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Work in Progress Trissena Aduril | An Aria of Storms

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


arf :3
Nov 6, 2020
Reaction score
"And so she roams,
singing melodies of thunder and lightning,
a dancer of tempests and gales,
an aria of storms.



|| playlist ||



Core Information

  • AD_4nXcy6e10rWMqqfYN4OrhFNxcHp3ScCeutjb4vSOOSSLaRiHQB9nbCyWF56bGRNlvPZz8Gds7ga7KmYROD66bMXmpOu9R1jqsM4R73aaHjQlHsL0hqrcGBKo_-Z_OFr1BfGeweUITs7O2ty5_sgj2tPs0TEX7

    Full Name: Tisenya Maryam-Lhaekaa Adhyaarel Bel-Alaväel Lathai
    ☇ Meaning
    - Tisenya (Common: Trissena) - A Latin-derived name meaning a blessed wayfarer, or she who brings happiness
    - Maryam - An Egyptian and Hebrew-derived name, meaning one who is beloved, or rebellious
    - Lhaekaa - A fantasy name, meaning the Moon's crescent
    - Adhyaarel (Common: Aduril) - To kindle, or singe.
    Half-Lanlath, Half-Isldar
    Senleya Knight - Brightmoon Chapter | Trissena found herself drawn to knighthood upon seeing a Senleya knight up close for the first time. With over two decades of service thus far, she has made a name for herself as a stalwart Senleya, willing to brave the frontlines for Lathan's external goals. Her duties have taken her from Daen to Regalia, where she currently serves.
    Ordvaan of Leyon | Born to a Draconic priestess who wished for her daughter to lead a comfortable life within Lathan, Trissena was raised to pursue the path of an Ordvaan. Such was shortly lived as she neared adulthood, finding herself more and more interested in knighthood. She put her religious studies on the backburner for years to come, though did finally commit to completing them in recent years. She advocates for a pensive approach to most topics, always willing to offer deep insights and differing perspectives from the status quo.
    Seer | Trissena practices a form of Tarot, offering readings for those who seek them. This is in part a form of worship in service to both Leyon and Soma, and an act of remembrance for an elder sibling who was lost to the study of Chronomancy.
    Age: 41
    Visual Age: 25
    Birthday: 12/28/271 AC
    Starbirth: Star of Detachment
    Gender: Female (Trans, She/Her)
    Sexuality: Demisexual, Abrosexual

    ☇ Preference: Trissena finds interest in those she can forge deep connections with first and foremost. Find out more IC.
    Occult: Loyalty Arkenborn, Howl Marken
  • AD_4nXcHi3l98nT6AxgCzFZZSZzYoiWBB7LJHhD9AFjqCXU0k1hVZI2R2DmBxRMVUazbgQi090WwM5_vAHC_VtIOSjruNYd1Mrk36ePru44VwzeI9xSez7ROR544O23pvpExvDwhnD1Cba6fS-JrGV2KRbedEQw

    Triss is a half-Isldar, half-Lanlath Altalar. She is Isldar-dominant.

    Triss stands at 5'5" with an athletic build. She keeps her hair in twin braids, draping over each shoulder. She is commonly seen wearing high-top boots, sashes, skirts, and other various draping wraps atop form-fitting clothing. Her eyes are a bright silver with blue sclera. Her cheeks are stained silver from a constant stream of similarly colored tears that constantly flow, but never fall from her face. Canine ears sit atop her head, similar pierced just as her Nelfin ears are. A pair of large, stardust-coated antlers sprout from behind them.

    Trissena prefers to wear simple, tastefully revealing garments secured by a corset typically. She holds a variety of piercings, including a ladder of 3 upon her nose, a septum, and several upon her Nelfin and canine ears. A set of windchimes dangles from her antlers, an ode to Leyon's hallmark. A small Sihai ornament hands from her antler as well, an engagement gift from her late wife.

    When armored, Trissena wears one of two sets. For more ornate or ceremonial needs, she typically wears a deep blue battledress with light blue pauldrons and accents. When expecting extended combat, she dons proper plate armor, crested with moon symbology. Both sets are magically enchanted, ready to be worn at a moment's notice.

