Preserved Sheet Theodore Wolfgang Vandervelde

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Minor Addition

Added that Theo likes to play an acoustic guitar from time to time. Figured it adds a bit more personality. Whatever the case, I wanted to add it for some time, so I did.​
I honestly don't remember how I got into this chat. Whoopsiedoodles...
  • Added Theodore's newborn twins to the Relationships section. That is all. Here's what was added, below.

Thomas Artiemus - Son

Thomas was born to Theodore and Ayrissa Artiemus on April 4th, 304 AC. He is the twin to Asteria Artiemus. Thomas is about a minute older then his sister, having prominent Alt-Regalian blue eyes and small amounts of jet black hair.

Asteria Artiemus - Daughter

Asteria was born to Theodore and Ayrissa Artiemus on April 4th, 304 AC. She is the twin to Thomas Artiemus. Asteria is about a minute younger then her brother, having prominent Alt-Regalian blue eyes and a small amounts of jet black hair.

@Jared4242 (Cause I'm suppose to tag you for edits I believe, if not, apologies for the distraction.)

Stephan Valor - Friend

Stephan Valor, of the lower nobility family, House Valor, was actually one of Theodore's first real friends in the lower nobility crowd. Rather new to it, Theo found it hard to easily talk with others but Stephan was rather accepting and open, hence, the two got along. After some time and working to establish a trade deal between House Artiemus and House Valor, the two became decent friends and to this day, the relations between the two families could be brought back to the two of them.
Theo feels that thanks to Stephan, he was not only able to establish himself and House Artiemus once more like in the old days of the family, but that he gained a true friend, and a respectable one.

Miriam Valor - Close Friend

Theodore never though he's see something almost as short as Darcy until the day he saw Miriam... damn. Besides the point, moving on, Miriam confronted Theodore when one day, he was at Darcy's house and Darcy was "mad-drunk", chucking bottles into the street cause "she could." This caught Miriam's attention and hence, conversation ensued, and once Theo found out Miriam was a Valor, upon which he previously established good relations with the family, this only made it easier for the two to get along. There was also the fact that Miriam liked booze as well. After sometime, Theo felt they we're good friends but keeping his friend out of trouble was easier said then done. With her recent change in attitude towards him, Theo feels almost abandoned, painfully reminding him of other situations similar to which, but more so involving the loss of someone close to him.

Jaether Cauthin - Conflicted

Theodore's relations to Jaether are quite diverse. Almost as diverse as the terrains in New Ceardia, diverse. Jaether, being his friend Markem's twin, easily became friends with Theodore. The two had a few well placed conversation and talks. Jaether even offered Theo advice at once point, though, since it was on women, and Theo had no desire to deal with that sensitive topic, Orfeo's death still fresh on his mind, he ignored the advice. Soon, this grew into a bit of an issue when Jaether started spending more time with Miriam, and one day, he had to drag both their drunk bums home. He asked Jaether to learn form his mistake, which failed at first, and angered Theo. Though Jaether did learn, Theo still didn't like his influence over Miriam. After the current Anahera incident, and the tensions of the time, Theodore has a disliking towards Jaether, yet, at the same time, misses the Jaether that was once his friend, feeling that this other side of Jaether is not only dragging his friends away from him, but the old Jaether as well.

Lyliana Crawley - Respected Friend

Through Rosathine, Theodore met Lyliana, and the two got along rather well. Theodore respects Lyliana's thinking as a person and he kindness overall, as well as her ambitions though wonder's why she's so withheld at times, perhaps similar reasons to that of Darcy. Nonetheless, Theo enjoys her company and conversation, especially in recent times of conflict and tension. She was more of a positive person to have around, which helped Theodore in his mentally damaged state. Lyliana is also the fiance of a comrade of Theodore's in the violet order, Maxime Ardor.

Hyun Forst - Good Friend/ Assistant

Hyun Forst is a 19 year old Cheji-Ceardian Ailor mix, and former assistant to Theodore's uncle, Hugo Artiemus. Hyun now acts as Theo's personal Assistant, though Theo prefers to see and treat Hyun better then such, more so as an equal an friend. Hyun is also a healer and scribe which comes in handy when Theo "eventually" hurts himself, and or needs to fix up a trade manifest or two. Unknown to anyone by Theodore and Hyun themselves, the two are also skilled fighters in stealth and hunting.

Standing at 6 foot 4 and weighing roughly 183 lbs.
Been awhile since I made an edit but hears a simple one.

  • Theodore's height went from 6"4' to 6"5' as he is still young and growing. This, however is his maximum height, planned out nearly 6 months ago irl and waited till now to have him officially grow to it
  • Theodore's Weight is going to change from 183lbs to 187lbs, mostly due to muscle mass from military and vigilant shield training, as well as growth since he is still young.
These two edits will in no way edit rp besides when someone ask him how tall he is, but I wanted to make the edit.

