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Played Character Tina

This character is actively played.


MassiveCraft's token ethnic
Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
Sicilian countryside








Character Information

  • Full Name: Faustina "Tina" "Capuchin" Serkhet Cusettare.
  • Race: Feka Asha (Daendroque Ailor & Hedjet-cultured Remet Asha)
  • Culture: Azzizzari.
  • Age: Twenty-five.
  • Sex: Female.
  • Sexuality: Bisexual.
  • Occult: Nerocanto Vampire.
  • Core Concept: Tina has ended up doing a lot of overlapping jobs throughout her time on Aloria, and as such, is a former acting and acrobatics troupe member turned into a rogue-for-hire who operates for the highest bidder and trained in the Mariposa style of combat, but over time, has preferred to use her claws instead of her rapier.
Appearance Information
  • Tina has no mutations or abnormalities besides her need to wear prescription-tier glasses or otherwise have her vision somewhat impaired.
  • She wears a long, oversized trench coat over a white, long-sleeve button-up, a brown vest, dark brown trousers, and leather boots topped off with her thin glasses and fedora. She is a 6'5" lanky yet athletically built woman with messy dark brown hair, caramel skin, cat ears instead of normal Ailor ones, and deep mocha brown eyes.
  • Tina's Vampiric form is what she dubs "Capuchin". Her attire transforms into that of whatever culture of menswear she desires. However, it always is a specific style, such as the Anglian Akkerman style, but done in bright rosy pinks and satin burgundy reds, accompanied by a black hood and a metallic grinning Etosian tragedy mask.
Proficiency Information
  • Total Spent: 15
    • Strength: 7
      • Melee Point Buy
        • Shrug Off
        • Technique Parry
        • Shattering Strike Pack
        • Reflecting Strike Pack
        • Diving Tackle
        • Weapon Throw (Free)
        • Athletic Point Buy
        • Breakthrough Pack
        • Heavy Throw
    • Constitution: 5
      • Training Point Buy
        • Thick Hide
        • Rage Counter
        • Fortitude
        • Breather
        • Iron Will
    • Intelligence: 0
    • Wisdom: 1
      • Chem Point Buy
        • Chem Berserk
    • Dexterity: 0
    • Faith: 0
    • Magic: 1
      • Adapt Point Buy
        • Shapeshifter Pack
    • Charisma: 0
Heritage Traits
  • Asha can control a special substance called Living Metal, which is a solid Metal that becomes liquid by their thought and imagination, and can be reshaped to whatever they can imagine, and telekinetically moved around.
  • Remet Asha have perfect night vision, capable of seeing in dark and low-light environments without needing external lights. Additionally, their claws when struck together create flint and steel like sparks that light up.
  • Remet Asha have a natural bodily reaction to non-combat Magic in their proximity. This can for example cause the fur in their neck to stand upright. It can also be used to warn of a magical presence before it is spotted.
  • Remet Asha have a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing out of Combat. This is fairly flexible and should be discussed with people in a scene in terms of what advantages this may give an Asha in varying scenarios.
  • Remet Asha either through a combination of excellent acrobatics, or shock-dampening limbs, or using their claws to slide down buildings, never take damage when falling from heights, so long as this fall is below 50 Blocks.
Plot Hooks
  • Sefetjew Corsair Fleet: Anyone around the fleet, when she was born in 286 AC, would know Faustina to be the daughter of Tyliss Kra'zzla. She also comes back occasionally to spend time with family there.
  • Affriccana: Tina was saved by her adoptive mother from slavery and raised like a true daughter by her Azzizzari family there. Anyone from the city might recognize the lanky, slender half-Asha.
  • Arriba Acting Troupe: From 300 to 305 AC, Tina was in a performing troupe that engaged in stage plays to circus-like acrobatics. Anyone in Daenshore or other Daendroque states might recognize Tina from one of her performances.
  • Mariposa Academy: Tina is a graduate of the School of Mariposa. Any fencer trying or who has tried to make their name in Daenshore might recognize Tina from the school.
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@Scafspair Everything seems to be in order, Approved. (But also please put your characters full name on the sheet, not just in the title)
A note that Tina is no longer a vampire after being cured before the Crisis ended, and that with that, I fixed her proficiencies with the Linguistics Update, taking 3 points away from Theatre to preserve having all of her languages by putting the 3 points into Linguistics, and tweaking her speaking Dressalo to Chiari.
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Updated the app to current format, backstory-wise everything is the same except for her early childhood where she is now a long lost child of Tyliss Kra'zzla. Point-wise only four points were moved around, Circus Arts lost one point and Theatre Arts lost two, with the free three points going into Roguery: Guard Forgery pack.
@diCardinale After reviewing your application only one thing requires correction:
  • In order to apply the racial Proficiency Boost to a hobby proficiency, you must invest at least ten points, not five.
Once you have made the appropriate changes, tag me once more.
@Caelamus Hallo, I updated Tina's application to the new system, only new thing I added was that she's adopted by the Cusettare family, and gave her the Thread Craft pack with a little addition to the backstory explaining it.
Updated to the most recent Asha update and also added the four commutable Vampirism packs t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶I̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶I̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶p̶i̶c̶k̶.
I updated the application to be in line with recent changes to Roguery packs, removing Forgery, Stealth, and Burglary and replacing them with Embargo, Cortes, and Longneck. I also changed her free native language from Chiari to Ibeth in line with the Ailor Culture rework. The backstory has minor grammatical changes as well. Finally added new art of Tina under the spoiler.
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I'm so sorry.
@Caelamus Hi again. Updated Tina in accordance with the Make Mages Not Suck Update. I removed Space, Time & Glamor magic packs and their respective specials, replacing them with Materialism, Enchanting, & Breaking, along with these nine specials:
  • Sparkwalking
  • Self Control
  • Prison Break
  • Chain Break
  • Arcane Sight
  • Pocket Scan
  • Smoke Element
  • Heat Immune
  • Cold Immune
This culture no longer exists and you should probably adjust to one of the more modern cultural formats on the Ailor page.
Magic Specials
  • Sparkwalking
  • Self Control
  • Life Wall
  • Prison Break
  • Chain Break
  • Arcane Sight
  • Pocket Scan
  • Heat Immune
  • Cold Immune
Afflictions do not grant specials from commutable packs, you can find the line here; Specials are chosen based on the amount of Point Buy invested (not including free Point Buy investment or Proficiency Points from Racials or Afflictions) from https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Spell_Point_Buy#Specials

Magic: 4 (4 from Vampirism)
  • Afflicted Evasion
  • Materialism
  • Enchanting
  • Breaking
Commutable point buys do not give points.

Also you forgot to change your tag. :knife:
This culture no longer exists and you should probably adjust to one of the more modern cultural formats on the Ailor page.
Switched to Dressolini.
Afflictions do not grant specials from commutable packs, you can find the line here; Specials are chosen based on the amount of Point Buy invested (not including free Point Buy investment or Proficiency Points from Racials or Afflictions) from https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Spell_Point_Buy#Specials
I totally missed that :pepehands:, fixed.
Commutable point buys do not give points.
No yeah, I didn't write that correctly, was trying to show the four packs came from Vampirism. Hopefully now the way I have it should make it clear.
Also you forgot to change your tag. :knife:
shhh don't worry about it.
@Caelamus Greetings gamer. Here to update Tina to the most recent proficiency update. Unarmed, Blades, Thin Blades, and Improvised Weapons have been replaced with Duelist, Hunter, Skirmisher, and Coward. Pistol and Longneck have been replaced with Shelter and Recurve.