    Eye Color: Silver/Blue
    Hair Color: White
    Hair Style: Front-facing twin braids
    Skin Tone: Light, uncannily akin to porcelain
    Height: 5'5"


    Marken Shift - Stardust Marken

    Triss shifts into a midnight-blue Howl Marken, standing staggeringly tall at nearly 9'0" with various patterns of star-sparkling-black patches dotted around. Her eyes retain their distinctive Arkenborn hue as she leaks stardust and silver wisps in her wake
  • Faith | What is the way to the abode of light? And where does darkness reside? Can you take them to their places? Do you know the paths to their dwellings?
    Trissena grew up in the faith of Estelley, at one point being on track to becoming an Ordvaan. She instead devoted herself to fighting her faith's enemies and being an advocate in a different light as a Senleya, preferring to be a protector rather than strictly a teacher. Even still, she offers guidance to those who seek it, a hand to those who are reaching, and a shield to those oppressed. At a point, she served under a Fornoss house that aided her in finding deeper nuances between the two religions, causing her to be more amicable toward the Fornoss faithful.

    She is a stalwart Estellion, taking the title of Ordvaan of Leyon. While she offers due respect to the whole Pantheon, she also specifically deeply worships Ammolua, Soma, and Mana in particular.​

    Identity | Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.
    Trissena is a spirited, if enigmatic, Senleya knight, traveling the world to fulfill her duties. A Marked child of Iltaron, she resides primarily among the Estelley faithful, though gladly offers aid to any found lost. Though a potent spellsword, she tempers her more aggressive tendencies through her faith and preaching, having become a traveling Ordvaan of Leyon.​
  • Alignment | Trissena is an Exist Arkenborn, starbirthed to the Star of Detachment.

    Summary: Trissena balances a delicate act caught between three forms of magic: tempest casting, celestial casting, and chronomancy. One comes crashing down upon enemies while the other provides refuge for allies, leaving the last to choose the time to do either.

    ☇ Tempest Mage | Trissena has long had a storm raging within her, fueling an impulsive nature that she has worked tirelessly to keep in check. This ultimately manifested in her primary means of casting, conjuring storms and wielding lightning to strike down upon her foes. While on the offense, she is often found blitzing across the battlefield at staggeringly quick speeds, looking the part of a lightning bolt zig-zagging about before blasting enemies with hand-casted arcs or conjuring down strikes from the skies above. She weaponizes thunder and violent winds as well, blasting back enemies

    ☇ Celestial Mage | Every storm finds peace following in its wake, and such is the duality of Trissena. Her warmer, kinder side is reflected in the magics she casts to aid allies and provide for those in need. She has mastered the art of utilizing divine light to burn away would-be magical dangers while conjuring hard-light protections for those in harm's way.

    ☇ Chronomancer | Trissena has begun to dabble into the somewhat stigmatized world of chronomancy, wishing to study the topic after the disappearance of her eldest sibling who was deeply engrained in the field. She refuses to attempt actively tampering with casting through chronomancy, instead preferring a more passive approach. Through her Tarot readings, she catches glimpses of various futures, while through deep meditative trances with others, she explores and confronts the past.

Proficiency Information

  • 7 Faith
    ☇ Divine Antimagi
    ☇ Divine Savior
    ☇ Divine Revive
    ☇ Divine Rescue
    ☇ Sacred Healing
    ☇ Sacred Circle
    ☇ Sacred Judgement​
    7 Magic
    ☇ Magic Cleanse
    ☇ Magic Isolate
    ☇ Magic Disengage
    ☇ Magic Barrier
    ☇ Magic Snare
    ☇ Magic Resist
    ☇ Wardrobe Pack​
    ☇ Improvised Attack
    ☇ Magic Reduce​
    ☇ Divine Smite
    ☇ Sealing Pack​
  • Isldar

    ☇ Song of Life | Life Isldar can perform the Life Song on a recently deceased person of any heritage or culture, ensuring they pass into the afterlife (with OOC consent).
    Farsight | Life Isldar can use Farsight to receive vague visions of things happening and existing in faraway lands. (this may require communication with Event DM's or Tickets).
    Soul River Reader | Life Isldar can see the Soul Rivers of Aloria where the dead pass through, and are able to tap into it, to feel random memories, emotions, or feelings from long ago.​


    ☇ Eagle-Eyed| Lanlath can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.
    ☇ Trance | Lanlath do not need to sleep, but can do so if they wish, or enter into a trancelike state of meditation that approximates sleep but leaves them watchful.
    Loyalty Arkenborn

