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Played Character Vaëla Aetris | Lady Of The Deep

This character is actively played.


Morrlond Enjoyer
Oct 31, 2020
Reaction score




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Vaëla Portrait Header.webp
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Full Name | Vaëla Faëssi Ayacihuatl Aetris Bel-Saal Solleria-Regalia
Titles | Sovereign of the Serpent's Hollow, Champion of Morrlond
Nicknames | Vae, Viola, Sunshine​
Heritage | Half-Fin'ullen
Recessive | Maquixtl
Culture | Regalian imitating a Daphalar​
Age | 26
Date of Birth | December 11th, 285 A.C.​
Gender | Female
Pronouns | She/Her​
Religion | Evolism
Patron | Morrlond​
Occult | Vampire Brood, Born Void Mage, Morrlond's Godchosen
Occupation | Criminal Ringleader


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Eye Color
Vaëla's left eye is a deep, oceanic blue while the right is a vampiric scarlet tainted by her heritage.​
Skin Color
Vaëla's skin is pale due to the vampiric heritage in her blood, adorned by scars all over as well as tattoos covering both arms, one in the image of a serpent and another a viperfish, both among flowers.​
Vaëla has wavy, raven black hair so unruly it almost looks like it has a will of its own. Parts of her hair are dyed blue to match her left eye.​
Vaëla stands at 6 '4 or 194 centimeters.​
Body Type
Vaëla's body is curvaceous and toned with muscle definition all over with the build to match due to both her Fin'ullen and Maquixtl heritage.​
Additional Features
Vaëla's head is mutated with dull, blue scales ranging from horns formed in the image of her patron, Morrlond, to her ears that resemble fins more than any traditional Nelfin ears. She is scarcely seen without heavy makeup and her black lipstick.​


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  • Combat Stats
    Attack Stat | Strength (1d17)
    Defense Stat | Magic (1d15)
    Persuasion Stat | 3 + 2 = 5 (1d5)​
    7 Strength
    Melee | Weapon Throw (Free)
    Melee | Technique Parry
    Athletic | Steady Body
    Bruiser | Bruiser Stance (Free)
    Bruiser | Bruiser Slam
    Bruiser | Bruiser Parry
    Bruiser | Bruiser Feint
    Bruiser | Bruiser Agony
    Bruiser | Bruiser Rampage​
    0 Constitution
    Training | Rage Counter (Free, Fin'ullen)​
    7 Magic
    Magic | Magic Snare
    Magic | Magic Resist
    Magic | Magic Cleanse
    Magic | Magic Disengage (Free, Malghoriirn)
    Magic | Magic Lifebind
    Magic | Magic Shove (Free, Malghoriirn)
    Magic | Magic Revive
    Adapt | Magic Shapeshift
    Adapt | Magic Oceanic (Free, Fin'ullen)
    Adapt | Magic Wardrobe
    Invoke | Duelist Invocation (Free, Custom Kit)​

  • Alchemy Hobby
    Vaëla is well-studied when it comes to alchemy and often uses her knowledge to make a profit. What she makes may range from typical Rubyflower extracts to less than legal solutions.​

    Athletic Hobby
    Vaëla is proud of her body and despite having some knowledge with Shapeshifting Magic, her build is a product of both her Fin'ullen heritage and her own, hard work. She trains daily, both to remain in shape and to be her best self in battle.​

    Magic Talent
    Vaëla takes pride in being, at least in her own eyes, one of the best Hydromancers in Regalia if not the best. Her magic is a blend of many schools, including water magic, shadow magic and rune magic among other things, all in order to shape her magic in the image of her Patron god, Morrlond, inspired by the depths of the deepest northern oceans where he rules.​


    Common | Native
    Altalar | Native
    Nātl | Native
    Sign Language | Fluent
    Katharic | Fluent​


    Fin'ullen Mechanics
    Mechanic I | Fin'ullen can Transform into Daphalar, turning part or whole parts of their body into Aquatic humanoids (think Merfolk), this is not a Disguise.
    Mechanic III | Fin'ullen can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.
    Mechanic IV | Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.​

    Maquixtl Mechanics
    Mechanic I | Maquixtl can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read.
    Mechanic V (Ailor III) | Ailor make for excellent negotiators. Ailor gain +2 on top of every Persuasion Dice roll result, and their Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2 for every Dice Roll. These effects only apply to non-Afflicted, non-Mystech individuals, as their speech and habits are entirely fine-tuned to the more mundane aspects of global society, they must venture beyond their comfort zone to be able to reach Magic things.​

