Archived Vampire Heirarchy (adding On To Vampire Thralls)

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Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
ArchDemon (Mrs. Baver etc.)
Master Vampire (Explained below)
Nightwalker Vampire (Freed by Master)
Vampire (Veteran Vampire Thrall)
Fledgling (New Vampire Thrall)
Human (Prey)
Animals (Prey)
(End of Heirarchy)
If you are infected by a vampire you become a fledgling, you serve the vampire who infected you. In the case a Master Vampire infects you, then the dark disease takes over your body 4x as fast as the current Massivecraft infection rate. If a Nightwalker infects you, then the dark disease takes over your body 2x as fast as the current Massivecraft infection rate. If a normal Vampire infects you then you will serve the Vampire's Master Vampire or Nightwalker.

To advance to a Vampire you must spend a week (or more) real life time as a Fledgling either offline or online. After a week (or more) has passed the next time you login you will be a Vampire. To advance to a Nightwalker, your master who is either a Nightwalker himself or a Master Vampire must offer you blood. If he/she is a Nightwalker and you drink his blood it will take another week to advance to Nightwalker status. If he/she is a Master Vampire the process will take about 20 minutes (or if possible, 5 minutes laying on a bed).

Congratulations, you are now a Nightwalker Vampire!
You are free of your previous Master and free to betray him as you wish, but he is still stronger than you as a Vampire. People saying in chat "Inf3ct me pl0x!" can now be infected by you and made your servants, but they will become your master's thrall if you have any. If they disobey you to the point of calling the admins they can be blacklisted (banned) from the Vampire plugin for however long the admin decides.

When you have infected and thralled 3 Fledglings or Vampires (any combination of the 2), then you are ready to ascend to a Master Vampire. Do so by typing /v coven and if you have 3 vampires, fledglings, or any combination of the two, then you can type /v ascend. By typing /v ascend you will be stripped of all your major vampire powers and you will have to wait until the moon is highest (12 AM or Midnight) to become a Master Vampire.

Chances of Infection via combat:
Fledgling: 0%, intend: 0%
Vampire: 0.0%, intend: 0%
Nightwalker 3%, intend: 27%
Master Vampire 7%, intend: 38%
Master Vampire (9 thrall milestone) 13%, intend: 47%
Master Vampire (16 thrall milestone) 0%, intend: 58%
Note: These are all random numbers, you can give suggestions down below to change the chances of infection.
Chances of Infection via Blood Exchange from Vampire:
Fledgling: 2% per 1 blood to a maximum of 40% infection chance
Vampire: 3% per 1 blood to a maximum of 60% infection chance
Nightwalker: 15% per 1 blood to a maximum of 300% infection chance
Master Vampire: 50% per 1 blood to a maximum of 1000% infection chance

Chances of Infection via Blood Exchange to Vampire:
Fledgling: 0%, if intent is active 0%
Vampire: 7% per 1 blood, if intent is active 20%
Nightwalker 4% per 1 blood, if intent is active 50%
Master Vampire 0% per 1 blood, if intent is active 100%

Chances of Infection via Blood Exchange to Prey
Fledgling: None
Vampire: None
Nightwalker: 15% chance per 1 hunger
Master Vampire: 50% chance per 1 hunger
I just thought that more experienced vampires would be less sloppy when drinking blood to decrease chance of backwash and infection. The same is with blood, since more powerful vampires have more potent blood the chances of infection are higher.

If you use an Altar of Darkness you will become a Vampire instantly. After 3 Minecraft days you will become a Nightwalker. You must then turn three humans to become a Master Vampire. The price of the sacrifice for the Altar is to ensure that not everybody becomes a Vampire as soon as they join the game. (Also if you turned yourself with an altar and you type /v s it will say you turned yourself with an altar. Just a hint for the coders if this gets passed.)
Altar of Darkness Sacrifice:
12 Diamonds
12 Glowstone Blocks
16 Redstone Blocks
8 Blocks of Coal
16 Red Mushrooms
16 Brown Mushrooms
20 Obsidian
30 Levels of Experience

Altar of Darkness is the only way to become a Master Vampire without serving anybody.
Only for the egotistical and rich >.>

Alright, so you're a Master Vampire now. Congratulations, let's go over the perks, powers, and weaknesses of the Vampire Hierarchy, but first Temperature.

Temperature goes down in the shadows and up in the sun, so if stakes and holy water increase the "temperature" then you must go to the shadows to heal or face nausea, weakness, blindness, slowness, and even spontaneous combustion into ashes. When players die from heat related things such as lava, fire, sun, or holy water. They will burst to ashes leaving some sulfur and sugar behind :@ . (Tell me what you think on that). Back to Temperature. So when I refer to temperature I really mean the amount of damage the vampire is sustaining on his abilities. Not referring to the actual heat of the sun or stakes or holy water. I think of it as a Vampire's power comes from his connection to blood and the sun tries to sever that connection, and so the stronger the connection the more time it takes for the sun to sever it. It can be severed by other things such as holy water and stakes.