    Loyalty Arkenborn can declare a chosen temple to their Faith as their territory, granting them a +1 to Attack Stat (break cap up to 11) while fighting within and around it.
    Loyalty Arkenborn can grant the Enduring Ally Enchant, binding a soul-contract for a person to remain loyal. If they betray the Arkenborn, they take massive damage (discuss in Dm's what this means).
    Loyalty Arkenborn can grant temporary aesthetics of their choice to any willing allies they fight alongside. For those with the Enduring Ally Enchant, they also gain +1 Defense stat, which does not break cap.
    Marken - General
    • Mechanic 1: Marken have enhanced senses, even when not transformed. They can see better (even in darkness), or hear quieter sounds from further away. (Consult with Event DM if this would reveal any new info).
    • Mechanic 2: Marken have a danger sense that borders on precognition, and are "warned" of their possible impending death during Combat or Events, allowing them to prematurely disengage or avoid fighting something.
    • Mechanic 3: Marken, if at a God Summoning of the God that cursed whatever Marken infected them (however far back), can possibly be given "Redemption Quests" to free them of the curse or help them master it. (Not Guaranteed, at Discretion of Lore Staff).
    • Mechanic 4: Marken fare better in extreme temperatures and climates (cold or hot), and are not hurt or slowed down where other people might be, but this only applies to weather.
    • Mechanic 5: Marken can declare Rental/Estate/Shop/Base Region or a Wilderness Cave as their "Territory" granting them +1 to Attack Stat (break cap up to 11) while fighting within and around it. If another Marken declares the same area their Territory, neither gets the bonus, and they must fight over the area, with the winner getting the bonus.
    Marken - Howl Marken
    • Howl Marken Mechanic 1: While in Quartermarken Form or greater, while out of Combat, can scale walls (using Ender Pearls) and the sides of buildings as long as they are not a perfectly flat surface.
    • Howl Marken Mechanic 2: While in Fullmarken Form, a Howl Marken can stare down another Fullmarken to potentially make them back down. Both players /roll 20, best out of three. The loser is forced to look away, deferring to the winner for that one instance.
    Marken - Fullmarken
    • Fullmarken Mechanic 1: Fullmarken Forms cannot make use of weapons or armor at all, instead their body (fists, claws, teeth) is their weapon, and their thick hide counts as Armor.
    • Fullmarken Mechanic 2: Fullmarken Forms are forced to use Strength for Attack and Constitution for Defense, and gain +2 Strength and +2 Constitution. Additionally, they have any Dexterity Proficiency converted to Strength capped at 7.
    • Fullmarken Mechanic 3: Fullmarken Forms regress into a more instinctive mindset, barring them from abilities. While in Fullmarken Form, they may only use point buy abilities from Melee, Shielding, Tanking, Bruiser, Athletics, Training, Cutthroat, or Roguery.
    • Fullmarken Mechanic 4: Fullmarken Forms are unable to speak (but they can still understand others). They can produce bestial noise Marken Speech, which any other Marken can understand, even while untransformed.
    • Fullmarken Mechanic 5: Fullmarken Forms are not constrained by any environment they have to fight in, whether that be Underwater or in frozen wastelands, they can use Attack Emotes or Abilities like normal always.
    • Fullmarken Mechanic 6: Fullmarken, if they are not in control of themselves, gain +2 Attack +2 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 11/9), but must attack anyone and everyone around them without discretion. This Mechanic does not work if they have no allies present.
  • Vanseya - 280 AC
    Kingsley - 7/30/311 AC
  • Meselya, the Moon-mirror Memory | Of light and dark omens
    Permanent Mechanic
    Meselya is thought to reflect the brightest side of the moon, as a blessing from Leyon. At any time the wearer may find themselves in danger, soft windchimes will begin to play, alerting them and any allies of potential doom (Consult DMs for Event use). Additionally, the user both understands and speaks all Elven language.​

    Artifactspark Mechanics
    ☇ Mechanic 1 | Divine Smite, Sealing Pack
    ☇ Mechanic 2 | Meselya is covered in winged iconography to honor the Senleya of House Val-Ilaï. When an ally fails a Defense Dice Roll within Emote Range, the wielder can grant that ally a Block Token (after the attack completes). This doesn't use an action, but can only be used up to three times in a Combat Scene.
    Mechanic 3 | Meselya grants the wielder access to Val-Ilaï's Gardens, a pocket sanctuary in Lathan (instance Region) that can be access via a magical door created with the Artifact (Contact Staff to move it). The door cannot be opened by any means, only the wielder, anyone they let in, and the Estelley Gods can open the door, no one else can break in without permission. While within the Gardens, they can suspend (not remove, just pause) the effects of any player-applied Curses, including Custom Kit Prized Curses. Curse effects immediately re-activate as soon as the individual exits the Sanctuary.​

