Archived Updating Massivemobs

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sleeping bees
Jul 25, 2015
Reaction score
Pretty simple:

Current system:

Massivemobs are independent of lore
A few, basic mob types: (undead [career], emerald widow, stormhisser, etc)

Mobs have a small chance to drop lore items that cannot really be used in RP, because they aren't from lore compliant animals.


Have more varieties of massivemobs to PVE with that match up with lore animals on the wiki. There are SO MANY new fauna lore pages to choose from. Why not incorporate them into massivemobs?

Have mobs drop dark blue, lore compliant items instead of green ones. These rare, but cool items give RPers an extra incentive to PVE!

Ye? Ye.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This is an excellent idea. I've been on the server about 3 years and the mobs haven't changed a bit
If these items could be used irp, that'd be sweet. Even without that, though, being able to see lore-relevant mobs would be awesome.
Because I think they're gettint removed soon. They're causing terrible amount of lag
I've always been in favor of this, I think I even suggested something like it ages ago a Factions/RP merge idea thread.

Adding monsters from Lore into MassiveMobs, and mobs from MassiveMobs into Lore, would be a great way to tie things together more. We could have Void Beetles and Void Walkers be creatures from Drowdar or something maybe. Or tie Void Beetles into Ender Mite behavior to explain it away a bit: They are creatures that spontaneously form when chaotic Void Magic is misused, often appearing in cities where more destructive Arken are hiding, etc, or formed from Arcobelum (spelling?) failures etc.

It would be cool to see a "Yanar" mob type added too, that sometimes drops lore items based on Lore Flora like Nightshade and Ruby Flower or whatever.
I agree with @Zacatero, I also have been around for near 3 years and the mobs haven't really changed, they are due a shake up
This would be a great idea, but some people might think the items they have OOC will automatically make them have it IC, which really isn't the worse thing to think about.

Besides that, I think it's a great idea because I hardly see lore items (Mainly blue ones because those are often lore related items) And adding these will maybe even make RP more interesting if you have a description over the weapon you're using (You know how you hover your mouse over the item)
This would be a great idea, but some people might think the items they have OOC will automatically make them have it IC, which really isn't the worse thing to think about.

Besides that, I think it's a great idea because I hardly see lore items (Mainly blue ones because those are often lore related items) And adding these will maybe even make RP more interesting if you have a description over the weapon you're using (You know how you hover your mouse over the item)
I also want to point out that some green/yellow lore items are also allowed to be role played with, not the ones that completely break the massive lore.

there was "talk" maybe summer time 2017 in one of the forum posts that they would be removed, but as all work or potential work on factions and all that comes with it has came to a halt, I doubt they will be touched any time soon
Can confirm, It was said in the Factions Q&A this past Summer that MassiveMobs would probably be removed, since then Witch and Cave Spider spawns have been limited lowering the complaint of being poisoned all the time in PvP.