Temperature (You recieve the debuff and all before it)
%20: Nausea
%30: Weakness
%40: Weakness II
%50: Slowness
%60: Blindness II
%70: Burn
%80: Nausea II
%90: Keep burning...
%100: Instanteous Death

Being in water makes the temperature go up 4x slower and caps it at 99% temperature.

Weakness to Sunlight (120% Current MassiveCraft damage)
Weakness to Wooden Stakes(3x diamond sword, Wooden Objects stop regeneration for 32 seconds after no damage is taken.)
Weakness to Holy Water (20 hearts of physical damage, 5 hearts removed for every armor piece. Gives the effects of 80% temperature)
Regenerates health at the cost of 1 hunger per heart at normal rate
Regeneration time is 8 seconds after no damage is taken.
Satiation by animals is MassiveCraft default.
Can feed off of summoned wolfs and ocelots
Can be leashed by any other vampire, in coven or not.
No extra punching damage

Weakness to Sunlight (100% Current MassiveCraft damage)
Weakness to Wooden Stakes (2x Diamond Sword, Stop regeneration 20 seconds after no damage is taken. )
Weakness to Holy Water (Gives the effects of 70% tempature in sunlight)
Regenerates health at the cost of 1 hunger per 2 hearts at normal rate.
Satiation by animals divided by 2
Can feed off of summoned ocelots and wolfs
Satiation by players is the same as Massivecraft default
Regeneration time is 5 seconds after no damage is taken.
Constant Jumpboost II unless in sunlight.
Can leash fledglings in coven.
All other vanilla abilities, powers, and perks
Invisibility (Will explain below. Works for 30 seconds, cancelled in direct sunlight or exposure to holy water. 1 ingame day cooldown.)
3 extra hearts of punching damage (1 1/2 heart on health bar, lost at 50% temperature)

Weakness to Sunlight (80% Current Massivecraft Damage)
Weakness to Wooden Stakes (Diamond Sword, Stop regeneration 12 seconds after no damage is taken)
Weakness to Holy Water (Effects of 50% Temperature in sunlight, can stack up to 100% Temperature in sunlight)
Regenerates health at the cost of 1 hunger per 3 hearts at normal rate (I don't know if this is possible to code, if not just keep it the same as normal Vampire regeneration. The same goes for Master Vampire.)
Satiation by animals divided by 3
Can NOT feed off of summoned wolfs and ocelots
Satiation by players is the same as MassiveCraft default
Regeneration time is 3 seconds after no damage is taken.
Constant Jumpboost II, even in sunlight
Has ability to walk on water with /v waterwalk, lost in sunlight.
Ability to summon bats (Doesn't do damage, just to increase immersion) only at nighttime.
Can leash lesser vampires in coven.
All other vanilla abilities, powers, and perks.
Invisibility (Works for a minute, cancelled in direct sunlight or exposure to holy water. Cooldown is half a day.)
5 extra hearts of punching damage (2 1/2 hearts on the health bar lost at 60% temperature)
Can turn on Speed I with /v speed, costs 1 hunger per minute at night or in shadows and is 1 hunger per 30 seconds in direct sunlight.

Master Vampire:
Weakness to Sunlight (60% Current MassiveCraft Damage, decreases 10% for every 5 thralls past 3 thralls until a maximum of 20% which is 20 thralls.)
Weakness to Stakes (Iron Sword, stops regeneration 6 seconds after no damage is taken. At 10 vampires turned it becomes Stone Sword.)
Weakness to Holy Water (Increases temperature by 20% for every bottle, every thrall past 3 thralls reduces temperature increase by 1% per thrall to a minimum of 5%)
Regenerates health at the cost of 1 hunger per 4 hearts. (Increases by 2 hearts every 3 thralls you gain past 3 to a maximum of 12 hearts per hunger at 15 turned vampires)
Regeneration time 2 seconds after no damage is taken.
Satiation by animals divided by 4 (At 15 thralls, all ability to feed on animals is lost)
Can NOT feed off of summoned wolfs and ocelots
Satiation by players is the same as Massivecraft default
Can jump two blocks
Can turn on speed buff with /v speed, it costs one hunger for every 30 seconds in sunlight. It is free if you are in the shadows and becomes Speed II at nighttime.
Has ability to walk on water with /v waterwalk, lost in sunlight at 60% temperature.
Ability to summon bats only at nighttime.
Can leash any vampire. Can only leash master vampires with only half of less of current thralls. I.e Master Vampire with 12 thralls can leash Master Vampire with 6 thralls.
All other vanilla abilities, powers, and perks.
Invisiblity (Works for 2 minutes, cancelled in direct sunlight and exposure to holy water. Cooldown is 3 minutes. Cooldown is reduced 10 seconds for every 3 thralls for a minimum of 2 minute cooldown. Which is no cooldown :P)
6 hearts extra damage for punching (3 hearts on the health bar)

