Preserved Sheet Theodore Wolfgang Vandervelde

This sheet was missing a prefix or has not been edited for a long period of time. Please create a ticket including a linkif your sheet was moved in error.
no longer applicable as it's no longer part of the template, remove blease.

also don't put the skill information under a spoiler, it is not optional.

for ease of reading please list the sources such as Heavy Bow Combat Skill (+10 Cultural Bonus), also please add up the math with the bodyshape for ease of reading.

overall pretty good man, tag when done.
Will do! Might take me q few days due to exams but should be fixed up by Thursday latest.
Hey there, I've recently been on hiatus and was trying to go through my apps points and noticed an inconsistency with it. Could you possibly help me out here in understanding what I did wrong? I believe the Skill points are correct but the corralation with it to the Body Shape and overall Physical Stat is not adding up for me.

Skill Information

  • Blades Combat Skill (+25 Combat Proficiency)
  • Athletic Training (+10 Body Proficiency)
  • Heavy Bow Combat Skill (+10 Cultural Bonus)
  • Front-Line Combat Skill (+10 Ailor Race Bonus)
Total: 55 points

Body Shape

  • Muscular Body Shape
  • Extremely Low Body Fat
Total Combat Points (+20) + Total Athletic Points (+8 x 2) = Physical Stat (36)
25 Blades
10 Athletic
35/35 age wise used.
+10 heavy bow, anglian culture
+10 frontline ailor bonus, you have 5 more points you could spend

athletic +10 x2 = 20, 25 blades= 45

@HydraLana Just got around to this, but I completed the updates to Linage and proficencies as well as physcial stats as listed below.

Total Points: 40 Proficiency / 10 Talent / 10 Hobby
  • 40 Core Points
    • +20 Sword Combat
    • +20 Shield Combat
  • 10 Talent Points
    • +10 Strength Training
  • 10 Hobby Points
    • +10 Pathfinding Art

Body Shape

  • Muscular Body Shape
    • Stats Total: 45 (But 30 due to Ailor Max Stats)
      • (0.5 x 10 Pathfinder Art= 5 Points) + (1 x 40 (20 Sword Combat & 20 Shield Combat)= 40 Points)
  • Average Body Fat
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • First Paragraph: Theodore tends to give off a rather intimidating or confident, 'business meaning' demeanor. Those that hear of him would imagine a hardy yet commanding type of man. Yet, one who, though noble, prefers to do things himself, making him stand out. Theo is notable for being unconventional when the situation demands in order to get something done. Never afraid to get his hands dirty.
  • Second Paragraph: Theodore feels conflicted inside. His greatest adversary is within. He feels the burden of all the lives he's taken or those in his command or at his side he has lost over the years, and living with such is the one fight he can't win. On the other hand, he always feels the need to aspiring to try and persist in any endeavors, displaying leadership and confidence as well as a persistence of will.
  • Third Paragraph: He acts protective yet supportive of friends and family, by extent, his own troops. Showing that he'd lay his life on the line for his men in combat, rather leading them into battle as apposed to ordering them to move in . This heavily ties into the indoctrinated Artiemus Moral code he was raised on, "Zu folgen, nicht gesendet werden." To follow, not be sent. With family, he shows a more supportive, almost nurturing side, and many feel that this is even a potentially fatherly side.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Theodore is a conflicted, tragic character morality wise. Though many would see him as good, and heroic to his men, and his family, as well as kind-hearted, he does feel a sense of bad for the many lives he has taken, as well as mistakes he's made. For every one who feels he is good, there are enemies that feel ill of him, and many that simply see him as neutral, a solider they know.
  • Fifth Paragraph (OPTIONAL): Theodore is Unionist on paper though nobody knows this as he's well educated on the religion, raised around it. However, the family holds it's morals and ethics above all, and so he lives by this code and life style.
  • This is out of date, and does not follow the recent format from the updates to the Character Application. Please go and read the format and convert this content from the Paragraph system into one of the two acceptable options.
With the outbreak of the most recent war against the Neflin, Theodore stayed abroad fighting from Autumn of 305 A.C. till February 306, returning to train and recruit more men from Altenburg, as it became clear that this war was different. The Neflin had formed an empire to revival that of Regalia, with no end to the war in sight. To this day, Theodore follows through with his duties as a Viridian Paladin, serving the Empire where he can as an elite knight.
  • It's been two years, and the character themselves has been absent from the City of Regalia for a number of months. Please provide more information to inform readers of where he's been or what he's been doing in that time which resulted in him fading from sight.
Tag me once this is done in blue @Zombiel3ait
@Zombiel3ait Hello, I've claimed this app for review and will get back to you within 48 hours.
@Zombiel3ait After reviewing your application, only two things needs to be corrected:
  • Talent Points are no longer part of the Proficiency point system, everyone gets a pool of 50 points, regardless of age, as well as 10 free hobby points. While your points do still lie within acceptable limits, please just correct the naming of such.
  • In order to be in a Viridian Knight Order, your character must join at age 7, not 10. Please correct this in your backstory.
Once you have done this, tag me and I will review it once more.