Archived Vampire Blood Lust!

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Feb 9, 2014
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I have only been on this server for a month, however I have heard a lot about the /v b command for vampires! I was also told that it is no longer a command that can be used. It sais that it will be re-enabled once you rebalance it. Now, I know the server Staff are VERY busy, and have a lot to do when they come on-line, but I would Love it if you really thought about what I'm going to say! I think that the command was way TOO op, from what I was told. However, I have some suggestion on what could be on the command "/v b" There could be Strength II, Speed III, and Jump III. That would be pretty fair I think, considering Vampires are Very weak to wood and "Special" water. And also, Hunger could drain in like a minute without feeding as it was before. And what fighting ability's do Vampires really have? I mean really, Jumping 2 blocks high allows them to escape, which would fall under the category as "defense" NOT offense! Plus, they are weak to wood, which is a Huge disadvantage, because everyone is able to get wood! I hope that the Server staff will take this in mind, and think about re-enabling the command "/v b" for Vampires. Thank you so VERY much for taking you very own time and reading this! [also, I put this in "off topic" because I didn't know which one it would go in!]
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I think the burning in the sun should be replaced with those debuffs, Did Dracula die when he went in the sun? (I am not sure if it was in the book or the Castlevana games) NO
I wasn't on for blood lust to be activated for vampires along with many people, however I think it would be really cool if it was to be added back! Personally, I think we would have a lot more people being vampires, in turn, more vampire hunters. Let us see what the future brings! :D
I wasn't on for blood lust to be activated for vampires along with many people, however I think it would be really cool if it was to be added back! Personally, I think we would have a lot more people being vampires, in turn, more vampire hunters. Let us see what the future brings! :D

When Bloodlust was a thing, pretty much everyone was a vampire, and they weren't even good at roleplaying as them. They either thought they were a god, or they thought they were a Twilight "good" vampire. You're right when you say it will bring a lot of vampires, but that's not really a good thing. On top of that, Bloodlust was pretty OP in PvP. The main reason is, it caused a lot of lag. So you were basically stuck while a vampire wrecked your face. People also confused bloodlusting vampires with fly hackers a lot. I might agree with it being enabled again if it were extremely nerfed. But otherwise, keep it off the server.
I personally think that The old Bloodlust was fine considering how you could get 4 shotted by wood swords/axes, and the jump height and speed was a good way to counter this, but the lag made it impossible to hit anyone even without bloodlust. This is from a PvPers perspective and now a role player at all so maybe i'm just thinking back on the old days when people actually cared about PvP but eh
If bloodlust was re-enabled again, to stop the "whole" server from being vampires, maybe vampires could be even weaker to the sun... just a quick thought to balance things out! And if it were to be seriously taken into consideration by the staff, I think everybody should have a say on what they think should be on bloodlust to even things out, so the staff have a better idea of what the "people" want!
Blood lust needs to be back for vampires, or they just don't make any sense. :@
I would rather vampires were underpowered than overpowered.
Then the only people who would ever be vampires would be those who genuinely wanted to RP well as them. Adding a few perks to make it fun is one thing, making it… even just equal to non-vampires is, in my opinion, quite another.
There will always be the people who do not want Vampires at all, on the other hand there is a lot that do. I mean, have you ever noticed that in general chat when someone brings up vampires, the subject sticks for quite a while! I think that's why vampires are even on this server, you either love them or hate them. And hopefully we have more haters to motivate the people who are and love vampires to make them better, as in more fair. In a very odd way, this makes sense. Ha ha.
Even underpowered vampires are literaly worst thing that happened to roleplay, they are everywhere, interupting roleplay, insulting, using god rp, metagaming etc. Vampirism is underpowered at the moment, if it would be OP again, roleplayers wouldn't find a second of peace. Of course there are very good vampire roleplayers. Exept that they seem to dislike being in the tavern. Sadly.
I think vampires are fine as they are. If bloodlust was added back, most everyone would become a vampire. Would you rather
-have around 15% in any 1 weapon, or 10% dmg reduction (pvp races, like elf, dwarf, undead, etc)
-be able to jump super high, run super fast, gain strength buffs, and gain hunger from fighting people