Story Information

  • ☇ Purpose | Trissena's early years were spent training to be an Ordvaan when she lived in Lathan, though nearing adulthood, she found herself more and more drawn to the Senleya knighthood. By 18, she enlisted among the Brightmoon ranks. Recent times found her completing her formal Ordvaan studies, though her calling did not keep her off the battlefield for long.
    ☇ A Warrior's Heart | Trissena has spent years fighting wars and supporting efforts for Lathan's cause, finding herself facing off against Dread and Allorn forces in Daen while participating in the Sendressian War and Vampire Crisis under Regalia's banner.
    ☇ To Protect and Suppress | Trissena spent over a year in the Violet Order and the Metropolitan that followed. She soon become a rather brutal, short tempered guard as she climbed the ranks, something that has quietly haunted her.
    ☇ A Debt to Repay | Trissena has devoted herself to being a protector and guide. She is more lenient towards those who find themselves as outcasts, to a certain extent.
    Tempest Mage | Trissena commands lightning and thunder, channeling an inner storm that is constantly whirling. Those who have encountered her in the past, especially on battlefields, are privy to seeing a rage typically kept well hidden.
    ☇ Born to Wander | Trissena has spent much of whatever freetime she has sailing. She loves speaking of the seas and the places she has visited.
  • Content 2


  • AD_4nXcM30MeywgF8Z70ACxvX-iMsFPJjQHdFLWWfcBCTMqiulhD2equOtlN10dkxY8NUxbK6C5TpbSPY_F6PgY638cizUvnR2AzDZfdjHqDdXqREaVA84fxa7DhpmbNr0Sy4ch4GPBESJLhEoSj7Jh9LGOlAGOv

    Fillet - Feläntaal Er-Anavaiiel - Penitent's Filigree

    "Let its pressure bear memory of what is at stake, what may be lost, and what may be gained. This struggle is yours to wrestle, yes. But it does not mean you are alone to face it. Rise, and stand firm."​

    Bracelet - Wishing Beads

    "This is for the fell star, whom I've been graced to know so much in so little-a-time. When there isn't a better voice to listen to, when there is only yours - I wish for your capability to put aside all doubt and meditate on the pure and holy nature of the regarder, of the cries of the world. Because that is our reliance in situations of pain, distress, calamity, death. That is my wish for you in the year following, and the years following after."​

    Warscythe - Er Selenëia I'venaii - In Moonlight's Embrace

    A warscythe long passed down the Lhaekaa line and traced back to the first departing generation from the Allorn Empire that would become the Isldar. The weapon is an oddity, bound to the wielder through magical conjuring rather than a need to physically carry it. When bestowed upon its next wielder, a rite of acceptance is done to engrain the weapon to its new owner's essence. When summoned, it looks to be created of Loon-Solay, though emits a soft glow unlike the actual metal. The polearm culminates in a crescent-shaped end, hollow in the middle save for the intricate key-runed swirls within it. The origins of the weapon have been lost to time, though family legend would speak of a time when the moon itself was shattered, and a lone piece of moonshard fell to Ellador, only to be taken and forged into the weapon seen today.​

    Greatsword - Lenëla En Shaëla - Gain and Loss

    A greatsword carried by Trissena. It's blade is forged in two parts, one edge of Nightsilver and one of Laqoria. The Nightsilver was taken from the blades of a slain Blue Moon agent and an Allorn officer, the Laqoria sourced from the longsword Trissena used to bring them down. Placed together, the Nightsilver is a reminder of all that was and could be lost at the hands of the enemy in the darkest of nights. The Laqoria edge is a reminder of all that there is to gain, its brightness symbolizing the new days ahead. The guard is flanked by antlered wolves, reminiscent of Trissena's Marken shift, a personalized touch to show her harmony with her more primal, wild self. The guard and pommel are etched with ancient Altalar runes, the most prominent of which reads "Woe, for the last sunrise seen."​
  • Family, and Those Akin

    Iltaron, Loyalty Manifest || NPC || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●○○○○○
    Must loyalty verge so narrowly on cruelty, father?

    Vanseya, 'Rabbit' || @Mystiluu || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●●●○○
    Ever a rabbit for a wolf to chase around. Life has felt so off with a half gone.

    Phyrllat || @Beleiver || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●○○○○○○
    Was my fight in vain? Is there peace for you?

    Leiara Sylphaalor || @Gabigailll || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●○○○○○

    You chose the wiser path, Leiara. I can hardly voice how proud I am.

    Vaela || @KitchenRefugee || ●●●●●○○○○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    You need not confine yourself to that life, Violeana. You've taken half the steps. Why not continue?

    Those Held Close, and Those That Were

    Sekhet || @mcmann || ●●●●●●●●●●︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎

    Though you are gone, not a morning passes that you are not my first thought. Rest well, my love. Merjan awaits us.

    Isobel Lykke || @FrostedDewDrop || ●●●●●●●●○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    Life has taken us on such varied paths...

