Archived Thylans And Yanar - Race Suggestion No. 3

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Jan 23, 2014
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I don't know what's planned for the Thylans. I do however, have a few suggestions for them, and for Yanar who currently lack anything super special.
  • Thylans are a member of the Canid family, from what I've deduced (Foxes, Dholes, Wolves and other dogs). Just been informed that Thylans are based off a carnivorous dog-like marsupial that went extinct quite recently, called a Thylacine. Like I just said, I have no idea what race benefits Thylans have. Since in the wild, Thylacine's obviously couldn't cook their freshly-mauled deer or kangaroo, as well as eat pretty nasty, rotted food without getting sick, I think Thylans should be able to eat rotten flesh and other food items that would normally give hunger and stay fully satiated. Also, they should be able to eat raw pork and steak, and still fulfill 8 points of hunger, as if they were cooked. This could actually encourage primitive or tribe like role-play from Thylan-only packs/factions. If you really want to go the extra mile, cookies could give poison I to Thylans (cookies contain chocolate which is poisonous to dogs. I really have no idea if it was poisonous to Thylacines, but we'll never find out because Humans are stupid and like to make beautiful animals extinct).
  • My second suggestion is for the Yanar. If you beat your friend in the face with a red flower, you heal them. That's great, but if you're a solo player or don't get raided often, it's not the best for you, especially if you really want to be a Yanar. I propose this; since Yanar are plants, or at least partially plants, it stands to reason they photosynthesize. It'd be cool if, in either direct sunlight, or light level 8 and above, their hunger bar increases and will not go down. However, in dark places, their hunger would decrease as normal. OR it could decrease twice as fast if you want to balance it, though this may go against lore. It's really up to you guys.
What do you guys think of my suggestions? I've been getting pretty good feedback so far, which is great!
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I thought they looked quite similar but I guess I underestimated people to know what a Thylacine was. Nevertheless, Thylacines were still very, very dog like as a result of convergent evolution, still ate meat or carrion and were extremely good hunters. I don't know if they can eat chocolate though, so I guess you could miss that out. BboyMVB
Plants rely on water as much as animals, and only rot when they're dead, also like animals. Donovan
Some plants can easily thrive in the dark, hell in the original yanar lore there was a subrace that was supposed to live entirely underground and rarely surfaced to sunlight. They are algae based yanar, (if) these yanar still exist and are lore approved, the 2nd suggestion would go against their RP.
thylacines went exstint becouse of pepole huntin them not becouse of food isues and so
While that Thylan idea would be cool, it is also extremely over-powered. Most semi-serious faction have darkrooms. Just set your race to Thylan, and you would have no need for crops or any other food anymore. This could possibly make crops more worthless when selling them than they already are.
For yanars, how about a chance at extra drops when breaking flowers (both one block and two block tall)? Like the human ability to get extra logs and wheat. Because more flowers.
Thylans are great acrobats, or at least are natural ones. By this I deduce they will get a double jump and no fall damage.
Grim. I know.
Kirby12352 Well, you could say that about Maiar being in water, or Dakkar in general. I highly doubt 'everyone' would be a Thylan for this reason. Sure it's cool, but really, most people have a lot of farms and stuff anyway so I think you're over-thinking that one a HELL of a lot.
Sven Tu I'm trying to give Yanar a bit more variation that just 'mush a flower on someone's face and heal them'
Billy Rage I would have thought acrobatics are more a Tigran like thing, since Thylacines were in fact, quite clumsy because of their body plan.
Also Kirby12352, only two food items give a hunger rating (rotten flesh and raw chicken). Rotten flesh would only heal 4 hunger points as it is. The raw meat thing would only reduce the need to cook. It really, really isn't overpowered. Not even slightly. I totally disagree with that.
My entire issue with the flowers is that it's not useful if you're a solo player. Also, that's very similar to humans. Yanar need something that is actually useful, I have never found a time as a Yanar when I've needed to use a flower. I played one for a while and didn't need to use one at all. Sven Tu
Also Kirby12352, only two food items give a hunger rating (rotten flesh and raw chicken). Rotten flesh would only heal 4 hunger points as it is. The raw meat thing would only reduce the need to cook. It really, really isn't overpowered. Not even slightly. I totally disagree with that.