Of course, if it was re-added the staff would nerf it, but just food for thought. Vampires would be hard to balance, as even 1 extra perk could make them better than existing races. I think that the staff should work on getting new stats plugins and such before working to balance vampires. Also, I find it annoying the amount of people who complain about the sunlight debuff. Now, I'm not saying most vampires complain about this, but it seems to be a problem with less-experienced vampires. Vampirism is a choice, and you trade being in the sun for perks. The sunlight debuff should NEVER be nerfed or removed, as it is fair in the fact that it is both lore-friendly and is the main debuff balance factor in vampires.
Even underpowered vampires are literaly worst thing that happened to roleplay, they are everywhere, interupting roleplay, insulting, using god rp, metagaming etc. Vampirism is underpowered at the moment, if it would be OP again, roleplayers wouldn't find a second of peace.
I do find that many vampires are bad at RP, which annoys me. I RP as a vampire, (I RP the right way) and it is frustrating when I can't even RP with the other vampires just because they meta or do god RP. I hear complains of "All vampires are noobs and cannot RP!" in general chat all the time, and it is flat out annoying. I am fine with bloodlust with being nerfed a ton, I just want it back.
There will always be the people who do not want Vampires at all, on the other hand there is a lot that do. I mean, have you ever noticed that in general chat when someone brings up vampires, the subject sticks for quite a while! I think that's why vampires are even on this server, you either love them or hate them. And hopefully we have more haters to motivate the people who are and love vampires to make them better, as in more fair. In a very odd way, this makes sense. Ha ha.

I find this very annoying. No one said anything about hating vampires. We simply don't want to re-add something that will ruin the server again.
Kirby12352, maybe not in this "chat." However, I have heard a lot of people saying that they hate Vampires and should remove them, or just strait up dumb complaints about vampires. Now, I don't want to venture to far off the topic of bloodlust so I'm not going to say anything else, unless it is related to Blood Lust! That is why I started this convo in the first place... to talk about Blood Lust coming back!
Warren Kippa Actually Dracula DID die in the sun, in both the book AND the Castlevania Series ._.
Also on a side note, Dracula isn't a part of this server's lore and never existed in it, not saying you are saying that he does, but ive seen some players try to Roleplay as a child of Dracula or worship Dracula, when Dracula does not exist in MassiveCraft's universe. Just wanted to clarify.
Kirby12352, maybe not in this "chat." However, I have heard a lot of people saying that they hate Vampires and should remove them, or just strait up dumb complaints about vampires. Now, I don't want to venture to far off the topic of bloodlust so I'm not going to say anything else, unless it is related to Blood Lust! That is why I started this convo in the first place... to talk about Blood Lust coming back!

People complain about vampires because of the rampant bad vampire roleplay, and adding bloodlust back is only going to amplify it.
Even though I want Blood Lust back, I do see your point. However, there is always a solution to a problem! And a solution to this RP problem... like maybe nobody could RP as vampires until they get their vampire characters approved! then we wouldn't have nearly as many Rping vampires! And another plus to this, more people would focus on RP instead of dark rooming and other things of that sort, after all this is a RP server! :D another idea of too many vampires, a limit! maybe there could be a limit to how many vampires there could be, this would take out most of the nooby vampires and they wouldn't take them for granted! This, in turn would probably make them better at Rping vampires, because they would take what they are a lot more seriously!
Removing vampires entirely wont fix anything, bad RPrs are gonna RP poorly no matter what they RP as, get rid of twilight vampires im sure you will find alot more Legolas elves or OP Avarr roleplayers.
I think the ultimate solution is to promote the forums more (as there are lots of RP guides to be found). However, this is not the point in hand. As to the point that is; I do not think adding bloodlust is a fantastic idea, but then neither is it an awful one. I think adding it would encourage people to be vampires, and it is simply no fun to RP when almost everyone is a Vampire.
I think that it shouldn't be added, or it should be heavily nerfed if it was added. As I stated above, I think only those who thoroughly understand vampire lore should be RPing as vampires; there are simply too many ways to go wrong.
Well... everyone has their point... I guess, but in the lore vampires are more powerfull then they are right now. I say just add it back, see what happens, things can always be taken off! am I not correct?
They did "add it back", Brando. And then they thought it best to remove it. I, personally, agree with them, for reasons stated previously.
Well... everyone has their point... I guess, but in the lore vampires are more powerfull then they are right now. I say just add it back, see what happens, things can always be taken off! am I not correct?

Things can be taken off, but work is needed for that. The staff shouldn't put their time into a perk that has a very large chance of having to be taken down. I know I wouldn't want to code something in, and then have to take it out shortly after implementing it. Also, even if bloodlust was tested for just 1 week, the amount of vampires would skyrocket. If bloodlust was removed after this skyrocket, many people would stay as vampires just because they got used to the passive perks, or because they want to keep their new vampire character. You may have tested bloodlust out, but now you have an increased population of vampires that, chances are, are not good roleplayers.
I knew the staff were busy, but I didn't know HOW busy! And plus, the chances of a staff actually taking this seriously is like .000001% atm. Once the staff have completed the things they are working on maybe they will look into blood lust.
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