    Malghoriirn Mechanics
    Mechanic I | Malghoriirn allows its wielder to be attuned to the space around them. They can declare a Territory theirs so long as it is a Rental Estate/Base/Etc that they own, and can only change its location once a week. While fighting in the Territory, or within Emote Range of it, this grants the wielder +2 Attack Stat (Breaks Cap up to 11).
    Mechanic II | Choose 2 Free Packs from the following Categories: Magic Point Buy, Adapt Point Buy (Magic Variant Only), Theurgy Point Buy.
    Mechanic III (Lanlath III) | Lanlath do not need to sleep, but can do so if they wish, or enter into a trancelike state of meditation that approximates sleep but leaves them watchful.
    Mechanic III (Solvaan III) | Solvaan will not be attacked by wild and non-humanoid creatures, which may prevent them drawing aggression from certain Event Creatures (discuss with Event Dm's).
    Mechanic IV | Malghoriirn feeds off of the life-force of elves. Whenever the wielder contributes to KOing an Elf (including Half-Heritage Elves) in CRP (contributing means dealing at least 4HP of damage), the user immediately uses the Ability Sacred Portent from Sacred Portent Pack, without using an action and ignoring cooldowns, but only on themselves. Additionally, the user heals +2HP.​

  • Prized Combat Mechanic | Omen Summons
    When Vaëla enters a CRP in the Sewers or Crookback, she can call on a gang member, which is either a Heavy or a Cutthroat, a nameless NPC minion that can be played by anyone who isn't in the Scene. Minions do not reserve Kill Perms, cannot share information, and leave if Vaëla is KO'd. If Vaëla & allies are outnumbered by at least 4, summon 2 minions (one of each).
    Prized Roleplay Mechanic | Omen Sovereign
    Vaëla is Regalia's best champion of Morrlond. She gains the Invoke Point Buy Duelist Invocation Pack for free, and can even use the pack without a clear "ring," provided it is Underwater. Whenever Vaëla uses this pack during a Calendar Posted Tournament Event that she is the host of, the winner can receive a unique Boon determined by Lore Staff (inquire in ticket).
    Mechanic I | Omen Extortionist
    Whenever Vaëla generates a Resource (Artifactsparks, Divinium, etc), instead of the amount generated, she gains x2 that. This can even apply to being granted the Resource as a reward for an event, but never applies to other Characters giving it to her, or if there is another Mechanic that would double or increase a resource gained.
    Mechanic II | Omen Champion
    Vaëla, when using the Morrlond Evolism Mechanic, gains +2 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 9) in addition to the Attack Stat increase, and can use the Mechanic on non-Calendar arena-fights and Duels. Additionally, whenever Vaëla fails a Persuasion roll, she gains +2 to the final result of her next Persuasion Roll, repeating until she succeeds, and the bonus resets to 0 again.
    Mechanic III | Omen Turf
    The Regalian Sewers and any body of water larger than a small pond are considered Vaëla's "Turf." When Vaëla is inside her Turf, she gains +1 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 9), and the first Move Action she takes during Combat can be up to 15 blocks, instead of 10. Additionally, her Dexterity Stat is always considered 7 for the purpose of out-of-combat actions.
    Mechanic IV | Omen Kin
    Whenever Vaëla is in the same Scene as Sylas, she can benefit from his Prized Roleplay Mechanic during Spirit Duke Summonings, but only if they are not the only two there. Additionally, when Vaëla is Cursed (even Prized Mechanic Custom Kit curses), she can transfer this curse onto a member of the Serpent's Hollow (even unwillingly), for them to suffer instead.​


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  • Chapter I | Childhood
    Vaëla was born in Regalia, to a half-Maquixtl mother and a Fin'ullen father whose vampirism cursed Vaëla to grow up a brood. Out of her numerous siblings, she stood out with sheer magical talent, a strong connection to the Void she was born with. That said her parents were no scholars, meaning she had to learn elsewhere, which ultimately led to learning exclusively Sinistral spells first, much to others' detriment.​

    Chapter II | Adolescence
    Vaëla would spend her adolescence in Crookback, among vampires and criminals who only led her further down a path of crime and violence. She began with thievery, working her way up with more and more cruelty, now under her uncle's guidance. Each fight only fueled the flame that had been lit. She loved combat, she loved growing stronger, and she loved to show it, always seeking to be atop the hierarchy among her siblings.​

    Chapter III | Adulthood
    Vaëla's violent tendencies and her excitement for crime inevitably led her to seek out infection once she was old enough, which was granted to her by her eldest sister. She wished to use others to grow stronger, which she did until she had claimed the crown of the champion of her sister's coven until it inevitably fell.​

    Chapter IV | Recent Events
    Vaëla lost her way for months after the Vampiric Occupation of Regalia. She ended up cured, directionless, seeking a place to belong, which she had thought she did when she met her wife-to-be. That said, the clutches of a life of crime had yet to let go of the brood. She eventually ended up infected again, building her own guild in the undercity for allies and her own goals. With that she has made countless friends and allies, as well as numerous enemies who would rather see her not ruin the streets of Regalia.​

