Archived Thylans And Yanar - Race Suggestion No. 3

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Jan 23, 2014
Reaction score
I don't know what's planned for the Thylans. I do however, have a few suggestions for them, and for Yanar who currently lack anything super special.
  • Thylans are a member of the Canid family, from what I've deduced (Foxes, Dholes, Wolves and other dogs). Just been informed that Thylans are based off a carnivorous dog-like marsupial that went extinct quite recently, called a Thylacine. Like I just said, I have no idea what race benefits Thylans have. Since in the wild, Thylacine's obviously couldn't cook their freshly-mauled deer or kangaroo, as well as eat pretty nasty, rotted food without getting sick, I think Thylans should be able to eat rotten flesh and other food items that would normally give hunger and stay fully satiated. Also, they should be able to eat raw pork and steak, and still fulfill 8 points of hunger, as if they were cooked. This could actually encourage primitive or tribe like role-play from Thylan-only packs/factions. If you really want to go the extra mile, cookies could give poison I to Thylans (cookies contain chocolate which is poisonous to dogs. I really have no idea if it was poisonous to Thylacines, but we'll never find out because Humans are stupid and like to make beautiful animals extinct).
  • My second suggestion is for the Yanar. If you beat your friend in the face with a red flower, you heal them. That's great, but if you're a solo player or don't get raided often, it's not the best for you, especially if you really want to be a Yanar. I propose this; since Yanar are plants, or at least partially plants, it stands to reason they photosynthesize. It'd be cool if, in either direct sunlight, or light level 8 and above, their hunger bar increases and will not go down. However, in dark places, their hunger would decrease as normal. OR it could decrease twice as fast if you want to balance it, though this may go against lore. It's really up to you guys.
What do you guys think of my suggestions? I've been getting pretty good feedback so far, which is great!
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A while back, a number of players (myself included) made a similar suggestion for Yanar. I hope it gets some more momentum this time around.
How about having the hunger bar being filled slowly when standing still on grass or dirt with high sunlight? Enough to be a perk but slow enough so it's not OP.
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