    Marzi || @slurmancer || ●●●●●●●●○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    ... and yet, I am ever grateful to find you both remaining in my life.


    Elamona || @bahmboozled || ●●●●●●●●●●

    What is promised will be kept. Just say when.

    Sverre || @microwavemmm || ●●●●●●●●○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    Honest, blunt, kind and caring... Is this the Temptation I've been warned away from?

    Vanectus || @PresentMediator || ●●●●●●︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    So much of myself have I seen in your vanity, and yet I must wonder... What more of you is there to see?

    Aeda'lyn Kee'lyth || @SneakyLinguine || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●●○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○
    I feel you're the only one who might truly be able to listen anymore.

    Tull'ryn || @ShipIt || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●○○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○
    Your heart is set in the right place. Now, let go of the anger from back then.

    Dathil || @SamThing_ || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●●○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○
    I think I've blinded myself to what you need the most. And that's to face the real world, and grow on your own.

    Vellai|| @GhosTech || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○
    I hope my pleas for you and yours to find more paths for peace linger, regardless of where we find ourselves.

    Narla || @FutureTeller || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●●○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○

    I wish you to know that my words are not out of judgement, but of care.

    Mosheng || @BluKnight10 || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●●○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○
    The years have weathered us, haven't they, old friend?

    Allynna Mecatl || @KitchenRefugee || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●○○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○
    Your heart is true and pure. We are all better for it, even those that would let you slip away.

    Kingsley || @IGutTheMidasTuch || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●●●○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○
    For too long, you've had backs turned to you. You deserve the love that surrounds you now.

    Wisteria || @TeaRoses || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●●○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○
    A silver tongue, a snake in the garden. You've the potential to be the most dangerous person I know. I pray I am wrong.

    Althea || @Ilyrana || ●●●●●○○○○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    Kindred spirits are ones I enjoy most.

    Isa || @eeeller || ●●●●●●●●︎○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    Even in the darkest of nights, know that you can search for my light, always.

    Rhain || @WaterDruppel || ●●●●●●○○○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    I've given your words much thought over the months. And I think you may well be right.

    Bethan || @Sparrower || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●●○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○
    Our dances in the pits I thoroughly enjoy. I find it a shame we never had a chance for one hand in hand, though.

    Vexes || @MantaRey || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●●●○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○

    You gave me a chance I never thought would come. Here's to making it worthwhile.

    Rionna || @SevenBirds || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●●○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○
    We've met in war and peace, and we've walked away from both as friends. That alone speaks what it needs to.

    Neokarr || @Rowet || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●○○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○

    Perhaps there is a way to see you find happiness and rest. Know that I am searching for it.

    Seltyr || @Rowet || ●●●●●○○○○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    Do you feel as lost as I do, brother?

    Ailred || @War_pig || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●●●○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○
    Chiseled cracks have given way to something beautiful, Ailred.

    Rüzgar Sever || @Yigit || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●○○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○
    You've taken from me. You've brought my heart to a stop. You've betrayed my loyalty for the last time. You will get what's deserved.

    Viggo Sorenvik || @SupremeCripple || ●●●●●●○○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    You offered me experiences and teachings I could never forget. But I have come to realize that some of them were better sought elsewhere.

    Sivrid Sorenvik || @MrsCripple || ●●●●●●●●○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    I think back on our moments often. Your wise words are cherished, for all of my days.

    Kaya Sorenvik || @AlphaInsomnia || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●●●○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○
    You've never misused my trust. Thank you, Grafin.

    Taeron Fa'Salor Kassambara || @HeyItzAPotato || ●●●●●●●●●○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    Sometimes I wonder if things really were simpler back then, or if we were just oblivious, maybe too distracted to see the rest of life. Our friendship was forged in blood and irons. How I wish it could have been any other way.

    Sib || @Sujitation || ●●●●●●●○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    Your last hug broke a rib, I think. I just didn't have the heart to tell you.

    Rayne || @nearmyth || ●●●●●●○○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    I feel you understand things about me few others ever could. That's not something I take for granted.

    Erwin Braunschweiger || @BeetrootSalad || ●●●●●●●●○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎

    Sabola || @KrakenLord01 || ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎●●●●●○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○
    I haven't stopped yet, and I will not anytime soon. Yours is a plight I'll flight to the end.

    Eloi Playero || @Wilvahelm || ●●●●●●●●○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎○︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
    Perhaps, had I been back then who I am now, things would have turned out differently. Rest in peace, Eloi Playero.
  • Voice Reference


Art by @Scribbe

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