Truce With Monsters:
Fledgling: Does not have a truce with monsters.
Vampire: Truce with monsters, if broken will berestored in 5 minutes.
Nightwalker: Truce with monsters, if broken will be restored in 2 minutes.
Master Vampire: Truce with monsters, if broken will be restored in 1 minute (Time to restore reduced by 10 seconds for every 6 to a minimum of 10 seconds)
Note: This is because the more powerful you become, the more monsters will fear you and want to restore the truce.

Drinking Blood Bonuses and Debuffs:
Agni: Drinking blood from an Agni as a rank below Nightwalker will deal 4 hearts of damage per hunger and set you on fire if you drink more than 1 hunger at a time (4 hearts is 2 of the hearts on your health bar). As a Nightwalker or higher drinking from an Agni will give you fire resistance for 3 minutes for every 2 hunger. You will not receive the bonus if you only drink 1 hunger.
Maiar: Maiar blood is very thin and only gives half hunger. I.e. Maiar offers 4 hunger, Vampire only receives two hunger.
Naga: If a Fledgling drinks from a Naga it will give him 3 seconds of Poison II per 2 hunger. 1 hunger is not enough to poison him/her. Vampires and higher are not effected.
Undead: Only Master Vampires can drink blood from the undead and even then they only receive 1/4th hunger. I.e Undead types /v offer Master-Vampire 4 then the Master Vampire only receives 1 hunger.
Yanar: Vampires and lower do not gain any satiation by drinking from Yanar. Nightwalkers and higher receive a speed II boost due to the sugar from photosynthesis (lore consistent?), but no blood.
Vespid: Drinking from a Vespid gives Nightwalkers the ability to traverse easily through cobwebs for 10 minutes. Lesser vampires receive normal satiation.
Orc: Vampires and higher recieve a Strength bonus for 3 minutes per 2 hunger. No bonus gained from drinking 1 hunger. I.e Drink 6 blood and get 9 minutes of Strength. (Due to Orc Weapon bonus)
Elf: Nothing
Dwarf: Nothing
Human: Nothing

Note: Once a Vampire becomes a Nightwalker and leaves the coven, they still count as a thrall or turned human. So you don't need to worry about losing your power. You will only lose power if they cure themselves.
Note: Higher level vampires have bigger blood pools, so animals satiate them less, but I kept players the same.
Note: When I talk of thralls, I mean vampires that you have turned as a Master Vampire. Turned humans don't count to your thralls until you become a Master Vampire.

Fledgling: Normal recipe but with 1 diamonds
Vampire: Normal recipe but with 4 diamonds
Nightwalker: Normal recipe but with 8 diamonds
Master Vampire: Normal recipe but with 16 diamonds. (1 extra diamond for every thrall past 3 thralls to a maximum of NONE. You wanted power, now you have to pay the price to get rid of it if you ever want to see your precious sun again.)

Let's talk about stakes. Stakes include wooden sticks, torches, arrows, and redstone torches. So no, you can't stab a vampire through the heart with a shovel any longer! The wood is only lethal because it pierces the heart. Also vampires cannot stake other vampires, they must use their fists. Now what if an arrow pierces the heart? Look down below.
Fledgling: 3x normal arrow damage, if they haven't died yet they receive 80% temperature.
Vampire: 2x normal arrow damage, if they haven't died yet they receive 60% temperature.
Nightwalker: Normal arrow damage, they receive 40% temperature
Master Vampire: Normal arrow damage, they receive Nausea II
Note: This is for arrow damage not stake damage, for stake damage go up to the Vampire Hierarchy.

They are like Towns but they are more of a family of vampires. Only Master Vampires can start covens and it starts automatically. So a new Master Vampire would type /v coven and it would show
Master: (MasterVampire'sName)
Nightwalkers: (NamesofNightwalkers)
Vampires: (NamesofVampires)
Fledglings: (List of Fledglings)
Also, any vampire can see a coven's info of itself and the vampires in it.
So Bobby123 wants to know his master Billy123's statistics, he can type /v coven info Billy123 and it will show
Rank: Master Vampire
Humans Turned: # of humans turned into vampires
Thralls: # of vampires serving him.
Coven: NameofCoven

Now, once a Vampire has been turned into a Nightwalker they can either stay in the coven or leave it and make another one. You cannot leave the coven if you are not a Nightwalker, but you can cure yourself to leave. Nightwalkers cannot become Master Vampires unless they leave to become the master of their own coven. Nightwalkers can turn humans into Vampires, but the turned humans become servants of the Nightwalker's Master. If a Master cures himself of Vampirism then the coven is dissolved within 3 days with all of the vampires in it able to leave at their leisure. This is so people can organize themselves into another coven. Additionally, covens cannot have their own names until they have a reputation (basically, they need 10+ vampires serving the Master Vampire).