You do realize that the Naga poison unarmed thing made the staff disable that part of the Naga race because it was so OP? And there was only a 5% chance of hitting someone with it? And everyone on the server was a Naga? Do you realize how OP it is to have an infinite source of food that's extremely easy to get? Even easier than setting up a farm, re-planting the crops, harvesting them, ect ect.
While that Thylan idea would be cool, it is also extremely over-powered. Most semi-serious faction have darkrooms. Just set your race to Thylan, and you would have no need for crops or any other food anymore. This could possibly make crops more worthless when selling them than they already are.
psst~ Water + Darkroom + Maiar + Half slabs = *Magic*
Kirby12352 Yes I do actually. One of my characters is a Maiar, where you can jump into the sea and never, ever have to touch food in your life. Also, I tried being a Dakkar. You can never, ever starve to death. Killing zombies to get maybe 2, maybe 0 rotten flesh when you could potentially die unless you have fairly decent armour is MUCH harder than punching a crop and replanting it. I don't think I've ever had food as an issue, and any faction that has a dark room probably already have a half decent supply of food. The reason the Naga thing was so appealing is because it gives an added PVP bonus. I don't see any HUGE, OP bonus with being able to eat rotten flesh to restore 2 chicken legs (4 hunger points). Sure, it's easy and accessable, but so are seeds. As far as the raw meat thing goes, unless you have a good farm going, it's an unsustainable food source, unlike bread or melons or potatoes. All it does is save on coal. I really can't see everyone on the server turning to Thylan simply because you don't have to cook food. If that was the case, they might as well all become Dakkar because you don't have to eat ever.
I like the photosynthesis idea, but in the dark your hunger bar should not be able to replenish by any foods, maybe water, but even if maybe 1/5th the speed that sunlight will heal your hunger, roses are getting rarer as well, but if you add that, keep the rosé thing and maybe make it a small tad more expensive with roses, just my opinion, thanks ( only reason I say by water (with drowning) is because if you were mining it would get annoying)
After doing some research on Thylacine, I've found a few contradictions in your suggestions. Thylacines would not eat dead animals and would prefer to hunt for the living fresh ones. (Although you could trick them into thinking it was alive.) Therefore the idea of having them be able to eat rotten flesh should be scrapped.

2 more facts you can play off of that could give you a better idea for any of the thylan's abilities:
  • Thylacines can open their mouths up to 120 degrees wide.
  • Thylacines of both genders have extra padding on their bellies that prevents their internal organs from getting damaged.
As for the Yanars. I bet something can be done with them relating to seeds, but that would have to be up for discussion. I doubt any changes will happen for them any time soon.
Well, I think them changing during rain should make them have decreased movement speed, and a small regeneration buff (the movement speed goes down so you couldn't chase after people while in pvp tanking) it could give tanking abilities out in the field, and slowness in rp.

I still don't think slowness is too bad of a thing in rp compared that there is no more Ghana and some people still like Dakkar, lol, so at least you not melting in the rain.[/quote]
Kirby12352 Yes I do actually. One of my characters is a Maiar, where you can jump into the sea and never, ever have to touch food in your life. Also, I tried being a Dakkar. You can never, ever starve to death. Killing zombies to get maybe 2, maybe 0 rotten flesh when you could potentially die unless you have fairly decent armour is MUCH harder than punching a crop and replanting it. I don't think I've ever had food as an issue, and any faction that has a dark room probably already have a half decent supply of food. The reason the Naga thing was so appealing is because it gives an added PVP bonus. I don't see any HUGE, OP bonus with being able to eat rotten flesh to restore 2 chicken legs (4 hunger points). Sure, it's easy and accessable, but so are seeds. As far as the raw meat thing goes, unless you have a good farm going, it's an unsustainable food source, unlike bread or melons or potatoes. All it does is save on coal. I really can't see everyone on the server turning to Thylan simply because you don't have to cook food. If that was the case, they might as well all become Dakkar because you don't have to eat ever.