  • The Serpent's Hollow
    Vaëla is the founder and the Sovereign of the Serpent's Hollow, an Undercity-based Criminal guild fighting for mages' rights and freedom. She can often be found in Crookback or the Sewers, recruiting people for her cause.​

    Morrlond's Chosen
    Vaëla is a devout worshiper of Morrlond, worshiping him over all else in the Evolist Pantheon and drawing power from him. She allies herself with other Evolists and Void Mages, which brings conflict with characters opposing either.​

    Proud Warrior
    Vaëla finds pride in her skill in combat. Her fighting style utilizes both her innate magespark and experience from countless fights she's had to endure to survive where she is now. The scars on her body are something she is proud of while also serving as proof of her fondness for combat.​

    Slumborn Brood
    Vaëla was born in Regalia and spent a majority of her time growing up in the slums of Crookback. Characters with history there may recognise her from just about any point throughout her life.​


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Thanks to @Saaber for doing formatting aesthetics!
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  • Leyci | Mother
    Affection | 10/10​
    Thuril Sylphaalor | Father
    Affection | 2/10​
    Leiara Sylphaalor | Older Sister
    Affection | 9/10​
    Aerillin Sylphaalor | Older Sibling
    Affection | 7/10​
    Eladeth Sylphaalor | Older Brother
    Affection | 2/10​
    Sylas Sylphaalor | Twin Brother
    Affection | 10/10​
    Rydel Sylphaalor | Younger Brother
    Affection | 10/10​
    Briareth Sylphaalor | Uncle
    Affection | 4/10​

    Valenia Aetris | Wife
    Affection | Immeasurable​
    Dracil Aetris | Son
    Affection | Immeasurable​

    Kelemvor | Adopted Father
    Affection | 6/10​
    Neokarr | Sibling
    Affection | 9/10​
    The Orchestrion | Sibling-In-Law? Siblings-In-Law?
    Affection | 8/10​
    Florian Sylphaalor | Sibling
    Affection | 8/10​

  • Rahzarr | Right Hand Man
    Affection | 9/10​
    Rayne | Disciple
    Affection | 9/10​
    Siobhan | Champion
    Affection | 8/10​
    Raevlyss | Morrlond's Muscle
    Affection | 7/10​
    Hekaga | Redemption
    Affection | 7/10​
    Lucille Qinrel | Gilded Locks
    Affection | 6/10​
    Carmelita | Roguish Touch
    Affection | 5/10​

  • Asmita | Secretary
    Affection | 8/10​
    Dante Salvatore | Mafia Boss
    Affection | 5/10​
    Talala Kialoraal | Sweetheart
    Affection | 7/10​
    Ailred | [REDACTED]
    Affection | 0/10​
    Aegipane | Insectoid Nemesis
    Affection | 0/10​
    Sabola | Ashal Nemesis
    Affection | 0/10​
    Heishan | Draconic Nemesis
    Affection | 0/10​


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@WingedJade Vampire update!
  • Swapped Fisticuffs Pack for Warrior Pack.
  • Swapped Tussling Pack for Balance Pack.
  • Updated the vampire specials with the update.
  • Changes in proficiencies marked in bright red!
Could I also have replies cleared to not have several pages of them? Thank you!
@WingedJade nothing really changed, simply needed to update the title with Viola's IC marriage! Also tweaked the wording on religion and character concept. Also took the time to do a little retcon to make the vampiric form more fitting! Thank you!
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@WingedJade changed some packs with the update!
  • Bastion Pack swapped for Block Pack.
  • Mimicry Pack swapped for Illusionism Pack to keep Reflection Strike.
  • Changes marked in red!
Thank you!
Remains approved. For changes in profs, you don't have to tag me for re-reviews unless you're changing more than 5 points.
@WingedJade I felt like the app was due for a title change. Proficiency wise:
  • Swapped Recovery Pack for Ironheart Pack
  • Swapped Betrayer Pack for Puppeteer Pack
Thank you!
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@WingedJade big prof update!
  • Got rid of all melee techniques.
  • Added Defensive and Training packs to go up to 5.
  • Went up to 7 Magic to go full spellsword.
  • Added the Spirit Enfeeblement Pack.
Thank you!
@ChapterDeath smaller update now that I had time to think about my abilities!
  • Spirit Enfeeblement swapped for Spirit Hexlord.
  • Communicator Pack swapped for Spell Control Pack.
  • Predator Pack swapped for Spell Casting Pack.
  • Changes in profs and abilities marked in red.
Thank you!
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@ChapterDeath kit update! Updated proficiencies:
  • Removed Recovery Pack for Resilience Pack.
  • Added 4 new spells with the freed up points, with more specials, too.
Thank you!
Changelog | September 15th 2024
  • I was being a fool and had picked proficiencies I didn't vibe with. Change done to Bruiser.