Preserved Sheet Therris

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@BiBiBirdie Removed brood. I don't vibe with Cahal aesthetic anymore. Returned old Cahal form as just a nod to past werebeast rp. Added Soulrend and changed around niche.
@BiBiBirdie Needs re-review. Pureblood werewolf archetype was too integral to the character and with cahal no longer being the ideal affliction for the character, I decided to actually just.. give them Markenism instead as it's basically what I want to do with them.
@BiBiBirdie Tagging mostly to just let you know that I made edits but didn't make super substantial edits. I just refined the character's concept and aesthetic and added in some spoilers to some places. He is now more of a Druid Shifter/Bear Shaman archetype who is harmonious, even symbiotic with his Markenism.

I did change like one ability to be more tank focused though and I totally redid the specials to fit with the new theme. I think I'm also going to iron out the aesthetics and concept of the character even more.
@BiBiBirdie Class overhaul, with recent magic changes and me taking a closer look at his theme. Went with bruiser. Werebear who now just jumps into the fray to inflict as much carnage as he can.