But with Dakkar, there's the disadvantage of not healing unless in lava, which, a lot of the time, is a huge pvp disadvantage. There's also not being able to touch water or rain. And with Maiar, you can be out of water for a few minutes, which is also a disadvantage. These are pretty poor examples. You're also way overestimating how powerful mobs are. Unless you're outnumbered by about 10 zombies, they're no threat unless you're a newb to MC. And obtaining seeds is not all there is to farming, unless you plan on making a noob 3 block farm with no water.
I like your idea, but remember plants in the real world can survive at night just fine, by intaking nutrients from the soil and respirate as oppose to photosynthesise. Also, as has already been mentioned, there are cave Yanar, so of course we have to take them into consideration. 5devildragon
I like your idea, but remember plants in the real world can survive at night just fine, by intaking nutrients from the soil and respirate as oppose to photosynthesise. Also, as has already been mentioned, there are cave Yanar, so of course we have to take them into consideration. 5devildragon
Yes, but these plant people are not rooted, i believe that they could maybe root themselves instead of rain buffs?
Laach I already knew those 8-) I was just trying to expand and make them a tad more creative/useful.

Kirby12352 You're still waaaaaay over as far as estimation goes. I understand what you mean, with it being an easy and common food source, but being able to eat rotten flesh and raw chicken without getting hunger is extremely far from being OP. Expanding on what Laach said, Thylacines did prefer to hunt live prey so if it would make the majority of people more comfortable, not needing to cook food could be the only asset.
5devildragon I do quite like the idea of a rain buff. Rain only comes in minecraft I believe once every 7 minecraft days, so Regen II may not be THAT OP. However, there are always people who complain the simplest thing is OP so Regen I would be ample, I think.
Laach I already knew those 8-) I was just trying to expand and make them a tad more creative/useful.

Kirby12352 You're still waaaaaay over as far as estimation goes. I understand what you mean, with it being an easy and common food source, but being able to eat rotten flesh and raw chicken without getting hunger is extremely far from being OP. Expanding on what Laach said, Thylacines did prefer to hunt live prey so if it would make the majority of people more comfortable, not needing to cook food could be the only asset.

Okay I'm confused. Do you mean food poisoning by "hunger"? Or do you mean they eat it and gain no hunger points?
Well, you know when you eat rotten flesh and occasionally raw chicken, your food bar increases, then gradually decreases, and you have a dark green particle effect and you have an effect called "Hunger" on you? That. Not poisoning, like if are bitten by a cave spider where your health goes down. Kirby12352
Remeber, massivecraftis foreplay oriented,most of these traces are just supposed to add to the element of foreplay.Adding all these other advantages are just going into PvP with all the disadvantages and advantages of each race.
This is incredibly clever, I really enjoy reading suggestions like this, well thought out and planned.

Is that new Thylans race actually going to be a /r race?
If so, I want to know, please tell me if so!
Thylans are great acrobats, or at least are natural ones. By this I deduce they will get a double jump and no fall damage.
Just like the maiar thing, that would go to similar to Vampirism, and as much as a lot of people would love vampires to disappear, Then it would probably be overpowered. I mean imagine vampires having no weakness to sun or wood? That's what it would be like. The only difference is they would need food, which in reality isn't that different from Vampirism, at least when it comes down to surviving/pvp.
I really like the yanar suggestion, I thought they needed some new perks, and like how this works out.
We were told Thylans were good at acrobatics, the Urs would be more of a clumsy race.
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