Archived Vampire Balance Issues

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Jul 11, 2016
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Alright it seems that vampires are ok but in pvp what are the real advantages?

The benefits of being a vampire.
Speed 2 Constant-This is ok by me
Jump 1 Constant- This is also fine
Night Vision Toggle-That is fine

Bloodlust Things that I don't think need fixed
The jump 2

The negative effects of being a vampire I feel as if are fine in the day

Things I think should be fixed
The combat advantages of being a vampire right now consist of the speed 2 and the small 15% increase with bloodlust. I think that the regular combat damage should be increased by 10% both for role play and regular playing that way fighting a vampire is as it should be a little harder and it is more "lore compliant".

Also the combat infection rate is set to a default of 0% I think this should be increased to only 1% because a vampire bite should always be a way to infect people any higher than 1% might end up being a bit of an annoyance.

Also vampire regeneration only occurs out of combat (I don't know if this intentional or not but it seems very unfair since they don't even have basic regen from hunger in combat) so I feel as if it should be made to regen in combat or regen with bloodlust.

Vampire bloodlust damage should be 20% in my opinion because it does not last very long and if you add in the regen with basic vampire hunger loss in combat that will be losing .5 a hunger every what seems like second.

Thank you for reading and considering my suggestions!!
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I don't really see why, it just adds more variables to the already nearly impossible-to-balance pvp on massive. We've tried vampire as a viable option in pvp already, it didn't work.
yes but as I saw in the post about vampires they had it at 50% more damage which I can understand being over powered but now it is 0% bonus in general and only 15% with bloodlust.
I don't really see why, it just adds more variables to the already nearly impossible-to-balance pvp on massive. We've tried vampire as a viable option in pvp already, it didn't work.
What if we made it so that we have all the Bloodlines and pvpers could become Ogressors.
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