Theodore Artiemus is a 20 year old male Ailor.
  • The second major thing is that I have Theodore listed as Half Alt-Regalian and half Ceardian. Never went back to fix this, but he is FULL Alt-Regalian.

Ayrissa Marie (Caentaris) Artiemus - Love Interest/Wife
  • Player has left the server. As it is seen in character, they are no longer together.

Thomas Artiemus - Son / Asteria Artiemus - Daughter
  • Have been mutually Voided to avoid complication ooc.
  • Your first paragraph in the personality and abilities section could use an additional sentence
  • I want to see some degree of specificity on your first talent. What education and what language? This is to ensure the character doesn't step out of the boundaries of being balanced.
  • The life story is rather short, just buff it up a tad. The character has quite a history, use some of that as reference when expanding. The Viridian career and such are all excellent places for expansion options.
Make the above changes and tag myself once completed @Zombiel3ait
For the first talent again. I want you to take a look at the School of Viridian page on the wiki and look at what their curriculum follows. It would be what Theodore would have exposure to, since most of his advanced education years would come from the school. Additionally Imperial Elven would require at least 20 years, maybe more, for Theodore to learn, just because of how complicated it is. I would say change it to Modern Elven and that would work for a language. Follow the Viridian curriculum and you should be set for approval.

For the first talent again. I want you to take a look at the School of Viridian page on the wiki and look at what their curriculum follows. It would be what Theodore would have exposure to, since most of his advanced education years would come from the school. Additionally Imperial Elven would require at least 20 years, maybe more, for Theodore to learn, just because of how complicated it is. I would say change it to Modern Elven and that would work for a language. Follow the Viridian curriculum and you should be set for approval.

Ah, yeah, I meant Modern, I just got them confused in my head. Let me fix that, I'll tag you when done. Do you have a link to the current Viridian page by chance? I'e had trouble with the wiki lately.
@Wumpatron Hello. I was looking to make some quick changes/additions to the application, and I just wanted to run them by you.
  • Addition of 5 years to Theo's age, to 34 years old.
  • Addition of Marine Command Education
  • Addition of Visual Appearance, tattoos across his arms of an Anglian Design.
I haven't added these yet, but wanted to make you aware of such, before I did. Then I shall add them.
@Wumpatron Hello. I was looking to make some quick changes/additions to the application, and I just wanted to run them by you.
  • Addition of 5 years to Theo's age, to 34 years old.
  • Addition of Marine Command Education
  • Addition of Visual Appearance, tattoos across his arms of an Anglian Design.
I haven't added these yet, but wanted to make you aware of such, before I did. Then I shall add them.
@Wumpatron Encase you missed it, also, dear god, your profile pic.
Viridian Knights cannot hold educations like that without resigning from the Order. The only field which can allow leadership experience is the School of Bannership which Theodore is too young for. Make the appropriate changes for what you want to do @Zombiel3ait
Requesting Re-review for Application edits of Proficiency and cultural points.

Skill Information (Optional)

    • 30 Points
      • +40 Longsword (+10 from Viridian School, +20 from Points, +10 from Code bound Viridian)
      • +10 Horse Riding (+10 from Viridian School)
      • +10 Large Shield (+10 from Viridian School)

    • 30 Cultural Points
      • +15 Horticultrue (+15 from points)
      • +15 Cuisine Cooking (+15 from points)
    • Languages
      • Common (Native Tongue)
      • Alt-Anglian (Native Tongue)
      • Alt-Regalian (Fluent)
      • Elven (Fluent)
      • D'Ithanian (Intermediate)

Sorry to bug you again, but did I not spend +10 of my Proficiency points here? I just need confirmation if I forgot or not.

30 Points
  • +40 Longsword (+10 from Viridian School, +20 from Points, +10 from Code bound Viridian)
  • +10 Horse Riding (+10 from Viridian School)
  • +10 Large Shield (+10 from Viridian School)
If I forgot, may I make the change of the following.
  • +50 Longsword (+10 from Viridian School, +30 from Points, +10 from Code bound Viridian)
Special Permission: School of Viridian - Expert Level - Paladin
no longer applicable as it's no longer part of the template, remove blease.

also don't put the skill information under a spoiler, it is not optional.

Skill Information

    • Blades Combat Skill (+20)
    • Athletic Training (+6)
    • Heavy Bow Combat Skill (+10)
Body Shape
  • Muscular Body Shape
  • Extremely Low Body Fat
  • Anglian
  • Common
for ease of reading please list the sources such as Heavy Bow Combat Skill (+10 Cultural Bonus), also please add up the math with the bodyshape for ease of reading.

overall pretty good man, tag when done.