Archived Trait-races Hyrbid Plugin?

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I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
Roleplay Guilds
Emerald Alliance
I just want some feedback on this thought I had... what would people here think of a Trait-Race hybrid plugin that retains SOME of the flexibility of traits while also making it easier to know what traits an enemy will have and limiting the sheer diversity and OPness of Traits.

It would work as follows: You select the race "Orc" and all traits orcs would have become cheaper while all traits they wouldn't have would become more expensive. There would also be traits that Orcs are unable to use, like Archery (more elfish right?) and traits that orcs have as forced traits (like unarmed I guess?). This would enable players to instantly write off a few traits from knowing the enemy race and instantly confirm a few traits from knowing the enemy race.

Traits that have less effect on PvP could be customizable between players (like Movement & Speed traits) while more PvP based traits would be preset by race or affected by race.

A Few Examples:

Race: Qadir
Mandatory Traits: Starvedarkness, Swordexpert, Heallight
Unusable Traits: Feeddarkness, Healdarkness, Unholy, ArcheryExpert, FlyWater/Lava/Web
Custom Traits: The Rest

Race: Elfish
Mandatory Traits: ArcheryExpert, Healvegitation, Starvedarkness
Unusable Traits: Unholy, FeedDarkness, Healdarkness, AxeExpert, FlyWater/Lava/Web
Custom Traits: The Rest

Race: Dwarf
Mandatory Traits: AxeExpert, HealDarkness, StarveLight
Unusable Traits: Unholy, FeedLight, HealLight, ArcheryExpert, FlyWater/Web/Lava
Custom Traits: The Rest

Race: Vampire/Demonic/Unholy
Mandatory Traits: Unholy, HealDarkness, HarmLight, FeedDarkness
Unusable Traits: Holy, HealLight, FeedLight, HealVegitation
Custom Traits: The Rest

Of course these are just ideas, feedback welcome. Please do not post "remove traits" or "only races please" as neither is liable to happen regardless of popular opinion.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I prefer traits personally. And I hate how people who don't like traits are not trying to fix the problem, but instead are trying to remove something that took a lot of work and effort to create in the first place. What if there was a way to make it so players HAVE to choose 2 of their traits to make visible and known to anybody who does /seen on them. Would that help @Mecharic ?

Oh you're preaching to the choir znake! I liked races but I f*cking love traits.
I just want some feedback on this thought I had... what would people here think of a Trait-Race hybrid plugin that retains SOME of the flexibility of traits while also making it easier to know what traits an enemy will have and limiting the sheer diversity and OPness of Traits.

It would work as follows: You select the race "Orc" and all traits orcs would have become cheaper while all traits they wouldn't have would become more expensive. There would also be traits that Orcs are unable to use, like Archery (more elfish right?) and traits that orcs have as forced traits (like unarmed I guess?). This would enable players to instantly write off a few traits from knowing the enemy race and instantly confirm a few traits from knowing the enemy race.

Traits that have less effect on PvP could be customizable between players (like Movement & Speed traits) while more PvP based traits would be preset by race or affected by race.

A Few Examples:

Race: Qadir
Mandatory Traits: Starvedarkness, Swordexpert, Heallight
Unusable Traits: Feeddarkness, Healdarkness, Unholy, ArcheryExpert, FlyWater/Lava/Web
Custom Traits: The Rest

Race: Elfish
Mandatory Traits: ArcheryExpert, Healvegitation, Starvedarkness
Unusable Traits: Unholy, FeedDarkness, Healdarkness, AxeExpert, FlyWater/Lava/Web
Custom Traits: The Rest

Race: Dwarf
Mandatory Traits: AxeExpert, HealDarkness, StarveLight
Unusable Traits: Unholy, FeedLight, HealLight, ArcheryExpert, FlyWater/Web/Lava
Custom Traits: The Rest

Race: Vampire/Demonic/Unholy
Mandatory Traits: Unholy, HealDarkness, HarmLight, FeedDarkness
Unusable Traits: Holy, HealLight, FeedLight, HealVegitation
Custom Traits: The Rest

Of course these are just ideas, feedback welcome. Please do not post "remove traits" or "only races please" as neither is liable to happen regardless of popular opinion.
This is epic, but the vampire 'race' isn't really good, since your char can get healed.
Its overall pretty awesome, but I have some constructive stuff.

- Flywater is very useful in factions, exploring and overall 'timeskipping,' like you were to go to the outskirts of Regalia to hunt, you wouldn't need to spend 10 minutes swimming when you could spend 30 sec speeding.

-You should be able to choose, since non roleplayers and non pvpers would be crushed by the wiegh, I get the roleplay stuff but factions and nonroleplayers would be affected in a bad way, I get that pvp needs to be more balanced, but honestly removing the op traits like fireball or poisonstrike is easy enough.

- The vampire race thing isn't... Needed. Vampires just aren't a race

Final note. This should be optional. I love traits and how they're custimaizbal, and this should only be a reference for new players or players new to different races.