable but still pretty obvious to encourage paranoia, not outright "le vampire, inquisition kill mode activate epic xd". Instant detection of enemies has always been a plague on the existence of antagonism RP. Your inquisition will get shut down completely if there is no point to it anymore, a point which was rapidly approaching given the decline of heretics and monsters which all felt being evil was a pointless venture due to the overbearing authorities constantly jumping down their throats.

You should be happy there is finally some opposition capable of doing something aside from just watching the bridge get raised. The Inquisition was on the edge of being shut down again.
I've removed this to just keep the apology. It's late for me. I'm tired deflated and annoyed. I apologise profusely if you took me as being aggressive and will sit on your words till I'm of more mature mind to respond without being sarcastic and petty. Apologies.
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The first option seems more likely, but I just want make sure, In the Unholy Guise trait, it says immune to vampire weapons, so would a dragonsteel weapon and a nenya stake simply lose the vampire wearing abilities, or become altogether unable to harm the vampire.
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The Inquisition was on the edge of being shut down again.
This line is sticking with me. Either here or in a private message, could I get an explanation as to why this is the case? As someone who inherited the charter, and generally tries to keep it active, run it well, develop investigative cases, etc - It's somewhat disheartening to hear, if I'm being completely honest.
Do Vampire Broods have to feed on blood or can they eat normal food since they were born half vampire.
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