Also on the covens, please add large rentable areas/caves for covens to buy in Regalia.
If you're thinking "Why not just use factions?" Covens aren't as big as factions. Covens is the list of a Master Vampire's turned vampires. Covens can't claim land either, and coven members cannot hurt each other. You can be a part of a Faction and a Coven, and the Faction Leader can be the Master Vampire who leads the Coven.
If you are in a Coven then the Master Vampire can kill you and it will initiate a fight where the fledgling can fight back. If the Master Vampire wins, then the Fledgling is kicked out of the coven and cured of Vampirism on his death. If the Fledgling wins, then nothing happens :/.

Extra Commands (You should still look in the Heirarchy section):
/v reveal: Allows people to see that you are a vampire if they type /show
/v suck amountofblood: You can take lesser vampire's blood forcefully or from leashed humans.
/v summonbat #(Up to 5 for Master Vampire and 2 for Nightwalker, can only be used once a Minecraft Night)
/v waterwalk (toggles on and off, Nightwalker+)
/v speed (toggles on and off, only for Master Vampire. Costs hunger in sunlight but free in shadows or night.)
/v thralls (Nightwalker or Master Vampire, checks the amount of thralls you have.)
/v coven info covenname (If covenname is empty then it shows your coven, only usable by vampires and shows who the master vampire is, the nightwalkers, the vampires, the fledglings, and the total amount of people in the coven that make up the thralls.
/v taste playername (You can taste what race people are, you can type /show name but it breaks immersion. The person you are tasting will receive a message that you just licked their neck.)
Now on to the RP aspect of this:
You must respect vampires that are higher than you in the Coven or it is considered Bad RP or it is OOC if you state it. This is because higher ranking vampires tend to be able to rip you to shreds easily.
Avoid the Sun, it is very painful so don't try and make a run for it. Instead wait until night to move about outside.
At night, if a Fledgling tries to bite you, then you can overpower it pretty easily through RP. But if it is a Master Vampire with a coven of 20 vampires backing him then you better have a very good reason to overpower him. Such as you are secretly a Crimson Cyborg from a lab 200 blocks under the ground.

The Lore:
Normal vampires have lifespans (or deathspan) of a few days
Look at this:
This is the Lifespan, and say it is halfway through.
If the Vampire drinks blood then the deathspan resets.
The Lifespan doubles at Vampire, 4x at Nightwalker, and 8x at Master Vampire.
So the max Master Vampire deathspan is 32 days! They use blood to reset their auras to healthy levels, unlike undead who's auras slowly degrade away. So they are not immortal but rather maintain their auras via blood.

Extra stuff:

If this suggestion passes, then I reserve the right to make a very powerful vampire RP character. You also have to add me to the wiki as the one who suggested it. Ta-ta!

Responses and suggestions are welcome, as well as questions!
Inform me of any Lore inconsistencies or holes
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It's going to end up the same way as factions, after a year people will start complaining "Urgh there are too many covens" and "Urgh there are too many master vampires". I prefer the current "reward vampire system" that isn't fully explained anywhere right now, but will be soon.
*cough* Remove Vampires from Massivecraft *cough* -waits for the wall of negative feedback for this blasphemy-
Now that you put it that way. (doh)

The thing is, this idea is not something that i would ever expect to see happen within the server. What i think i find so alluring about this idea is that it would mean we would have users capable of decent. vampire. roleplay....

...which, within the servers population these days, is just an urban legend.
It sounds like a good idea in theory, but like Merti said, I'd be shocked if just 10% of vamps do this
It's going to end up the same way as factions, after a year people will start complaining "Urgh there are too many covens" and "Urgh there are too many master vampires". I prefer the current "reward vampire system" that isn't fully explained anywhere right now, but will be soon.
When will it be explained? (inlove)
It's going to end up the same way as factions, after a year people will start complaining "Urgh there are too many covens" and "Urgh there are too many master vampires". I prefer the current "reward vampire system" that isn't fully explained anywhere right now, but will be soon.
Or this: only moderators can make a vampire a master. (I mention a command in my Vampire Bloodthirst suggestion: )
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